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Save the Last Dance - Part Three

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 1:53am by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Division Admiral Daniel Peterson & Captain Bolvar "Highlord" Fordragon & Captain L'Ruan "Shield" Dragon & Captain T'Rae Yamaguchi & Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Captain Nathan Hanson & Commander Telios Wintersnow & Lieutenant Naris Linojj

Mission: Mission 38: Last One Out, Get the Lights
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: 1400Hrs - July 28th 2391

Commander Telios Wintersnow was standing on her hooves as she nodded her head. "Excellent Helm." she commented softly. "Captain, do we have any business remaining here?" she inquired gently.

"Recall our birds for safe evac. Inform the fleet we move out in five minutes. Course set for Starbase 12," Zara spoke as she headed to the center chair. "Mister Sheridan, transmit the coordinators to the rest of the fleet and tell them to move out on my order."

Sheridan nodded. "Contacting the fleet now.." The com system came alive with chatter. "This is the Alexander the Great... we're ready to get under way." came a female voice with a dusky accent.

"This is Python Three Nine... coming in for a landing." came another voice as Sheridan added his own voice. "All fleet units, set a course for Starbase Twelve... prepare to get underway in five minutes.." he commented.

The com chatter lessened as the responses came back as various voices began checking in. "The fleet is checking in sir..." Sheridan responded.

Meanwhile on the USS Alexander the Great. Captain T'Rae was sitting in her command chair, a pleasant smile on her Vulcan face as she regarded her conn officer. "Status?"

"We're ready to get underway sir..." came the response

"Alrighty, Number one. talk to me?"

Daniel Yamaguchi smiled as he softly snickered sitting at the Operations Station as T'Rae regarded her husband. "Something amusing.?"

"Oh... nothing... other then the usual."

"I can't help it if I get bored easily."

T'Rae smiled. "Inform the flagship that we are ready."

Nathan Hanson nodded. "Willdo sir."

Meanwhile over on the USS Toronto. The Highlord was standing in front of the MSD at the back of his bridge. "L'Ruan. Where are we?"

"We are beginning last checks now sir." the Vulcan responded evenly.

The Highlord nodded. "Proceed."

Meanwhile, back on Roanoke's bridge. Telios smiled as she listened to the com chatter.

"I sure hope Jake wasn't secretly training me for fleet ops," Zara said as she rubbed her temples. "Been a while since I had to listen to this much comm chatter."

Telios tapped something on her PADD. "Status Mister Sheridan?"

"Most of the Fleet has checked in..."

"Tranquility reports ready," a soft-spoken female noted on the line.

"Rowling is also ready," Captain Kwan reported. "All birds are in the barn."

Sheridan smiled. "Captain... all reports reported in... everyone is ready to depart.."

Telios slowly smiled. "Permission to get underway?"

"Tallyho!" Zara called out with relief.

"Alright.." Telios nodded.

The Conn officer responded. "Getting underway...."

Sheridan smiled as he tossed in. "Letting the fleet know" as he took in a deep breathe and then he exhaled. "Goodbye Tarod and god speed.." he intoned softly.


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