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String Theory

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 4:31am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Captain Javier Morales & Commander Rachel Haig. The Eighteenth Lady of Haig & Commander Saia Azuresteel & Commander Nathan Duhamel & Lieutenant Colonel John "Hammer" Burgoyne & Commander Pava Sh'Andoo & Commander Rachael Falanner & Lieutenant Commander Serrax T'soon'ah & Commander Jiao Anderson-Smithson & Lieutenant Toris Jaest & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Ensign Paul Harrison & Lieutenant Commander Daniel MacRae & Jeffery Daniels & Crumm Widdy & Colonel Naota "Anakin" Unal & Colonel Thel "Arbiter" Vadam'ee & Colonel Nicole "Kraken" Vollen

Mission: Mission 50: This Grey Spirit
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 0900Hrs November 26th, 2391

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi was grateful that her husband was aboard ship with their youngest children, she regarded the cadet before her as he handed her a PADD. "The report you asked for sir."

Torilla peered at Paul Harrison as her thoughts went to her granddaughter but she kept that one to herself. "Thank you Mister Harrison. On Your way."

"Sir." the cadet turned and marched away.

Yamaguchi turned her attention over to Daniel McKnight. "So... Daniel, where were we?" she inquired.

"Well... I have good news and bad news... the good news is that I know where we are... the bad news is you're not going to like it."

Torilla sat back in her chair as she gently stretched her right arm, before her. "I guarantee I'll learn to love it... if we're not dead or stuck near a black hole... If so then you're outta luck...."

"We're about three thousand light years away from where we were... Thanks to Engineering getting the sensors back up..."

"Nice." Yamaguchi responded. "Where are we with repairs..?"

Morales regarded Torilla. "We're in rough shape... we have plasma conduits blown out all over the ship." he explained briefly, mostly it was structural damage all over the ship, small scale breaches and more micro-fractures then one should count.

"Lovely... What does Engineering have to say?"

"Entire sections of the ship have been damaged, we have crew repairing them even now." Morales explained. "Most of the our hull repairs have already been repaired but we still need another few days to finish their repairs.."

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Alright. Tell Engineering to try and shave some time off that if they can.." she paused. "Where are we with everything else?"

"The good news is that we're underway, heading towards the Vela Pulsar which is over two hundred light years away, we needed a decent target to shoot for... Even at Impulse... at present, we have no ships in the area."

Yamaguchi knew exactly why they were heading towards Vela from the far side away from the Federation, at this speed it would take about many millions of years to return home. "Daniel." Yamaguchi addressed her Chief of Science. "Hows the view?"

"Impressive Captain. I could spend weeks scanning and learning about what going on here." he reported.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Then.. We will do exactly that, charting space as we head back to the Federation. I for one am not in a rush to power up the slipstream drive and simply zip back to the Federation in a matter of hours." she paused. "I joined Starfleet... to see what's out here... Not to police the galaxy, but to explore.... So... unless anyone wishes to object... We will explore space as we head back."

There were a few glances around the bridge as silence reigned.

Yamaguchi paused as she shifted her position in the Captain's chair. "Nobody?" she inquired softly. "Alright then... Lets proceed."


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