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Tue Apr 30th, 2024 @ 12:29am

Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi

Name Savannah Teyla Yamaguchi

Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human - Colonist
Age 26
Birthdate April 19th, 2368
Birthplace Starfleet Medical - Earth, SOL

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 135lbs
Hair Color Grey
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Slender and well defined, she's got a willowy figure but she is also well muscled and well proportioned. She has a full head of grey air which she has been coloring blonde until recently.


Spouse Lt Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi - Starbase Vanguard
Children Gideon Jake Yamaguchi - 6 years old.
Nicole Michelle Yamaguchi - 5 years old
Arlene Torilla Yamaguchi - 5 years old
Jason Yamaguchi - Unborn (Boy)
Kimora Yamaguchi - Unborn (Girl)
Father Keyan Farlander - Starfleet
Mother Paige Farlander - Starfleet
Brother(s) On her side:
Pash Farlander - 16 years old
James Farlander - Twins from an Alternate reality - 14 years old

On her husband's side:
Kameron Yamaguchi - Brother in law - Married to: Elizabeth
Ennis Cullen - Brother in Law - Married to: Rachael
Atin Temeti - Brother in Law - Married to: Selendis
Paul 'Nix' Yamaguchi
Sister(s) On her side:
Beth Farlander - 17 years old
Qixea Farlander - 17 years old (Named for Qixea Rahn)
Julia Farlander - 15 years old
Racheal Farlander - 14 years old
Samantha Farlander - Twins from an Alternate reality - 14 years old
Valerie Farlander - 13 years old

On her husband's side:
Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar
Ouros Yamaguchi
Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi
Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen
Lasarra Yamaguchi
Diamond Yamaguchi
Tressa Yamaguchi
Other Family On her side:
Kimora Reeves - Biological Mother
Keyan Farlander - Biological Father

On her husband's side:
Admiral Jacob Lee Yamaguchi - XO, Starfleet Forces, The Taurus Reach
Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi - Chief of Staff to the Executive Officer, Starfleet Forces. The Taurus Reach

See the Yamaguchi Entry in the Wiki.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally calm and collected in almost any situation, she's the logical one where as her husband is the emotional one. Much like others in Starfleet, these two have made their relationship work by harnessing the strengths of each other and making them stronger by combining them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She's a devoted mother and wife, she knows full well what her husbands weaknesses were and she's working with him to overcome them.

Weaknesses: She sometimes tries too hard
Ambitions To earn her own command. To be a good mother to her children and a good spouse to her husband. Not all in that order of course.
Hobbies & Interests She'll try anything once.

Personal History Savannah Reeves was the child born to Kimora Reeves while she was a cadet at the academy. Reeves had no idea of who the father was as she was involved with a large party at her dorm, almost twenty people were having an orgy and suffice to say. Reeves experianced sex on a level that few ever do. One of the men present had impregnated her and while she kept the pregnancy. Reeves decided that the best thing for her would be to give the child up for adoption as she was in no shape to raise a child.

Reeves was still healing from her traumatic childhood and she could barely take care of herself. She was in no shape to look after an infant. So Reeves began looking into it and within weeks, she had signed her infant away. When the infant was born. Kimora named her Savannah and then gave her up. It was the hardest choice Kimora had ever had to make and one she never forgave herself for.

Savannah went into the foster system, but fortunitly for her. One kind person who's name Savannah wopuld never know decuded that this young child warranted a little more scrutiny from the average. So she was able to find Savannah's father and after she contacted him. He made arrangements to take her in and raise her in his household as his own child. So Savannah Reeves became Savannah Farlander and the rest was history. Paige Farlander became Sav's stepmother. But their friendship was something truly special as Sav wanted for nothing. Paige would see to it that Savannah Farlander was as much her child as she was to her husband. She knew her spouse felt guilty over what had happened to Sav in her early years.

Paige never considered Savannah as being any different from her own children. It curtailed the drama and the issues. Even when Pash Farlander once accused her of being adopted. Sav answered. "At least my father chose me. He didn't choose you." Even Paige was quietly impressed. Keyan could not have been more proud of his his daughter handled the issue at hand. As Savannah grew up, she ended up deciding that she wanted to go to Starfleet Academy as she wanted to honor her parents for accepting her into their hearth and home. Paige sid that Savannah owed nobody anything. So she focused her efforts on that and ignored more or less everything else that came her way.

She ended up getting accepted into the academy in the fall of 2386 and while there she met a fellow cadet named Gabriel Yamaguchi, she was instantly attracted to him as he knew how a lady should be treated rather then all of the miserable crap she had had to endure and the two took their time getting to know each other. He was in no rush as he had to earn her trust and respect.

Gabriel wanted to know if he had the Halanan medical issues so he made arrangements to check, sure enough, he did so he decided not to rush into any sort of relationship, it was around this time that he and Savannah went on vacation for a few days while the Academy was in spring break, he learned a few things about Savannah because an old boyfriend was stalking her.

Savannah watched as Gabriel dealt with her stalker, once and for all thanks to his training and a few friends from Starfleet security, it also earned him a great deal of respect from Savannah as she realized that was much more to Gabriel then what she first assumed.

It wasn't until their third year at the academy when they had sex for the first time after they were both sure of what they wanted, their relationship by now was very strong, what she didn't realize was that she was pregnant but that would not have bothered her as he truly made her happy for the first time in her life. Savannah was in a place where she truly belonged and wanted to be.

They got married at the end of their second year and midway through their third year. Savannah learned she was expecting. She and Gabriel were going to become parents. A year later while they were early into the fourth year at the academy, Savannah gave birth to her first child on Starbase Four Hundred, a son that she and her husband named Gideon.

It was a big help that Savannah got along very well with Gabriel's extended family as they regarded this orphan who was alone as one of them. Torilla, in particular, understood Savannah on a level that many other Yamaguchi's didn't, and she accepted Savannah first. Torilla made it clear that Savannah was kin to her and nothing would change this.

All good things must come to an end and so it was with the academy, as Gabriel and Savannah both graduated with honors and were assigned together to the USS Shield of Vega. A Galaxy Class ship under the command of an unusual woman named T'Nae. a Vulcan without logic.

Savannah learned around December of 2390 that was expecting children for the second time, a fact which made her immensely happy, two months later she was reassigned alongside her husband to the USS Rowling, an Akira class starship serving as a light carrier, needless to say, she was now looking forward to stamping her own mark on this ship and upon her crew.

After being assigned to the Rowling, she found herself giving birth to twin girls which she and her husband, along with Gabe's parents were present for.
Savannah was also present for Siaxx and Phoenix's wedding alongside the rest of her family, also she was around for the beating of her sibling in law at the hands of Tienn Iteela, but she knew that letting her husband getting into it would only end badly so she convinced her husband to let it go and let JAG handle matters.

Savannah meanwhile is having an interesting time settling into life with three children rather than two, also she is still demanding answers as to how her third child was missed by scans and medical personnel. However, she knows that the Gargoyle is looking into the matter for her.

When USS Rowling went in for refitting from Carrier to Cruiser, she was reassigned to USS Spirit of Winter, third of the new Century Class as their new Chief Operations officers. Now she resides on the Spirit of Winter with her husband and family beside her. After serving here for a year, Gabriel was able to convince his wife to stop colouring her hair blonde, now she's letting the grey show.

In late 2393, due to the threat of war. Savannah was reassigned to Starbase Vanguard to provide some stability for her family as the Spirit of Winter was being sent to the front lines. Gabriel went with her.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
2386 - March 2390 - Operations Student
Cadet One - Four

USS Shield of Vega - Galaxy Class
March 2390 to February 2391 - Operations Officer

USS Rowling - Akira Class
February 2391 to August 2391 - Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG

USS Spirit of Winter - Century Class
August 2391 to 2393 - Operations Officer
Lieutenant JG / Lieutenant

Starbase Vanguard - Ournal III Class
2393 to Present - Operations Officer

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2386 - 2390 - Cadet One - Four
2390 to 2391 - Ensign
2391 to 2393 - Lieutenant JG
2393 to Present Day - Lieutenant