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Getting My Marching Orders

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 8:19pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 91: The Sum of All Fears
Location: ACSF Noble - High Orbit over B Kayor.
Timeline: 1500Hrs, August 15th, 2392

Commander Tom Lasky raised an eyebrow as he regarded each other person present. "Well, this gathering is exclusive," he commented. "How is everyone?" he asked the gathering present. He knew every single person in this gathering from one time or another.

Rachael outright ignored him as Saki greeted him like a long-lost friend.

"Saki, come over here," Rachael demanded.

"But mom." Saki protested. "Why are you ignoring him?"

"He knows why. Now come-" Rachael started but was interrupted as Lasky growled loudly at her.

"Yes. Why don't you answer her Rachael? Tell her why you almost got me killed on the Roanoke. I used my escape transporting saving you." he growled at her. "Go on damnit woman. Tell everyone how you nearly got my ass killed!" Lasky added.

Various Yamaguchi's all traded uneasy looks as Lasky paused. "Wait, she didn't tell you?. Tell them Rachael, or I will." Lasky taunted her.

"Well, it's. more or less-" Rachael paused as she stammered. Lasky sighed before he cut her off. "I used my escape transporter device beaming Rachael off of the USS Roanoke after she refused my order to depart. I should have your dumb ass up on charges." Lasky growled.

The confrontation was suddenly silenced as the door opened, a yeoman came out. "The Admiral will see you now," he commented as he indicated the door.

The group then moved into the Admirals office in silence.

Vice Admiral Sr'all Riversky was just finishing up her paperwork as she saw the various Yamaguchi's walked into her office. She decided to make this briefing brief. "Alright, I have been fully appraised on your various medical issues, and because of that, all of you are going to be assigned to the Federation detachment on the OISU ship Noble."

She first turned her attention to Jake. "Jake Yamaguchi, you will be assigned as the commander of the detachment."

Jake Yamaguchi nodded. "Yes Admiral," he responded in a flat tone of voice. He had left his children in the Valhalla's daycare while they were here, as did all of his children, the only exception was Saki.

Sr'all then handed Jake a PADD, "The details of the assignment are on there, as well as a roster of whom is going to be under you. It's going to be a fairly light duty assignment. Ordinarily I would have given it to a Commodore or Division Admiral, however, given the current circumstance with your family, this is why you are being assigned there."

"I see," Jake answered. "Thank you, Admiral, I'll give this the once over and talk to my sibling, she's worked with the Akurians before."

Sr'all nodded then turned to Lasky. "Lasky, you will be assigned to Noble until your son's issues are fixed. If the detachment does get a Federation ship assigned to it, however, the CO or XO slot may be open for you, if you want it."

Lasky nodded. "Thank you, Admiral. It'll be nice to do something new for a change of pace," he responded in a soft tone of voice.

Sr'all then addressed Plataea. "Alright Plataea, I know your status has kind of been in limbo since you arrived from your reality. Unfortunately, since you are the lifeline of this family, it's kind of going to remain that way for the next little while. Like the others, you're going to be assigned to the Noble, for now, as an intelligence analyst."

Plataea nodded, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Aye Admiral. I will make myself useful aboard ship."

Sr'all then addressed the remaining people in the room. "Alright as for the rest of you, all of you will have light duty assignments while on the Noble until your issues are sorted out."

All of the people assembled all traded looks as Savannah was the one who spoke up. "Thank you, Admiral," she commented.

"Well that's all I have for you all, Noble's command staff is waiting for your arrival," Sr'all finished.

Jake nodded as the party was dismissed, the Yamaguchi all began heading out of the Admirals office. Elizabeth hung back a moment as Kameron noticed. "You okay?"

"Dad has never been like that. I'm worried about him." Elizabeth admitted in a soft tone. "I'm worried about Tom. I've never seen him like that either."

"Both Dad and Tom have been through a lot recently. Don't worry about it, they'll be fine. Besides Dad has all of us in one place for the first time ever." Kameron smiled at his wife. "Besides, we got gene therapy to attend to."

Gabriel Yamaguchi nodded, a wide grin on his face. "Oh yes, we fucking do. Now we can get our issues sorted out once and for all mother fucking goddammed time." He grinned like a madman.

Kameron shared a look with Elizabeth as if to ask her where did that come from, the tall female was confused as well. "Gabe. What?"

"I asked the Akurians to look into my fertility issues, awhile ago. I thought I was just me alone but I was wrong. I had no idea that all the Halanans in the universe faced these issues and now, we can actually do something about it."

"Mom is full Halanan and she's in real trouble," Savannah commented softly. "We need untainted DNA and no disrespect to you guys, but none of you qualify."

"So. We can always visit Halanna and get some of their DNA but yes, we still need access to untainted DNA so... Where the fuck are we gonna get that?" Elizabeth sighed.

"There is none," Rachael commented in a gentle tone. "Let's face facts guys, this conversation is academic." she looked around at the gathering. "Why do you all think Mom was in such a rush?. I should have seen it before, she was dedicated to us, all of us to ensure we were prepared for when she died."

"Wait. You're saying she knew what she was dealing with?" Kameron commented. "How could you know that?"

"She was the head of our house. Her parents died of the same issues and I knew it kept her up at nights. She now faces this same battle and there is a good chance she's going to lose to the same enemy and then decades later, we'll all face that same enemy ourselves."

Elizabeth paused. "Then we'd best get to work on a cure then." she paused. "Something?. Anything?!"

Meanwhile Jake was leading his massive family towards their next home. The Noble floated outside the viewport that Jake was walking past. "Interesting design." as he turned. "Okay guys, we'll be heading over in an hour or so, make sure you go collect your families and collect your things before we go over." he paused. "We all meet in Bay Sixteen in fifty minutes. You're free till then." and with that, he turned and walked off. "Don't be late."

An hour later, the entire Yamaguchi clan was all gathered in one place, there were a dozen sets of bags and the like as Saki hefted her pack over her shoulders, she carried two large cat carriers, inside each was Sandstorm and Perdacus, they were none too happy about their small accommodations and their loud yowls said as much.

Rachael boarded her shuttle with her husband and children. Moments later the half-dozen shuttles departed the starbase and heading over to the Noble. They all landed in one of the smaller hangers minutes later where they were greeted by the Akurian command.

Jake Yamaguchi exited his shuttle as he told his children, the twins and the four Caitian kits with him followed quietly. Jake regarded the three people waiting for him. "Hello." he greeted them simply.

Ryuukei, Hyril and Yuvo where the ones present. Yuvo remarked. "I take it your the Federation detachment commander."

Jake nodded. "I am. Yes..." He responded in a quiet tone. "The people with me are actually here for another matter, they are here because Anzan requested them for medical issues," he explained. "My wife is aboard ship too."

Yuvo nodded, then went right to business. "Alright, well our first order of business is to prepare for a meeting between Federation and OISU government officials, this is scheduled to occur in two days. The meeting will happen here in this star system."

Jake nodded his head. processing the news. "Will it be taking place on this ship?" he inquired.

Yuvo shook his head. "No the meeting will occur on the great Eclipse. That ship is scheduled to arrive late tomorrow."

"Okay. So no Federation personnel go aboard her except for myself and six others. Commander Lasky here will handle security, he'll have four people with him he can trust to handle things." he turned. "Tom, feel free to select people you know and trust for this. We can't have anything going on."

"You got it skipper," Lasky answered. "Ms. Yamaguchui-Cullen. I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself for your carelessness."

Rachael paused. "Yessir."

"Keep in mind," Yuvo added," This meeting is going to involve the Federation president and numerous high ranking Federation admirals, so there is definitely going to be more than yourself and six others."

"That's my security detail," Lasky answered in a quiet tone. "We will look after things on our side."

Yuvo then indicted Minske. "Alright, Minske will take you to the ships housing department so you can get settled in."

Jake Yamaguchi smiled. "Sounds good. I'm looking forward to this assignment. Talon told me a few things about serving on that Akurian battlecruiser. She also said something about how it was the best assignment of her entire life and how they hated uniforms. Talon mentioned that too."

Lasky turned to Jake. "Will we be needing to wear a uniform.?"

"No." he answered. "When in Rome, do what the Romans do. Pass that along to our people Tom." Yamaguchi answered before he turned to Minske. "After you then?"

"Alright, this way," Minske commented as she led the way over to the ships housing department.

Lasky followed in silence, along with several others. Rachael Cullen paused before she followed a moment later.

Minske led the group to one of the ships many transport trucks, and she took the driver's seat herself," Alright everyone, pile in."

The various Yamaguchi all seemed to collectively take a moment before they all began to climb in, one at a time, all of the children were helped in before all of the other Yamaguchi's climbed in but soon everyone present was seated and comfortable on the vehicle in question. It started moving a moment later.

Jake Yamaguchi looked out of the viewport next to him, lost in his thoughts. Lasky did the same but for other reasons.


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