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The Yamaguchi Get-together - Part Seven

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 1:47pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Atin Temetti
Edited on on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 1:57pm

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Holodeck Nineteen - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 2020Hrs - June 21st, 2393

The feast had been one of special magnificence as the various family members ate and enjoyed each others company, the highlight was Selendis announcing that she was pregnant, then Elizabeth did likewise announce the same thing. Then what really made the evening into something spectacular was Atin proposing to Selendis in front of everyone. Everyone cheered and celebrated after she said yes.

Now about ninety minutes after the start of the party, things were ending as people were going home for the evening. Selendis and Atin had left first with Elizabeth and Kameron following a few minutes later, Ouros went home happier then she had been in a long time as she resolved to try and sort out her own issues, citing the example of Selendis who had overcome her own. Elizabeth, in particular, had been overjoyed to hear that Ouros would start dealing with her concerns and problems, she said that she would assist if asked and Ouros said she would seek therapy with her issues.

Elizabeth mentally noted that Ouros would need a half dozen sessions with her but she would be okay with this as her twin had a lot of problems to deal with.

Jake and Torilla noticed with some concern that Nebris and Tienn seemed to be putting some distance between them as Rachael came over to her father. "Hey Dad, I'm here for Hysre and T'Ree," she said quietly.

"Are things that bad between them?" Jake inquired of Rachael.

"Yes dad, their relationship has collapsed," Rachael explained quietly. "I'm going to take care of their children while they take a break from their relationship," she explained with a sadness that Jake didn't often see out of Rachael.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Jake answered.

"It was going to happen, Dad. I get to alleviate my problems with the children of two other people who can't even talk to each other... That makes me angrier than anything else in this sorry affair." Yamaguchi-Cullen explained to her father.

Jake nodded. "The kids are over this way. Your mom is watching after them."

Rachael fell into step beside her father. "I don't know what makes me angrier. The fact that I miss my own babies or that I am cleaning up someone else's mess." she paused as she sought to calm herself, she failed utterly as one could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears.

Jake regarded his daughter in silence. "I know you miss Ennis and the kid's sweetie... But ask yourself, do I want to help two people with their own kids for my benefit, or for theirs."

Rachael struggled to breathe, she ended up taking a much deeper breathe then she had expected. "Yeah dad, your right," she whispered. "Tienn is a clueless idiot who is blind to reason and Nebris, he has no idea who he is, let alone what he is... " she then sighed. "So I will look after their children for now and we will see how long this goes on for." she paused. "Nebris used to be my doppelganger so his kids look like me, nobody will question it."

"You're thinking the worst-case scenario has come to pass?" Jake commented.

"No. The worst-case scenario has come and gone, Dad." Rachael paused. "I'm going to consider this two mine until further notice or Tienn grows a heart and Nebris grows a brain," she commented.

Jake laughed at the comment, he simply couldn't help himself with his daughter's comments. "So what will you do now?"

"I'll take in these two babies after I will go over to Tienn's place and take all of their things regardless." Rachael paused. "I will handle this myself, I'll show these two idiots exactly what being a mother is all about. I mean these two fucking numbskulls have each other and I'm alone. I don't have my fucking husband to help. I don't have Saki who never leaves her younger siblings alone and I don't have Sarah who was a great help to me and these two can't even make things work and.." Rachael's temper fused white-hot as a chair nearby was suddenly crushed down to the size of a baseball with a loud, earsplitting bang.

Jake watched his daughter meltdown with violently explosive force. He didn't flinch at the loud bang as he half expected it, as he knew his daughter's temper. "Rachael. I know how you feel. I really do know. When your mother and I were separated by assignments and we had Beth and Gabe as young kids, I was raising them alone. I have been where you are now and it angers me too that Tienn and Nebris can't work it out between them and that you need to clean up after him yet again." he sighed softly. "If worst comes to worst. Your grandmother is present on the Starbase, she can help you if needed." Jake explained.

"No," Rachael answered quietly. "I can handle this one myself. I'll ensure the kids aren't neglected and have a good home. They look enough like Anthony and Olivia that they can pass for my own children if needed and I know Ennis will not object. Especially once I explain things to him. Saki will be overjoyed and so will Sarah."

"Alright. Well, your mother and I will assist you as required. Okay?"

"Thanks, Dad." Rachael sighed softly. "This is so not fair, its bullshit," Rachael explained. "But I'll make do, I always do somehow."

"I know," Jake answered quietly. "So what do you think of Selendis and Atin?"

Rachael's dark glare instantly vanished, as Jake had hoped it would, she instantly became happy again. "Oh, I think its great, those two made it work and they talk and work together, what's more, is that they respect each other and she was the worst of Plataea's children to come into our house. Ouros is at least making an effort but it's her career in the marines that's holding her back, she thinks her career will help her, in reality, its a prison and will confine her to a small box she calls life but hey, if she can make life work then who am I to tell her no?"

"You thought Elizabeth was the only therapist in the house?" Jake commented. "You would make a good one too, you know how to address issues and you speak your mind, you might want to add a little more tact and viola. You could out-Elizabeth Elizabeth."

"Dad, that comment makes my brain hurt." Rachael sighed softly. "Besides, Medicine is Elizabeth's domain and I will not intrude there. I do not wish to anger my sibling... Anyway. I'll be back for the twins. I'm going to take Tienn out back and make her feel my pain."

"So long as she comes back intact. I'm good." Jake responded. "I know you're angered and upset sweetie, I would be too."

"Yeah. I'll be back soon Dad." and with that, she turned and departed, Rachael went over to the bag she had brought with her as she began changing out of the bathing suit she had been wearing and now she changed into her normal clothing before Rachael slipped on her boots, she went over to Tienn who was just finishing getting dressed. "I'm ready whenever you are."

"Alright," Tienn answered, the two women departed together in silence. Rachael followed Tienn to her home. The transfer of items and goods was quick as Rachael got to meet Tienn's dogs, both were unsure of what to make of her. "Easy girls," she said quietly as she quickly proved them that she was trustworthy. Rachael's presence in Tienn's home was about ten minutes in duration.

Rachael had all of the infant's items placed together before she tapped her combadge and had everything beamed to her quarters. "I'll handle the kids, you handle things with yourself." and with that, she walked out of Tienn's home. She knew that Tienn didn't think much of her, but then she did not consider Tienn to be worth much either.

Rachael knew that her parents would handle the twins for a little while yet as she went back to her place and once she reached her destination, she quickly unpacked all the items the twins would need and want for their new home, she got the cribs set up just the same as she had for the twins, Anthony and Olivia's room became Hobbie and T'Ree's room. To Rachael, this was nothing new as she was able to look after children.

Rachael went back to the holodeck as she found her parents were the last ones left of the party still remaining. Nebris had departed and had left the children behind after he had explained to Jake and Torilla that Rachael would take care of the children but Jake already knew, he had told Torilla and while she had not been happy, she had understood.

Rachael smiled as she gently removed the two children from Torilla. "You gonna be okay with these two sweeties?" she asked her daughter.

"Mom, this will help me with my loneliness and depression issues," Rachael explained, a wide smile on her lips. "Hobbie and T'Ree will help me with my issues, as much as I can help them." and with that, Rachael took her leave, Jake and Torilla finished with the party and then they saved the program before ending it, they followed Rachael out the door and down the hall.


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