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Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 5:59pm

Division Admiral Daniel Peterson

Name Daniel Peterson

Position Chief Engineering Officer - 92nd Fleet

Rank Division Admiral

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human - Colonist
Age 60
Birthdate July 22nd, 2333

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 160lbs
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Tall and thin, he has a workaholic's attitude, he will report for work earlier then anyone else and goes home later then anyone else.


Spouse Captain Maria Peterson, CO - USS Corona
Children Lt Commander Jake Peterson, Chief Tactical Officer - USS Solar
Father James Peterson, Civilian
Mother Commander Nicola Peterson - Civilian
Brother(s) Nathan Peterson, Civilian
Sister(s) Heather Peterson, CO - USS Hasti
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally cold, calculating with an overbearing attitude.
Daniel as known for having an overbearing attitude, in simple truth he is a tyrant.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: he can get a lot done in a short amount of time.

Weaknesses: Everything else.
Ambitions To become Commanding Officer of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers.
Hobbies & Interests Reading Tech manuals.

Personal History Daniel Peterson was born on Earth in twenty-three thirty-three in Liverpool. England and it was here as he looked out into the vast shipyards of his homeworld that he realized he wanted to be an engineer as they build things and fixed things.

Had his family been a better and more stable one, he would have seen more success in his early years with his work, as it was his father was drunk most days and also he was abusive, sometimes physically abusing his wife and children.

Daniel was fourteen when he decided he wanted to go into Starfleet as an Engineer. Armed with the knowledge that his voice was the right one, he told his parents and rather than encourage him. His father was dismissive of his son's decisions and unfortunately, things were going to get worse when his mother divorced his father, an action that would have a deep effect on all of the Peterson children. Daniel rightly blamed his father who angrily turned on his son.

Landing his son in the Medcenter was only the start of his father's problems but Daniel decided that his father wasn't a part of his family any longer as he publicly disowned his father in school, saying he had no father and so he pushed himself to succeed where his father had failed.

He applied, was accepted and went off to Starfleet academy when he turned eighteen, an act that inspired his siblings to do the same thing and as they all left home, one after another his father tried to tighten his grip but all of his children ignored him.

Daniel's four years at the academy was the only real peace he had ever known up to that point and he loved it, his work was what kept him going, it drove him and provided focus for him, he graduated near the top of his class and went off to the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards on Mars to began working on new Starship designs

However with the dawn of the new age of the Federation. Daniel Patterson was more or less told that a battlefleet like what he had envisioned wasn't needed but that all changed when the Federation first encountered the Borg in 2365. He found a champion in his designs in Ranik Solusar but the two men couldn't get along and they bickered over details like how many power transfer conduits should the ship have.

Ranik's first two designs were good, one was a retrofitted Ambassador and the other was a refitted Apollo, set up to carry large numbers of marines. Starfleet kept throwing roadblocks at him citing rules and regulations, so after two years of near constant fighting and arguments, the situation finally got intolerable for both men.

Rather then figure something out, Peterson went for Solusar and things went bad to really stupid for him, he was very nearly kicked out of Starfleet but he was reassigned thanks to a request from Admiral Helen Brooks of Starbase 201 who needed an Engineer of his skills set but he was demoted from Commander to Lieutenant JG for his actions.

Peterson remained here for the next twenty years, teaching many younger officers the ins and outs of working in an engine room on Starships and starbases but he is known for pushing people around, later he would find unfavorable comparisons with Admiral Nechayev and Commander Xin Ra-Havreii, both known for their unusual and rather nasty personal styles which in the end really defined Petterson as a man.

in 2387 he was reassigned to the USS Georgetown as her Chief Engineer, a mission that saw him become somewhat redeemable as he saved a planetary civilization from a computer virus which would have turned their technology and later that year, he assisted with the Hobus incident, coordinating some of the relief efforts from the Federation to the Romulans.

He was then reassigned back to Starbase 201, however, it was not to last, as he was quickly reassigned to Starbase 12 as the base Engineer was assigned off to the USS Shinano. Patterson went over to the starbase but he took his ugly personality with him and while he clashed with others in his they did things with his style, the trouble was that he didn't care as he no longer had a cause worth fighting.

The Klingon war with the Gorn soon cured him of the notion that he could fly under the radar as it were, he locked horns very quickly with the base exec before Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi hauled him into the office and gave him a bollocking. Patterson expected to be reassigned but April refused to consider it, instead of telling him that other people were relying on him to help them. He was needed. His personal needed him as did the crews of the hundreds of ships that were coming back from the front with battle damage.

Patterson came to a quick realization that he was not being toyed with, he also rolled up his sleeves and went to work, often working longer hours then many others, his excuse was that that other needed his best and he would give it, quickly the base engineers rallied around him.

Grand Admiral Yamaguchi watched, as she smiled with approval. When her command moved to Starbase 105, there was no question that Patterson would go anywhere else, as he had earned his place as Chief of Engineering, he had also refused two starship command's, citing that he had found his place and himself. This admission impressed many of his peers and his people. He remains with Starbase 105 to this day.
Service Record Service Record
Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2351 to 2355 - Engineering Student
Cadet One - Four

Utopia Planitia Shipyards - Mars, SOL
2355 to 2367 - Engineering Officer / Research and Development
Ensign / Commander

Starbase 201 - Regula II Class
2367 to 2387 - Chief Engineer
Lieutenant JG / Captain

USS Georgetown - Ambassador Class
2387 to 2389 - Chief Engineer

Starbase 201 - Regula II Class
2389 to 2391 - Chief Engineer

Starbase 12 - Ournal III Class
2391 to 2392 - Chief Engineer

Starbase 105 - Ournal III Class
2392 to 2393 - Chief Engineer

USS Valhalla - Valhalla Class
2393 to Present - Chief Engineering Officer for 92nd Fleet
Division Admiral

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
Original Service Record:
2351 to 2355 - Cadet One - Four
2355 to 2356 - Ensign
2356 to 2358 - Lieutenant JG
2358 to 2362 - Lieutenant
2362 to 2366 - Lt Commander
2366 to 2367 - Commander
2367 to 2369 - Lieutenant JG
2369 to 2375 - Lieutenant
2375 to 2382 - Lt Commander
2382 to 2389 - Commander
2389 to Present Day - Captain

Corrected Service Record:
Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
Original Service Record:
2351 to 2355 - Cadet One - Four
2355 to 2356 - Ensign
2356 to 2358 - Lieutenant JG
2358 to 2362 - Lieutenant
2362 to 2367 - Lt Commander
2367 to 2376 - Commander
2376 to 2386 - Captain
2386 to 2390 - Commodore
2390 to Present - Division Admiral