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The Black Numenorean - Part Two

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 1:28am by Captain Kayden Nell & Captain Sarah Horner & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Commander Alyssa Temetti & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Jackson Antilles & Commander Shaalari Zh'Terran & Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant Sapata M'Herris & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Smithson & Colonel James "Gryphon" McTaggert

Mission: Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Location: Various Locations - USS Infinity
Timeline: 0810Hrs - October 8th, 2393

Commander Kayden Nell knew exactly what he was being asked to do here, at this moment, at this time and he was ready, as hatches on the outer hull opened and dozens of missiles sped towards their targets downrange, as space itself seemed to turn into a storm of explosions, debris being riven and riped from enemy ships and as enemy ships were shattered and demolished with the number of high explosives that had been launched off of the Infinity.

"Effect?" Horner inquired from her position.

"Eleven Cardassian ships destroyed, another eighteen damaged to some degree or another," Amakawa answered in a flat tone of voice.

Temetti turned. "I'm tracking com chatter on the Cardassian's comlines, they are sending a message back to their home government."

Master Chief Smithson, turned her head. "What does it say?"

Temetti turned back to her panel as she quickly decoded and then translated the message. She narrowed her eyes as she read the message aloud for the benefit of the bridge crew. "The Empire has some new kind of super-warship, out victory will be impossible to earn, we are beaten in this fight..."

"Are they backing down?" T'Shaamet inquired, from her command chair, while she regarded the tactical display.

"Alright then, hit them again, but focus on their damaged ships." The Vulcan's orders were simple yet explicit in her demands.

"Aye, sir... and firing." Kayden Nell answered as the same missile hatches opened and spat forth another several dozen more missile swarms. At the same time, the ship's phasers blasted a Cardassian Galor, demolishing it in one blast, the missile swarm arrived a moment later and reduced another twenty-four Cardassian ships into more or less protons, neutrons, and high energy photons, also another ten Cardassian ships were also reduced to slag metal.

"Status.?" Horner inquired of Kayden Nell. "Are we down to phasers now?" she pressed.

"All launch tubes expended, I'll need another couple of minutes to reload." the Bajoran answered in a flat tone which belied the situation the Infinity and her crew were stuck in.

"Captain, I am receiving com chatter on Cardassian frequencies," he reported as he nodded to his wife, who was seated nearby.

T'Shaamet nodded her head. "Hold fire Kayden... Maybe they will tell us something interesting..." the small Vulcan female commented with a weary nod of her head.

Kolar tapped his display. "The Cardassian fleet is being ordered to withdraw," he explained, a measure of surprise coloring his voice. "Legate Veraq is ordering his fleet to abandon its present mission and return to the Union," he explained. "The Cardassian government is being apprised of this encounter."

"Very well. We'll stay and watch their withdrawal but we'll make no more hostile moves unless they do." T'Shaamet answered as Horner turned to Kayden Nell. "What's your ordinance stockpile look like?"

"We're down to forty-eight missiles, enough for one salvo. After that, we will need to replenish from scratch and that's going to take hours."

Amakawa watched her panel. "The Cardassian fleet is going to warp..." she reported as there was a bright flash on the screen, followed by a stretching effect which was the Cardassian fleet entering warp before departing beyond visual range.

T'Shaamet let out the sigh that she didn't realize she was holding, this had been one of the most stupid mismatches in Federation history and it was only because of their superior weapons and shielding that Infinity had even a chance of winning this fight. She lightly tapped the combadge that had been affixed to her uniform above her left breast. "Antilles to Antilles... Report?" she asked of her husband in a soft tone of voice, this was always the question she hated to ask, the one that elicited the most fear and sadness in her, emotions she hated to experience and feel as they made her vulnerable to her emotional control breaking down completely.

"Eighteen wounded. One critical... but no fatalities." Antilles answered. "Mostly blunt force trauma's, lacerations and bruising, mostly... Because of people impacting stationary objects as a result of the battle."

T'Shaamet knew she hated saying this next part but she had no choice whatsoever. "Doctor, I need everyone at their posts."

The Doctor's answer was simple and blunt. "I won't keep anyone here a second longer then I have to sir. Antilles out."

Horner tapped the com system toggle on her pannel, situated on her right side. 'Horner to Engineering, Report?"

"Minor damage only, which is surprising considering what we were up against. You guys really like challenges... Don't you?" the Andorian Zhen commented in a light tone of voice. "Also, we are fully flight capable so we can get underway at any time you desire it." the Andorian added, getting to the meat and potatoes of why she was being contacted.

"Thank you Shaalari..." Horner turned to Walking Bear. "Heather, get us outta here, set a course for the rendezvous point... Maximum warp. Engage when ready."

Walking Bear nodded. "Aye Commander." and with that, she went to work, second later the Infinity shot forward into warp and was gone.


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