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The Inglorious Bastards - Part Two

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 1:07am by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Commander Julian Davis & Commander Cressa Stevens & Commander Nalla Furban & Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Heather "Aegis" Davis & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Director Tienn Gyce
Edited on on Thu May 27th, 2021 @ 4:57am

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1230Hrs - November 20th. 2391

The Secret Service leader walked into sickbay with a half dozen of his guys. "Where is Doctor Furban?" he demanded of the first person he saw.

"She is in her office, I will escor-"

"No, that will not be necessary." the leader responded as he went into Nalla's office, without knocking. Miss Furban, We need you to come with us for questioning."

"I cannot," Nalla explained with confused, blinking eyes. "I have twelve exams to go through that our interns performed. I also have a meeting with my head nurse. I am afraid you will need to schedule an appointment."

"That may be, Miss Furban but I insist you come with us... We need to question you about various things on this ship."

Galiaan Fordring peered over at the commotion as she raised an eyebrow. "Whats this then?" she said quietly.

"I have no idea," Nalla answered with a continued visual expression of confusion. "These men believe I should be questioned elsewhere but fail to tell me what the matter is about."

To the detail, she spoke a bit irritably, "But I will kindly ask you to leave, for you are disrupting my department. We are a hospital, not a weigh station."

The first guy sighed before he grabbed her by the arm, he then felt like he was smashed into the bulkhead at ninety miles an hour as his brain quite litteraly fried itself to a crisp.

Two of them instantly turned and shot Nalla with phasers set on heavy stun. Galiaan Fordring saw all of this go down as she turned and charged at the six guys, she smashed into one of them with the force of a third of a ton, he went down with his leg completely destroyed as the second guy turned and shot Galiaan on stun several times.

Something flew in from the side and crashed into one of the guys skulls, with a musical toonk, he dropped to the deck like a rock as Toshnarr charged in, roaring at the top of his lungs, the guys then quickly turned and shot him several times, he then went down after taking several rounds.

Meanwhile on the bridge. Lieutenant Moni Nasao sighed. "I need a vacation.."

Teval meanwhile, noticed Gyce and several other security personnel walking up to the bridge. "Hey Gyce, what brings you up here."

"My job," Gyce frowned. "Came up here to look at the security feeds since SS relieved me of duty... My entourage has decided to keep me company."

Nasao reacted to Gyce's rage as her fur began to stand on end and within seconds she looked like a walking bush. "Commander... you okay?" it was a stupid question and she winced right as she said it.

Lasky raised an eyebrow as he had never seen anything other then cool, calm and collected on the face of their security officer so this for him was new. He tapped a PADD which was sitting on a chair next to him as Shadow hopped off the chair, she went over to Gyce as she meowed up at the angry Bajoran woman.

Lasky had this mental image of her yelling at Shadow or worse, hitting the cat as Shadow sat down before she meowed a second time up at Gyce. "Benice. As far as this roster says,... you are this ships Chief of Security."

Teval shook his head, now quite annoyed, "So these secret service personnel now think they can relieve my officers eh."

Gyce leaned down to pet the cat before she took an deep exhale. "According to SCIS and JAG, the law states that Secret Service can circumvent and take charge of any security force if they are in the preasence of a Federation dignitary... So I am offically relieved of duty because they believe I am physically incapable of protecting Councilor Blon."

Teval was now deeply annoyed, but before he could say anything else the security alarm went off. Looking over at Moni Nasao, he said," Whats the situation."

"We have phaser fire skipper.... in Sickbay.." Nasao explained. "Several secret service agents are involved sir.."

Teval paused for only a second, it quickly dawned on him as to why Secret service would even be in sickbay. He let slip only one word. "Nalla."

Lasky raised an eyebrow before he rose to his feet. "Lovely." the tone of his voice indicated it was anything but.

"Security forces report to Sickbay," Gyce spoke as she hailed all of her officers. Then proceeded to get a rifle from the locker. "Permission to go kill folks, Sir?"

Teval nodded, then grabbed a weapon of his own," Yeah, and I'm coming with, No one messes with my crew."

He then looked over at Varkon and Lasky, "Varkon, your with me, Lasky, let the Ambassador and Zara know what is going on, but be tactful, I rather doubt that she has anything to do with this."

"Okay Teval.. I'll be polite and civil with her." he turned to Nasao. "Moni, the bridge is yours."

Moni Nasao nodded as she went around the bridge horseshoe shaped railing as Teval and the other members of his party passed her, she then sat down in the command chair as Lasky went out through another door. "Sometimes... its good to be queen.." Nasao said to herself as she got comfy.

Lasky tapped the display when he was in the corridor. "Computer. Locate the Ambassador?"

"In her quarters."

"Is she alone?" Lasky inquired.

"Negative. Commodore Zara Tane is with him."

"Excellent." Lasky responded as he set off to his destination, arriving there just minutes later as he tapped the door chime. He was permitted entry a moment later. "Ambassador. Zara... I wish I was not here on business... and I wish I had better news.." he paused a moment.

"We have a situation brewing in sickbay... I've been asked to explain the situation... Your bodyguards seem to want to declare war on my ship and they have had my chief of security relieved of her duties as she is apparently unable to protect you, we also have reports of weapons fire in sickbay.."

"Whatever you need from me, let me know," Bree spoke with true concern and guilt.

"Has anyone been hurt?" Zara asked with equal concern.

"Alright," Lasky said to the Ambassador. "Well.. The phaser alarm went off in sickbay... so I assume people have been hurt.." he paused. "I was going to head back to the bridge as Teval is seeing to this matter."

"All right... If you want company, let me know," Zara spoke, almost distantly as worry for her people began to set in.

"Okay." Lasky turned to depart as one of the security detail raised his hand. "I;'m Sorry sir... but you're on lockdown."

"Oh... Why?"

"Weapons fire was detected. Its for the safety of the Commodore and that of the Ambassador. Sorry Commander but.. its protocol."

Lasky nodded. "Alright.. fair enough." before he turned and went back to the two women. "Not even two hours aboard... and your protection detail managed to declare war on my crew." he sighed as he sat down. "I guess I'll have that drink now."

Meanwhile, Several security personnel, including Gunther Von Estling, Gyce, Teval and Varkon approached sickbay. Both Gyce and Von Estling where moving so quick, Teval found himself having to walk-run behind them to avoid getting run over. Teval quickly noticed that the sickbay door was open.

"Kosst!" Gyce swore as she saw the sight of several downed medics in main sickbay. Some were bleeding, some bruised, and many Gyce knew from socializing with them during her physical therapy sessions or Iteela and she having lunch with a few of the medical staff.

"We need medical evac," Gyce spoke lowly to Teval while she signaled pairs to split off and secure various entry points of main sickbay. "With me Gunther."

Gyce pointed down the hallway towards the labs, where even more medic bodies were lain unconsciously. The one thing she had not foreseen, however, was the sight of her beloved on the ground. Face smashed in, blood trickling out slowly from her ears only feet from Nalla's lab.

Absolute rage took her as Gyce unclipped a smoke bomb, primed it, and tossed it inside the lab.

Unfortunately, the four remaining secret service personnel decided to use a bit of common sense, as they reverted back to their training. The smoke managed to obscure their movements, so the four of them stacked on the door. Williamson gave the signal, and all four of them burst out of the room, firing their phaser's at anyone within. Gyce managed to graze Williamson, but a second guy, the biggest one of the lot, tried to shoot back but his phaser malfunctioned. So he resorted to bodily smashing into Gyce, sending her to the ground and smashing her knee.

Gyce tried to get up, with all the adrenalin running in her. Problem was, her body registered too much pain just as instantly as her flight or fight kicked in. And instead of continuing the fight, Gyce's initial response was an agonizing scream. Her right knee had been shattered on impact, and her hurt to breath as well. Not to mention she had a busted, bleeding lip from the fray. Try as she might to crawl away from the fighting, Gyce had not the strength or wind to carry her. And the pain threatened her to unconsciousness.

Varkon and Teval reacted quickly. Two of them shot at Teval, but the shots bounced clean off his energy shielding. Teval responded with two energy blasts of his own, knocking both of them out cold. Williamson managed to collect his senses and opened fire, but a thoroughly enraged brikar charged him, Williamson's phaser blasts bouncing harmlessly off. Varkon first grabbed Williamson's phaser, and his hand that was still holding it, and crushed them both. Williamson let out a loud scream, while Varkon picked him up and threw him across the room, his body slamming into the bulkhead with a loud crunch.

The big secret service officer, whom bulldogged Gyce, attempted to get back to his feet, but Von Estling shot him with a phaser blast, stunning him.

The door opened and in came John Sheridan, phaser rifle in his arms with several guys behind him. "I assume we're late?" he inquired as he indicated his guys to go check the downed medics as he went over to Gyce and Tienn. "Awww Tienn.." he said quietly before he went over to Gyce so he could check her. "Sir... I think we'd best sound the all clear and then get Tranquility to assist us with this."

Teval nodded," First, you and your team secure these guys, get them to the brig, I'll contact tranquility. anyone with medical training, administer first aide."

Teval then tapped his combadge, opening the ships intercom, "Teval to all medical officers on the ship, Medical emergency in sickbay."

With the all clear signal blaring through the ship, Cressa came out of her office looking disheveled. Clearly the ruckus had bothered her and at some point she had been manhandled and locked into her office.

"Most of our medics are injured, Sir." Cressa was careful and a lot less chipper these days, and given the situation, she too had colleagues very badly harmed. "We don't have enough doctors to run an OR."

Teval simply went to the nearest comm terminal, which was in the CMO's office, and he hailed Tranquility.

The screen lit up with Siaxx Dvald-Sullivan's face. "Tranquility, Dvald-Sullivan here... Teval. What can I do for you?" she inquired, noting the look on his face and coming right to the point.

Teval simply went straight to the point," Siaxx, I have a medical emergency. the secret service started a firefight in sickbay, most of our medics are down and we have some seriously wounded people."

Siaxx nodded. "I understand. I will send over some medical trauma teams as soon as I get off the com with you."

Meanwhile Windspirit moved to adminster first aide on Tienn, She was quick to notice the severity of the injuries, so she said to Teval," Tienn has very severe head trauma, from what I can tell, its possible severe brain damage, I'm going to need a neurosurgeon."

Teval nodded, then asked the computer, "Where is Nalla Furban."

The computer was quick to locate her, "Nalla Furban is in the brig." Teval was now completely confused, he never ordered Nalla to the brig. He then turned his attention back to Siaxx, "And we are going to need your neurosurgeon, as my own seems to have ended up in the brig, despite me never ordering that." At this point he was purely infuriated, his fur was puffed up and his claws were out, with his ears pointing backwards.

Siaxx knew Teval was angry, he made no effort to hide it. "I'll send Lieutenant Ennis Cullen over to you..." she turned to Olmos who was sitting nearby. "I think we're both going over to assist with this mess."

"I still know how to hold a scalpel," Olmos spoke grimly. Her anger was barely controlled, as Nalla would never harm a fly. What was worse, when Olmos stretched out her mind to reach her daughter, she got nothing but static."I would ask someone in your security detail scan my daughter, at least visually. We'll be over in two minutes."

Teval then contacted Von Estling," Master chief, Go to the brig and any of the crew that got put in there without my authorization by these secret service assholes, and release them."


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