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Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:54am by Commander Vilotanzia "Violet" Bounlutay-Antilles & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Jeffery Daniels

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1100Hrs - February 6th, 2392

Jeffery Daniels sat back in his chair as he regarded the PADD in his left hand. "Well now.." he narrowed his eyes as he began transcribing the details together from the half dozen interviews he had obtained. Mostly from Medical personnel like Commander Celeste Yamaguchi and pilots like Lieutenant Kameron Solusar.

Daniels tapped the display once.

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi's voice issued forth from the PADD. "Can you tell me Commander, What exactly is going on here?"

"Well, we're so overwhelmed with the millions of refugees, we still don't have exact figures but I have spoken with several Akurian medics who say it's more of the same for them, just ensuring people have meals to eat and places to rest." Yamaguchi explained. "I've assigned various people to various shifts and while I do have it on good authority that more help is coming, for now we're it."

"How many Federation personnel.. I mean medical personnel do you have under your command?"

"Well.. I have most of Roanoke's Squadron at my fingertips and I share responsibility with both Commander Rachael Haig and Commander Vilotanzia Bounlutay." she explained. "We've been coordinating events between us." Yamaguchi explained.

"How bad is it planetside?"

"We have millions showing up litteraly by the hour, It's been a lot of work but.. Things are coming along however... We are trained for events such as this but we've not seen anything on this scale however.." Yamaguchi responded evenly. "Now we have help coming.. We just have to hang on until they get here."

"How soon will that be?"

"I honestly have no idea.. Now that doesn't mean my people are overwhelmed, rather we're managing as best as we can in a bad situation."

"Thanks Doctor. I won't keep you further from your work. Thanks for your time."

Daniels didn't like the interview with Doctor Yamaguchi, she was just too abrasive on the subject and she was rushed and harried. He frowned as he saved the work he had. He wouldn't probbaly not use this interview in his work as it didn't really shine any lights on what he wanted and it was also unflatteringly blunt and unvarnished, she had no time to prepare or anything like that.

He decided not to bother so he tapped the 'delete' key, thus consigning that interview into the dustbin where it would be tossed out at the end of the day along with the rest of his electronic trash.

Daniels then proceeded to pull up another interview, one he had done with Doctor Vilotanzia 'Violet' Bounlutay, this one was much smoother and generally was a much better feeling interview as he had brought her into his studio for a chat rather then meet with her in the field.

The mistake Daniels had made was his own and nobody elses. It wasn't Celeste Yamaguchi's fault that the interview was a bust as she had come across like she was being interrogated. "The error.. was mine..."


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