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Machines and Might - Part Three

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 12:09am by Captain Javier Morales & Captain Marcus Duval & Commander Beth Woerner & Lieutenant Commander Tan'ato Tejera & Lieutenant Commander Shorin Gal'jaridd & Lieutenant Commander Kaitlin Nesbitt & Lieutenant Garry Smithson & Lieutenant Tyla Shrikewing & Lieutenant Rtas "Halfjaw" 'Vadum'ee & Captain Annalee Stevens & Lieutenant Michael Nelson & Lieutenant Commander Jacqui Briggs & Lieutenant JG Sarah Ashley & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Master Chief Petty Officer Chen Vaxx

Mission: Mission 85: My Soul's in Arms, and Eager for the Fray
Location: Various Locations - USS Manticore
Timeline: 0915Hrs - May 12th, 2392

Captain Annaless Stevens was now facing the worst situation she had ever envisioned. Her home had been attacked and invaded, she and all of her Marines were ready for battle of course but she had not anticipated this situation coming to pass, she slowly went around a corner and proceeded to gun down two Klingons as she did so before she shot dead two more. "Clear," she called

Her small fireteam advanced behind her. "We got your back skipper." one of them said to her.

Up on the bridge. Commander Marcus Duval sighed softly as he looked down at his midsection, where a large Klingon grunted victoriously as he had stabbed the human in the side. Duval sighed as he yanked the blade out before Duval stabbed the Klingon three times with it, once in the abdomen, once in the chest and once in the throat, each time a spray of magenta colored blood burst forth as the Klingon fell to the deck, now quite dead. Duval slid to the deck to join him. Duval groaned as he did so.

Lt Commander Beth Woerner came over, medkit in hand. "Easy skipper," she commented as the small woman began tending to his wounds. "Yeah, the Klingon's blade was poisoned." the small female explained. "You're heading for sickbay skipper." Meanwhile, Lieutenant Jacqui Briggs worked to keep the ship working, in the middle of the hundred or so firefights presently raging all over the ship. "Guys, this won't go us any good if we can't deal with that battleship," she commented loudly.

Rtas "Halfjaw" 'Vadum'ee nodded. "I'm on it," he responded, he had been wounded with a slash wound from a Klingon sword, the wound had been cauterized at the same time by the same weapon, the wound looked downright ugly against his uniform and his skin.

"Just like that?" the dark skinned human female responded, a look of surprise on her face. "and how do you plan to do this one big man?"

'Vadum'ee peered across the bridge at Briggs. "I'm going to make the Klingon Captain know pain," he responded cryptically.

Meanwhile in Engineering. Lt Commander Kaitlin Nesbitt regarded the doors which were presently under siege from a Klingon assault group. "Get away from the doors," she called as she looked up. "You guys ready up there?" she called.

"Ready skipper.!" came the response from one of her engineers, one of a dozen or so who had armed themselves and were set up to repel the first assault, they had also sealed off the Jeffress tubes and placed heavy equipment in front of each with another two people to watch all exits and entrances into engineering, all of them were armed now with sidearms and some with rifles.

Nesbitt stood in front of the power core, her sidearm in hand as she smiled. "Alright, the engine is down, it'll take them ten minutes to reinitialize it, assuming they even can." before she smiled. "Computer, open the doors to engineering," she commented. "Chief Engineers override. Authorization Nesbitt Two Three Beta Charlie." and the doors slid open, revealing a dozen or so angry Klingons before they were quickly gunned down by the personnel inside engineering.

The first Klingon attack was repelled but more Klingons charged in, only to meet the same fate as they too, were quickly and ruthlessly gunned down. However one Klingon got one shot off, catching Nesbitt in her side, she went down screaming in pain before someone shot the Klingon dead as several engineers rushed over to tend to their fallen Chief.

Meanwhile, in sickbay, the flood of wounded that had made it here was really bogging down the sickbay staff as they raced to help those who could be helped quickly, the ones who needed surgery were often helped enough so they remained alive, even if they were in pain. The security team meanwhile had retreated from the main entrance as the Klingons had attacked in force, driving the ten-man team back into the depths of sickbay, they had conscripted two dozen walking wounded and had ensured they were deployed to assist in protecting sickbay from the onslaught of the Klingons.

Lieutenant JG Sarah Ashley sighed softly as she looked down at the display on her tricorder. "Broken leg. Let's handle this one," she commented to the man assisting her with her efforts as Lieutenant Shorin Gal'jaridd, sighed softly. The Manticores chief medical officer didn't like what she was seeing. "Okay, this man is hemorrhaging, get him into surgery, right now!" she called before she began moving the man onto a hover-gurney so he could be moved. "Help me with this!" she snapped loudly. The young nurse jumped to obey.

Meanwhile, Captain Annalee Stevens moved down the hallway before she checked the display on her tricorder. "Marks, grenade down the hall, off the back wall to the left. I got a dozen Klingons preparing to attack sickbay."

Marks plucked a grenade from one of the pouches on his uniform, he pulled the pin before launching it down the hallway like a baseball, there was a rather loud but sudden earsplitting crash as the lifesigns all faded all at once. "Clear, let's move up." the marine indicated to her team with her.

She approached sickbay. "Manticores finest are here!" the tall female called out when suddenly she found herself facing two phaser rifles and the wounded Marines. "Good to see you skipper." the larger of the two men regarded her with a grin. "come in, please. Coffee's in back, cream and sugar if you want it."

"Hah. funny." Stevens commented evenly. "How's it going up here?"

"It's ugly, we have over sixty wounded and more keep coming in, the Klingons seem in no rush to stop them."

"As they wound the crew, they all come here and they'll make sickbay into a prison of sorts," Stevens responded. "Effective." she sighed. "Our guys are scattered all over the ship and that battleship is still out there. We need a way to deal with it, once and for all. I'm open to ideas."

The two marines shook their heads before Marks commented. "What about the forward Heavy missile launcher.?" he paused. "We can access it from the tactical array."

Stevens turned her head. "Let's head there and see what is available for our needs." she nodded. "You guys, hold the fort here. My guys, with me." and with that, she turned right and went down the hallway, towards her new destination.

Meanwhile up on the bridge. With the wounded and the dead cleaned up. Lieutenant Commander Beth Woerner sighed softly as she tapped the display before her. "We have two hundred Klingon troops aboard, with more boarding us," she commented. "We need to deal with that battleship and quick. We're losing more ground as they advance."

Rtas "Halfjaw" 'Vadum'ee nodded as he regarded the display. "All missiles and phasers are set for one massive salvo, this will expend all of our weapons. We will be helpless if this does not work," he explained.

"We're already helpless. Do it" Woerner commented as the large reptilian tapped the firing stud on his display before him.

The USS Manticore slowly spun about, before the ship was suddenly wreathed in fire as several hundred missiles of various types began shooting at the Klingon battleship, dozens of them impacted into the shields of their target, this brought down the shields as the additional ordinance began landing on the Klingon ship's armored hull, some of the ordinance penetrated but most was simply ignored and knocked aside.

The Klingon battleship slowly came about to face the USS Manticore but before she returned fire, there was a bright flash as two more ships exited warp, a Federation Guardian class battleship and a New Orleans class destroyer appeared and opened fire on the Klingon battleship, even as weakened as it was, the battleship put up a stiff fight dealing with the USS Concord Dawn as the Manticore slowly turned before she began to move away, the destroyer moved in to assist the Manticore with moving away from the battle area, while she did so, she also began transporting several dozen Federation special forces operators onto the stricken Heavy Cruiser. Moments after this, there was a third warp flash as an Envoy class starship appeared.

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi turned her head. "Scramble all of our birds. Launch everything. Kill that battleship." she ordered. "Nathan, whenever you're ready."

"Aye skipper." Nathan Duhamel responded as he opened fire using the weapons on the Courageous to help the Concord Dawn in finishing off the Klingon battleship which exploded a moment later.

"Did we get them?"

"The Klingons teleported over a thousand of their troops to the Manticore." came the response.

Torilla paused. "Oh shit." she then smiled. "Hack into the Manticores systems using the prefix code." she turned to Morales who was way ahead of her. "Put everyone to sleep." she added a moment later.

"On it," Morales responded. "Gassing her crew now and the uninvited guests too."

"Alright." Yamaguchi turned. "Garry, convert Cargo bay four into a jail for our uninvited guests, then we'll wake Manticores crew and secure the ship."

"Yessir. I'm on it." Smithson responded evenly.


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