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The Devil's in the Details - Part Two

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 3:50am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Morg "Morgan" Wolfsong & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Atin Temetti

Mission: Mission 86: A Hero Falls
Location: Various Locations - USS Manticore
Timeline: 0710Hrs - May 18th, 2392

Ouros regarded Morg with a gentle smile on her lips. "You ever consider that maybe it'll never work between you and her?." she inquired of him.

"I have to be honest," Wolfsong explained. "Lieutenant Monique Deepshadow, while she is fun to chase. I don't know if she's catchable."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Aww, you're interested in someone?" as a smile appeared on her face.

"I don't think she's interested in me.." Morg commented quietly. "I'll admit I'm not sure of what to do with her anyway.." the Klingon male explained before he huffed a sigh.

"Stop chasing her then and see what she does next. Or you could always let her go and move on to someone else." Rachael Yamaguchi chipped in. "Or you could remain single for a time and see who else out there interests you."

Meanwhile, Kameron regarded Ennis. "I don't know about you but.." he let out a sigh while he spoke. "I've seen Elizabeth in every mental state you can name, from extremely happy to inconsolably sad but I've never seen anything like this. Hows Rachael doing?"

"I've been tryin' ta' keep her distracted and keep her attention away from the death of her ma," Cullen responded. "It's not going well." Cullen sighed softly.

"It's more of the same with Elizabeth." Kameron sighed as he shook his head. "Torilla was very close to all of her children, married or not." he regarded his brother in law. "I'm gonna miss her, she was... unique."

"Aye, she was," Cullen responded quietly. "She was implacable. A force to be reckoned with.." he paused. "Rachael wasn't that close to her mother simply because of time and distance spent away. The eight years on that world."

"I remember. I spent two years there watching that child become a woman, I also spent time with Saki too." Kameron sighed. "I can only imagine how Saki will take the news that her grandmother is dead."

"Not well. I'd imagine." Cullen knew that his comment was the understatement of the century, the older man indicated Plataea who was talking with Savannah about something. "It doesn't help that we have a second Torilla in the room," he added a moment later.

Kameron regarded her. "I think she can hear us talking." As if to confirm his statement. Plataea simply turned her head as she locked eyes with Kameron for a moment before she turned back to Savannah and Gabriel.

"You think it'll be a problem?" Cullen inquired.

"No. She's made it clear that she's not the same Torilla we know, she is herself, a different person and I like her. She pulls no punches and she's not subtle by any stretch but she's also Torilla. I think that having her around will help people adjust to the fact that Torilla Yamaguchi has died and isn't coming back."

"Both Torilla's were busy. Weren't they?." Cullen commented. "Torilla had how many again?"

"Torilla had six children, the three youngest aren't here as they are off with their dad," Kameron responded quietly. "The average Halanan only has one or two." he sighed softly. "Torilla deserved a long and happy life with her army of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren around her... Not this.." Kameron sighed softly to himself as he fought off a surge of emotions. "Elizabeth is angry... and so am I."

Cullen nodded. "Yeah." he paused. "Torilla deserved better than what she got.." he paused. "Rachael is angry and." he paused. "I don't know how I feel, being honest with you." he nodded to Kameron. "Besides we have these people around, they can help us in coping with our loss."

"Yeah," Kameron responded. "Besides, half of this crowd is related to blood and the rest are either connected to one or the other in some way, shape or form," Kameron responded. "I've never seen a family gathering like this and my own family isn't small."

"It's intimidating to me," Cullen admitted it was a surprise even to him.

"I hear ya," Kameron responded. "I have several siblings but-." he paused. "-Nothing like this." he indicated the gathering present.

Meanwhile, Nebris was seated at the table with Tienn seated beside him and on the other side of either was Atin and Selendis. "How are you doing with recent events?" Atin inquired kindly of Tienn.

"I honestly have no idea." the small Bajoran paused. "Torilla and I had issues, considering what happened between me and Elizabeth over there." the handsome Bajoran indicated the massive woman nearby with her left hand.

"I thought those were addressed and resolved," Selendis responded, clearly she knew of where she spoke.

"I won't ask who told you about what happened," Tienn commented quietly. "But suffice to say." she indicated Kameron. "He and I locked horns and I'm still surprised that he has not said or done anything to me."

Nebris raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you should go and talk to him."

"I will but, not now," Tienn responded quietly. "Today is a day to reflect on Torilla." she let out a sigh. "I still have no idea of how to take her passing. I feel more numb than anything else."

Selendis knew exactly how that felt. "Yeah. I'm more or less in the same boat as you." she paused as she shifted her attention to Atin. "What of you?"

"Torilla will be mourned, honored and missed by every single person in this group. I'm privileged to be here." as he said it there was a soft sound like someone clearing their throat. "Thank you, everyone, for coming. I'd like to say a few words before we eat." Commander Tom Lasky said quietly. Everyone assembled turned their attention to Lasky as he spoke. "I'd like to say that while all of you knew her better than I did or were closer to her than I was. I'd like to think that we could share a meal in her honor and start the grieving process together." Lasky paused. "Torilla, through her actions and deeds, touched or shaped every single person in this room., you are all connected to her in a special way... You are a special group, you are all kin to one another, a bond, thanks to her... It's in the name of that bond that I asked us all here today, to reflect on who she was, what she meant to us all, as a group... and as individuals... Because nobody should have to mourn her alone... and because of her, we won't be alone... Thank you, everyone."

Plataea Unal raised an eyebrow. "Won't that be an issue with me around?"

Lasky answered bluntly. "Not in the slightest. Because you were kin to her as well."

"Yes. I was." Unal answered. "Guys, gals. What do you say we eat?" the oldest Yamaguchi present spoke, there was agreement all around. "Alright. Then let's eat and honor her memory and her name." Unal added.


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