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In the Chaos of War - Part Four

Posted on Fri Jan 1st, 2021 @ 1:53pm by Captain Kayden Nell & Captain Sarah Horner & Captain April Yamaguchi & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Commander Alyssa Temetti & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Jackson Antilles & Commander Shaalari Zh'Terran & Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant Sapata M'Herris & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Smithson & Colonel James "Gryphon" McTaggert

Mission: Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Location: Various Locations - USS Infinity / Starbase 62
Timeline: 0935Hrs - October 2nd, 2393

"The Starbase is in chaos, we have our ride and we're waiting for you," McTaggert reported.

"Nice. beam, us and one prisoner over." Enyo answered, within moments she and all of her marines were beamed away, the timing was rather good as a moment later, the door simply blew in and the local imperial forces stormed the science lab, all to liberate several guards and scientists who had been imprisoned, they found an older man, stunned on the floor and several security guards who had been stripped of all of their gear and the like.

"Find them, they cannot have gone far..." the leader growled to his troops.

Meanwhile, aboard the large marine dropship that the marine strike force had managed to liberate, almost without a shot being fired, the Starbase had simply granted them clearance for departure as they were part of the marine force that had been ordered to abandon the station in the opening minutes of the arrival of the ion storm. The marine commanding officer smiled as he beamed over the marine force, they began moving off of the transporter pad in fours. Enyo smiled. "Nice work, how much did you pay for this?" she asked of McTaggert.

"Nothing, no blood was shed and no weapons fire was traded." Colonel McTaggert answered her with a nod. "It was a little surreal, walking around as if we belonged here," he added. "I can see why you hate this place..."

"That's why I asked you and the Infinity's crew to wear the native Imperial uniform, it would let you blend in a little easier. If you were captured and it would give us time to recover you." Enyo smiled before she moved over to the co-pilots chair. "Do we still have clearance to evacuate?"

"Yessir. We do." the pilot answered.

"Alright, then let's get the heck out of here before they change their minds," Enyo commented evenly as she began assisting with piloting duties, while the large runabout slowly began moving into the throng of shuttles and runabouts that were still fleeing the Starbase as if the Ion storm was succeeding at actually demolishing the station and not just keeping its shielding down.

The pilot drove the large runabout into the large inner docking bay area of the Starbase. "One minute to space doors," he commented.

The marine who was sitting at Operations turned, worry on his face. "Skipper, the starbase abandonment order has been rescinded, we're to report back to the dock at once," he commented. "We will need to run for it. We won't make it through the doors in time."

"Shit," Enyo answered lightly. "Alright. Maintain your course..." the personel gathered watched as the various shuttles and transports all began to turn around but Enyo knew they were close enough to the exit to try to make a run for it. "Go, for the exit, try not to look suspicious."

"The doors are still open... with shuttles now coming in... Oh shit... " the pilot swore as a small starship appeared just outside the entrance to the spacedocks. "That's a New Orleans class starship, we're no match for them..." the pilot indicated the small starship that had just appeared before them at the entrance to the spacedocks. Enyo tapped her combadge. "Enyo to Juno.?"

"Go ahead Mistress?" came the vice of Ouros. "What's the situation?" she pressed further, this was not a courtesy call and she wasn't treating it as such either.

"We need an extraction on the double or we're not coming home," Enyo answered in a flat tone of voice.

"The ion storm is fading, it will have completely dissipated in less than two minutes... We now have transporter capability restored." came the answer from Juno.

Enyo slowly smiled, her plan was going better than expected, all of which meant that this was going to be way too easy then. "Beam us all out and then replace us with a quantum missile, set for a ten-second delay..." Enyo ordered this explosion would completely demolish the large runabout and cause chaos inside the spacedocks, it would also buy time for the marine strike team and the USS Infinity to escape.

"Stand by... and beaming out all occupants now." as the marines around her all began to shimmer with the transporter effect, beaming everyone aboard away, the trouble was that the bases internal sensors noticed something was amiss and that people were being beamed out of the large runabout onto another ship nearby. What they missed was the warhead which suddenly exploded, shattering the runabout and producing a kilometre wide fireball that rivalled the power of a small star for a fraction of a second, it was as if a brown dwarf star had appeared inside the Spacedock for a fraction of a second but the sheer concussive force that this did to the inside of the dockyards was crippling as several near ships were affected, several shuttles were destroyed as were two freighters which were ripped from their moorings and thrown against the inside of the spacedocks, all of which added to the damage being inflicted on the Starbase.

Captain Tony Raynor turned to his officers. "Get those fires out!" he screamed. "Asess damage and report to Operations, we need to find out who these people are and what we can do to deal with them..." he added loudly. "Contact the ISS Drake, tell them to find that other ship..."

"Aye Captain." came the response.

Meanwhile, the runabout in question was beating a hasty retreat at low warp for about six seconds, before she emerged from warp near the USS Infinity while the marines were emerging, four at a time from the transporter. All forty-eight of the marines were in the pattern buffers but there were forty-nine people in the system. Ouros pondered that mystery as Enyo appeared, her hands firmly around the arms of April Yamaguchi. "Oh My..." Yamaguchi regarded her cousin as they hauled April Yamaguchi over to a chair before she was pushed into it.

"Lookie what I found in the science wing... I think someone in this reality actually likes me." Enyo commented with a rather sinister smile. "I think I will handle this one's interrogation personally." as she regarded the other woman before her with a rather evil grin.

April sat in silence, she had nothing to say and the look on her face said as much.

"Not alone, you're not," Ouros answered with a nod. "Regs Enyo... Recall those?" as she smiled at her cousin.

"Oh... Oh yes." Enyo answered lightly as the Runabout was piloted into the interior of the Infinity's hanger deck. "and... runabout is secure."

Ouros tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to bridge, mission complete, we are heavy one prisoner and all troops are accounted for, the mission was a clean sweep."

The answer was prompt. "Excellent work down there you guys. I look forward to reading the reports on this drama when we get back." T'Shaamet answered. "Now we're heading for the next phase of this operation."


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