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The War Prayer - The Battle of Gorash

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 2:30am by Colonel James "Gryphon" McTaggert & Commander Ken Noros & Captain Sarah Horner & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Captain Kayden Nell & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Shaalari Zh'Terran & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant Sapata M'Herris & Commander Zheng Jet & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles & Captain Tirothyn R’Shav & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Smithson & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Commander Alyssa Temetti

Mission: Mission 79: Sound Trumpets! Let Our bloody Colors Wave
Location: Gorash System - Outer Regions
Timeline: 1110Hrs - April 12th, 2392

The various personnel around the bridge all shared looks. Yamaguchi spotted this. "Guys.. focus on the battle at hand." she paused. "Hail all the present Federation ships within range, I'm assuming command of the fleet here.." Yamaguchi paused. "Don't let the Klingons get close, keep them at range. Our large ships, concentrate your fire on their large ships, destroyers, provide fire support for our big guns... Carrier groups, advance on the enemy and clear the way... medium class ships, provide escort for our big guns... Everyone else.." Marie paused. "Break and attack."

Yamaguchi's statement as flashes of weapons fire began appearing on the various displays before everyone as the leading elements of both fleets began to close into weapons range.

When suddenly the Klingons opened up with a massive barrage from long range, well beyond the range of the Federation forces. Marie Yamaguchi paused. "Well that's new.." she sighed. "Idiots should have waited.."

The weapons fire began to streak in and impact on Federation ships shields, causing them to flash into life with incandescence and the like, the reports more or less all said the same thing, that the Klingon fleet had a hideous range advantage over the Federation forces present.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Return fire. All batteries." she paused. "All ships continue closing on the enemy... otherwise they'll keep us at range where we can't do anything."

Zheng Jet smiled. "Code Scorpion answered. Code Fox is the response.."

Yamaguchi slowly smiled as she watched another hundred or so Federation ships of all classes and types appear from warp speed just behind the enemy force before the reserves began opening fire, adding their weapons fire to the weapons fire from the first group.

Yamaguchi smiled as she watched the Klingon formation begin to crumble under the weight of all of the fire from the now over three hundred Federation ships assembled both in front and behind.

The USS Infinity was leading the charge, her frontal batteries spitting out warheads in all directions, phaser blasts lashing out like a Kraken attacking a massive seagoing whale with the end result being when Klingons ships were impacted or exploded under the weapons fire.

The Klingon commander quickly reorganized his ships into two defensive forces, designed to hold the Federation forces back.

Marie Yamaguchi saw it as the larger Klingon ships moved into position. "Aww... You remind me of my youngest child when she wants to be subtle." Marie's cheer evaporated like a snowball on Vulcan. "Nice try though.."

Noros regarded his skipper. "Sir?"

"The Klingon commander does not think highly of me on any level whatsoever... He thinks I'll go for the bait in taking on his battleships." the older woman smiled. "However he knows I can't ignore them either... So.. Tell fighter command to engage those battleships... Keep them at arm's length while we finish off their escorts." she smiled. "Jet, contact groups two and three, inform them to go for the Klingons escorts. Same with groups six and seven, everyone else, screen them from enemy fire..." Marie's grin only widened. "Oh and have groups one and five engage those battleships but make it look like they don't want to do it... try to draw those battleships out of formation... so our fighters can swarm them..."

Jarris M'kresst shared a look with Tom Carter. "Sir... not to belittle your tactics.. but that leaves half our fleet exposed and vulnerable."

"Yes... it does.." Marie answered. "That will be the bait.." she shrugged. "These guys think I'm a stupid airheaded soccer mom who hasn't got a clue what she's doing."

Noros chuckled softly. "Not very subtle ... are we?"

"Subtle?." Yamaguchi inquired. "Not being subtle netted me a Cardassian for a husband and six children with said husband." she paused. "Besides. I am a soccer mom who commands a battleship."
Marie smiled. "What?" she inquired. "He enjoyed it and so did I." she added with a grin. "You should try it sometime Ken... It'll expand your mind in ways you never imagined before."

Noros sighed. "I umm guess I'll just... have to take your word for it is all."

"Indeed... Trust me. Some mindless sex. preferably with Katrina will help you both."

Noros blinked as he thought he had kept his relationship with Katrina Sisko a quiet one, clearly that was not going to happen. "How... do you... know about that?"

Marie gave her exec an impish smile. "Oh you'd be shocked at what I know happens aboard my seventh child." she smiled. "But first things first.." Marie turned her head. "Target the flanks... Make them cluster together.." she paused a moment before adding. "Open fire... All weapons. Order all ships to do the same.."

The display showed the Federation ships opening fire on the Klingon force that was still trapped between the two Federation fleets that had closed to engage them. The Klingon commander opted to concede the battle but he realized far too late that he was trapped so he countered his original orders and ordered all ships to hold their ground and die fighting as Klingons. He was rewarded when a Quantum missile off of the Infinity granted him his wish, to die like a Klingon.

Meanwhile, on Infinity, the small Vulcan female seated ion the center seat almost smiled as she watched the battle turn into a rout as individual Klingon ships began to break formation only to fall to Federation ordinance or collisions with other Klingon ships.

"Aww... almost makes me feel sorry for them," Horner commented in a soft tone.

"Hmmph." the tall female seated at Conn responded. Heather Walking Bear simply shrugged her shoulders. The forward viewscreen shows the weapons fire, flashes as ships on both sides exploded, however, the Klingons were doing the vast majority of the dying and within minutes it was all over, before the last dozen or so Klingon ships escaped into warp in various random headings.

Commander Alyssa Temetti, who was the USS Infinity's Chief Science Officer, sighed as she sat back in her chair. "So.. that's what victory looks like.." she let out a sigh.

Commander Kolar, the USS infinity's Chief Intelligence Officer, and her husband nodded his head. "Yes... This fight, however, is not over... but the battle is.. and we won."

T'Shaamet turned to her Exec. "Get a full damage report and casualty report for the command ship as soon as possible... First I need to see to our own wounded..."

Lt Commander Meslina Amakawa, who was the Chief Operations Officer for the USS Infinity turned. "Sir.. signal from the command ship... reads as follows. 'To all Federation ships, fine work and well done'."

Commander Sarah Horner nodded. "Answer with. 'Thanks'." the tall female responded with a sigh.


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