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Echos of Sparta

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:55am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Vice Admiral Paul Emerson & Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Division Admiral April Dragon & Commander Marissa Cartwright & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Vasily Borodin & Lieutenant Commander Daniel MacRae & Rear Admiral Shaiamoon 'Shai' Emerson & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval & Grand General Paul "Caveman" Antilles

Mission: Mission 64: Mortal's Chiefest Enemy
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 7th, 2391

Division Admiral April Dragon regarded everyone around the table. "Alright... I called you all here for one specific reason... Our little black project was discovered by a group of Klingons and several of the Spartan's were abducted in the middle of the night... or so John tells me, they were split up and he and Susan McKnight were kept together. There were nine of them in all."

Antilles nodded. "John told me about that... So.. what do we do?"

"We need to send one ship to ensure the status of the rest of them, to make sure the Spartans are alright and ensure that no more of them can be kidnapped and used elsewhere." Jake Yamaguchi said evenly.

April Dragon nodded her head. "Yes... Trouble is... We have none to spare... The Akurians might in a week or so... but we have none."

"Actually.. We do.. The Dreamcrusher herself is between assignments.." McKnight responded. "I could go and get the lay of the land... See whats going on and then report back."

Talon Yamaguchi listened in silence but then she spoke up. "I'd like to send a delegation of us that the Spartans would listen to... They've been forgotten about and neglected for close to fifteen years now." she then shrugged. "Why would they want to come with us again...?"

Jake found he had no good answer for her. It was Stephen McKnight who answered. "It doesn't matter.. They are our kin... We trained them and we donated genetic material for them... they will listen to us."

"Agreed." Commander Vasily Borodin responded as he sat back at the table. "Still.. We were all told that these guys were dead... All of them."

"Yes." responded Davijaan Yeager. "We were lied to then and we're being lied to again and again about the Spartans..." unlike many on this position, he was cool and collected about it.

Shai Emerson looked displeased. "I've never appreciated being lied to... So we send a ship... or a couple of they can be spared and find out about these guys... if only to ensure their safety." she explained.

Paul Emerson tossed in his two cents. "If it wants for the military reorganization act of last year, we'd all be taking our flagships and going in person..." he sighed. "However.. Will Dreamcrusher be enough for this?"

"For now.. She'll have to be... We can go in, lift what we can and if all else fails. We can ensure that nobody else has access to this." McKnight responded.

"Alright then." Jeff Duval commented, he had held his silence until now. "We trained these guys, we also raised them and all of us donated genetic material for them. We are responsible for them."
Duval's rumbling voice washed over everyone else gathered in the room. "I will go as part of the delegation.." he paused. "Talon. I'll take you and April Dragon with me."

Talon nodded her head. "It'll be different to be sure."

Paul Antilles nodded. "Daniel... As soon as your ship is ready... Go retrieve our brethren. Don't let anyone or anything stop you okay?"

"Consider it done Admiral."

"Alright." April Dragon responded. "Anyone else?"

The assembled crowd all shook their heads as the meeting came to and end, everyone began filling out of the room in silence.


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