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Black Cloaks and Sharp Daggers - Part Five

Posted on Fri Jan 1st, 2021 @ 2:20pm by Captain Kayden Nell & Captain Sarah Horner & Commander Tressa Brislan-Antilles & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear & Commander Alyssa Temetti & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Commander Morae Stormstout & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Jackson Antilles & Commander Shaalari Zh'Terran & Lieutenant Commander Meslina Amakawa & Lieutenant Sapata M'Herris & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Commodore T'Shaamet 'Runt' Antilles & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Elizabeth Smithson & Colonel James "Gryphon" McTaggert
Edited on on Sun Jan 3rd, 2021 @ 3:02pm

Mission: Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Location: Various Locations - USS Infinity / Retep Three
Timeline: 0945Hrs - October 7th, 2393

The transporter released Enyo and her marines appeared near the second camp as the camp defenders were having a gunnery duel with the marines presently attacking the base when one of the watchtowers exploded. It collapsed and smashed into the large camp administration building. One of the marines opened fire with an isomagnetic disintegrator, against the second watchtower, he simply spammed the trigger as four rounds emerged and smashed into the watchtower whereas the last one went wild and smashed into the ground near the power station, the effect of this produced a small Earthquake and caused the power station to shut down.

Enyo directed the marines with her to batter down the power plant, which they did, after a few minutes of weapons fire, several fires were set and eventually, the plant exploded in a truly impressive fireball which sent debris hurtling everywhere. The shockpulse demolished the last tower and crippled the garage area.

Enyo moved down towards the main gate when two guards appeared, she drew her rifle and gunned them down without calling for surrender. Just like that, they had breached the perimeter of the second camp and the marines stormed the base, quickly moving into two of the four buildings, while Enyo moved towards the jail, she kept her rifle at the ready before blasting the entrance with a high energy burst from her weapon.

The six guards within all tried to put up a fight as Enyo and two marines moved into the jail, she turned to the two marines. "We need to secure this building before-" when one of the guards simply dropped on her from the ceiling. He drew a knife and went to stab Enyo as she kicked him off of her, she snapped up the first weapon to her and proceeded to erase his head with a phaser blast as she had picked up his weapon rather than her own. Enyo regretted killing him but he had left her no choice. She then sighed as she regarded the marines. "There are two more, let's go deal with them."

The effort to track down the guardsmen was short, simple and direct. One of them made a stand in the admin offices and as subdued quickly while the second had taken a hostage and he had tried to kill the child, Enyo had lowered her rifle and stepped to one side as the marksman she had with her gunned him down, saving the child's life.

"Nice shooting private." Enyo had said once the private moved up to stand beside her. "Thanks for stepping aside ma'am."

Enyo tapped her combadge. "Enyo to Gryphon. The Jail is secure, the camp is still besieged," she commented.

"Do you need additional troops.?"

"Yes, that would be helpful. Enemy resistance is ferocious." Enyo reported in simple terms.

"Copy that. I'll send Wyvern and her guys, I apologize but that's all the aid I can send." Gryphon's voice came back over the com system

"That's fine sir. Wyverns team will be all I require." Enyo slowly smiled. "Out." and with that, she tapped her combadge again. "Enyo to squad one. Status?"

"One wounded, the garage is secure." came the answer from the marines. "Stay put, help is coming," Enyo answered. "Tag and bag your prisoners, let none slip past you."

"Confirmed, out." came the response, Enyo smiled. "Enyo to Squad two. Status?" she repeated herself.

"All in good shape, the barracks is a harder nut to crack, if you can muster any assistance, that would be great." came the half-expected response.

"Stand by squad two." Enyo tapped her combadge. "Enyo to Wyvern?." Enyo asked in a soft tone of voice. "Squad two needs help with the barracks, could you go in and clean the building out?" she inquired of the other native to this reality.

"Copy that, helping squad two with a pest infestation. We're on it. Out." came Yamaguchi's voice.

"Nice. Squad two, you still there?" Enyo inquired after a moment.

"Standing by Ma'am." came the answer from the four marines, who were busy trading shots with the defenders in the barracks.

"Help is on its way to you now," Enyo answered evenly. "It should be there shortly."

Meanwhile, Ouros and her marines moved in silence towards their objective. She took note of the three defenders who were situated in cover, trading shots with the four marines. Both sides were spread thin, as she lifted her rifle. "Cover me," she said quietly. Ouros took aim and downed the three defending marines with shooting at the tree that was next to them, after flushing the defenders out, she gunned them down quickly. "Wyvern to Infinity, can ou scan anyone in the barracks?"

"We see two life signs in the barracks, both are human..." came the answer from the Operations chief whos name Ouros had forgotten. "Copy that, my guys, with me. Let's go flush em out." as she moved down towards the barracks before she snapped off a shot and downed another guardsman. The last tried to resist as Ouros shot him too. "Let's go secure that building."

The sweep was quick and simple, it took about ten minutes to perform and at the end of it, Ouros tapped her combadge. "Wyvern to Enyo?" she began as she leaned up against an exterior wall to the barracks, taking a moment for rest.

"Enyo. Go.?" came the answer.

"The barracks are secure. We can liberate the remaining prisoners from here and the re-education camp now." Wyvern reported, keeping her emotions out of her voice.

"Copy that, head down to the Camp and break it open... I'll do the same here. Fine work Wyvern. Enyo out." and with that, the comline was severed, Enyo turned to her attendant marines. "Alright, my guys, with me." and with that, she went into the jail, and within seconds she began breaking open cells. While having her marines triage the prisoners, many were malnourished and in generally poor shape but none were dying or sick. Enyo moved through the cells, half expecting to find her missing children and all she was finding were political prisoners. Enyo tapped her combadge. "Enyo to Infinity.?"

"Infinity, go ahead Enyo.?" came the answer from the Vulcan female in command.

"If we have any prisoners, could you kindly ask them about the children of the prisoners, or where the Medcenter is," she explained.

"Confirmed, we'll get back to you. Infinity out." and with that Enyo went back to work as she cracked open more cells, eventually getting to the last cell. She opened it only to find herself seeing stars as a blow landed on her face. "Uhh..." she moaned softly as she felt herself landing on her back. She looked up straight into the eyes of her son, Benjamin who looked down at her. A prison chair over his head. "Lower your weapon!" one of the marines screamed as Enyo shook off the cobwebs. "Put it down, son... We're here to rescue you," she said quietly to her twenty-two-year-old child.

"Mom..." Benjamin addressed her as he dropped the chair, it landed on the ground with a loud clatter. From around the corner came a female face. Ethelyn regarded the commotion as she blinked sleep from her tired eyes. ""

Enyo regarded her two lost children as she climbed back to her feet. She then engulfed her son in a hug. "Did you think they could keep you from me?" she asked. "I'm sorry I took so long..." she added softly. "Come on... Ethelyn. We have a ship waiting." she said to her daughter who came over to her mother, the clothing they both were wearing was little more than rags and it was clear that Benjamin was in very poor shape, while Ethelyn was in better shape.

Enyo suspected that she knew of why this was the case, he had been protecting her from people wanting to rape her. "Let's get out of here..."


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