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The War Prayer - Fire Crosses the Skies

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 2:16am by Colonel James "Gryphon" McTaggert & Commander Ken Noros & Captain Sarah Horner & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Commander Sohnaxx Dvald & Captain Kayden Nell & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Shaalari Zh'Terran & Lieutenant Commander Hesutu M'kresst & Major Harry Stamper & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Lieutenant Commander Jerzy Wojcik & Lieutenant Commander Katrina Sisko & Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant Sapata M'Herris & Commander Zheng Jet & Master Chief Petty Officer Horus Yamaguchi & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles & Captain Tirothyn R’Shav & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Smithson & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Tom "Guardian" Carter & Commander Alyssa Temetti

Mission: Mission 79: Sound Trumpets! Let Our bloody Colors Wave
Location: Gorash System - Outer Regions
Timeline: 1030Hrs - April 12th, 2392

Captain Marie Yamaguchi gritted her teeth as she felt the sounds of battle ring and bounce off of the ships hull. "Status?"

"They caught us with their very first shot with our shields down... Minor damage however except for a hull breach on deck sixteen." came the response from Lieutenant Zheng Jet, seated at Operations. "I've sealed off the hull breach... It was in a section that was only lightly armored."

Noros sighed softly. "Casualties?"

"Two wounded... one dead." Zheng Jet sighed. "Doctor Dvald is dead," he added a moment later. "A piece of debris went through her."

"Crap." Yamaguchi mentally shoved her emotions aside as a white hot fire suddenly ignited within her. "Kill those bastards," she growled softly. "No mercy... no quarter.!"

Lt Commander Jarris M'kresst simply nodded his head as the ships Chief Conn Officer slowly brought the Stalingrad around slowly, making it look like the battleship had taken a lot more damage then she actually had, several Birds of Prey began to close as M'kresst slowly grinned. "You are about to die." and with that, he tapped the displays before him as a dozen or so Birds of prey began to explode under fire.

Meanwhile the two dozen other Federation ships were also being harried with more birds of prey as the ships on both sides began shooting at each other, within seconds the space around the ships exploded in weapons fire as ships on both sides began taking damage but the Federation ships were generally better armed and armored and so the Klingons began to die quickly.

One single Bird of Prey turned and made a ramming course for the Infinity before suddenly exploding thanks to weapons fire off of the Stalingrad as she turned about to assist her weaker comrade as another two Birds of prey exploded because of the missile fire from both warships, a third was demolished by the USS John Paul Jones, a Century class starship which passed between Infinity and Stalingrad before she opened fire at two new Klingon ships that had just decloaked, before the smaller ship passed between the two larger Klingon cruisers, one of them suddenly exploded thanks to the Stalingrad.

Captain Marie Yamaguchi watched the chaos unfold before her, she narrowed her eyes as the Klingon force died before her eyes except she recognized what this tactic was designed to do and why things were going the way it did. "Klag, I had no idea you were such an asshole."

Ken Noros turned to regard his skipper with a look of concern. "Marie?"
Calling the skipper by name was technically insubordination.

"I'm okay.." Yamaguchi responded softly. "Right." the older woman added a moment later. "Where are we?" she added as Noros rattled off the statistics, the losses of both sides. "What about our casualties?"

"Just Doctor Dvald as K.I.A," Noros responded quietly. "You thought about Horus?"

Marie nodded her head, being unable to speak. "I'm sorry..." she said a moment later. "I..I thought.."

"It's understandable," Noros responded quietly as Yamaguchi pulled herself back together. "Okay.. thanks."

Noros nodded. "No worries Marie..."

Yamaguchi still looked like crap, she knew it and she didn't care either, she turned her head as she regarded the male Caitian officer. "Kill them."

"Already working on that skipper." as Zheng Jet turned. "Skipper. Infinity is requesting aid."

Marie turned her attention back to the main viewscreen which had the tactical display on it as she noticed the Klingon symbols which began to grow in numbers.

Meanwhile over on the Infinity. Captain T'Shaamet regarded the large bridge viewscreen with a measure of concern in her dark eyes. "Helm, come around to heading two two one, mark six," she commented.

The conn officer nodded. "Coming around.. Aye sir," she responded quietly, meanwhile over at Tactical. Commander Kayden Nell smiled as he finished a Klingon battleship with a full salvo of several dozen large missiles.

Sarah Horner watched the battle play out before her. "Divert aux-power to shields.." she commented.

Meslina Amakawa noded. "Aye sir, diverting power now." the middle-aged Trill female responded before she proceeded to carry out

The view on the viewscreen began to change as the view was still fixed to the bow of the Infinity. "Give me a tactical display... I want to see everything." T'Shaamet requested.

Lieutenant Commander Heather Walking Bear's fingers flew over her display as if she was flying the fly by feel rather then what her displays were saying. "Two Klingon Battleships are bracketing us." came the voice of Alyssa Temetti, concern written plain in her tone.

"I have them." Lt Commander Kayden Nell responded in a confident tone of voice as he simply targeted the closer of the two warships, he then launched over two hundred missiles at the one ship while the Stalingrad handled the second warship.

The return fire was rather scathing to both Federation capital ships as both had their shields battered down and depleted due to Klingon weapons fire. "Shields weakening.." Lieutenant Zheng Jet commented as if reciting an order for a simple dinner from the nearest food slot. "More power please?"

Carter turned. "Yeah yeah... I'm working on it... "

"No offense Chief but ... Work faster please!?" Zheng Jet responded in a rather dry tone of voice. "Shields will be fully collapsed in twelve seconds."

Marie Yamaguchi opened her mouth to say something when a brilliant flash of energy being released caught her attention. "What was that!?"

Just then the comm system beeped. "Bridge, we're taking heavy damage down here..." the voice of Commander Katrina Sisko boomed from the com.

"We're working on it... I think... " Marie Yamaguchi answered softly. "Jarris?"

"I have them." the large male Caitian officer responded with a smile. "Launching ordinance at Battleship number two since number one is now a nice, expanding gas cloud," he commented. this produced a few chuckles around the bridge.

Moments later the second battleship finally shattered in a truly massive explosion. "Sir the Klingon ships are starting to scatter and retreat." came the voice of the Caitian male officer at Tactical.

Marie Yamaguchi sighed softly. "Crap..." she muttered softly, more to herself then anyone else. "Damage report?"

"We have two small hull breaches, Captain. One of them is on deck six, section sixteen and the second is on deck eleven, section eighty-two." the Asian man responded.

"Alright.." Marie groaned softly. "Casualties?" she asked in a halting tone, she didn't want to know but she had no choice on the matter,s he needed to know who she had lost this day.

"One dead, sixteen wounded. Two critical." came the response from Tom Carter, a soft sigh in his tone. "Sohnaxx Dvald is K.I.A." he added in a gentle tone of voice. "Medical says the got the rest in hand."

"Yeah.." Yamaguchi responded in a quiet tone. "Without Sohnaxx... She'll be missed down there...and up here.."

"And everywhere else too." Commander Ken Noros sighed before he growled softly. "The Klingons will pay for this.."

"In the context of our overall strategy and the campaign, yes... No missions of vengeance or revenge.." Yamaguchi said softly. "But I don't know if I could sit here and say that if it was Horus who had been killed... I don't know how I could break the news to my children.." Marie said softly.

"Just be grateful for it then... That today at least... You won't need to tell your children the bad news.." Noros said quietly.

Meanwhile over on the USS Infinity. Captain T'Shaamet regarded the tactical display with an oddly curious look for a Vulcan woman. "Interesting.. the Klingons are breaking off their attack..." she stated without emotion. "However. I am not done with you yet." she turned to Horner who nodded.

"Kill them!" T'Shaamet said softly. "No quarter."

Infinity's main battery opened up with several dozen warheads, some of which went wild but others impacted into already damaged Klingon ships that were retreating, some of those exploded before a second salvo of warheads found their targets, creating more molten fireballs, that for a microsecond only, rivaled the firepower of a sun on a ship's hull before either penetrating the armor plating and going inside the ship or it created the hole in the armor plating in the first place. More warheads found more targets before the small Vulcan captain finally called off her explosive rampage which left close to thirty Klingon ships of various classes dead and several more damaged, two that got away exploded a short time later from various causes.

Meanwhile back on the bridge of the USS Infinity. Horner regarded her Captain in silence. "Report on damage and casualties..?" the small female Vulcan inquired.

"Six dead, four wounded... One of those killed was ..." Horner paused. "Shaalari Zh'Terran when a piece of debris got her, she was near the outer hull at the time."

T'Shaamet sighed softly. "Very well. Have Engineering expedite repairs... I want to get into the fight;.. and make those bastards pay."

Horner nodded. "Aye Captain." the larger woman answered quietly before turning to carry out her orders.


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