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The Yamaguchi Get-together - Part Three

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 1:43pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Lasarra "Silverbolt" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Selendis "Ratchet" Yamaguchi & 1st Lieutenant Atin Temetti

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Holodeck Nineteen - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1835Hrs - June 21st, 2393

Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi smiled as she was presently seated beside her husband, as they both were presently trying to find ways to lift Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen's spirits, she missed her children and her spouse, it was showing too. She had tried inviting a friend of hers, an Andorian Shen by the name of Ryi Amlari to this get-together but apparently, Taffy had refused, citing work-related problems and she had to go fly combat air patrol or something along those lines. Savannah was also rocking a full head of grey hair now as she had allowed her husband to talk her out of coloring her hair blonde, it had taken a few days for the dye to wash out of her hair.

"Rachael, you know you'll be able to chat with the kids whenever right?" Gabriel was saying as she sighed. "It's not the same. I got used to having a busy house where my life always seemed to be flying apart any second. I get used to it."

Gabriel nodded his head. "I hear ya Rachie. Sav and I have many of the same issues you did. Gideon is demanding at times and Nicole and Arlene are little better." he explained. "Its nice of dad to babysit for us, it gives us a break from the demands of kids for a little while."

Rachael nodded her head as she glanced over at her father who was presently building a large sandcastle that was over ten meters across, all of the infants were helping him but most were simply making a mess or were content to wander around. Rachael knew everyone else present was keeping a wary eye on the kids present, just in case, things got out of hand.

Savanah presently was looking at her children. One of them was patting down a large mound of sand and the other two were helping as best as they could.
"Yeah, don't worry about it Rachie, Ennis will be fine. I mean he's on one of the new Guardian class ships and Gabe and I are both considering the assignment to one when one of us gets promoted to Lt Commander, we'll be over ranked for the assignment on Spirit of Winter at that point so we'll both have to leave. Or be split up." Savannah explained before she winced, that last part was an unpleasant reminder to Rachael about her own situation.

"I'm a warrant and there was no need for me to go over to the Heart of the Tiger as one of their conn officers, my skills are not in demand at the present time." the younger female paused before she let out a soft sigh.

"Rachael. I happen to know that's not true. Sure Captain Hunt didn't want you but that doesn't mean there are other ships out there that are not in demand of well-skilled pilots for their conn officer slots." Gabe smiled at his sibling.

"I don't want to go to another ship. I wanted to go with my husband. He's raising our kids alone and I don't like that." Rachael explained softly.

"There is no reason you have to like it hon," Savannah explained. "But the assignment was for him alone and you told him to go, otherwise he would have turned it down, right?"

"Yeah... I told him to go, I insisted he go actually, for the good of his career as he had already turned down one assignment to another base that would have gotten his promotion to Commander." Rachael explained.

Gabriel regarded her with a gentle smile. "The first chance he gets, he will either demand you come to him or he'll come back here," he commented. "Whichever comes first."

"I need to get a commission first and that at least another year away," Rachael explained evenly.

"Wait. What about that incident over Goranar. Tom Lasky got the Medal of Honor for that and you got nothing.?"

"Nope, not even a sausage," Rachael answered. "I feel cheated about that by the way." she sighed softly. "I guess it was true all along."

"What's that?" Gabriel inquired even through had a horrible idea of where this was going.

"Tom Lasky screwed me out of the rewards from that incident."

"Now, you know that's not true. Tom Lasky never came across as being that much of an asshole." Savvanah paused. "I read about him, I read up on his service record.. But if you like, I can look into the matter, see if he did fuck you over."

Rachael sighed softly. "No Savv, don't bother, save your effort for those who deserve them."

Savannah gently gave her sister-in-law a hug. "It'll work itself out, you'll see."

"I wish I had your faith on the subject," Rachael admitted quietly when she was suddenly interrupted by a call from Torilla. "Guys, dinner's ready," she called loudly.

Gabe gently helped Rachael to her feet. "Come on Rachie, let's go eat and be merry. Don't worry so much about your career, it will work itself out sooner or later."

Savannah smiled as she followed her husband and his sister to the table, she knew that her brother was very close to all of his siblings and that was something she found very endearing to her on a level she knew imagined to have ever existed.

Suddenly a telepathic presence called her. Rachael turned to her brother. "Nebris needs to talk to me, I'll see you guys at the table k?"

"Okay. Take it easy Rachie." Gabriel responded as Savannah added. "It'll be okay sweetie." as Rachael moved off to track down Nebris.


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