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We Have Trouble

Posted on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 2:58pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Commander Telios Wintersnow & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kthaara 'Leadfoot' Taavoro & Lieutenant Isabella Rojas & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Colonel Pollux "Jetfire" Knoxx & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight & Zuko Omakan
Edited on on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 3:08pm

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke / Tarod IX
Timeline: 1200Hrs - May 3rd, 2391

Not surprising, the task group of group Roanoke's failed to get a bunch of naive peace-loving politicians to see reason. None of them wanted to mobilize their community owing to the concern that it would alter their culture.

So now Roanoke's mission here was reduced to CAP patrols and engineers on the planet turning the city into a fortified structure. This was not want the officers of Starfleet wanted, but what they had been dealing with for the past four days....

"There it is again, more tachyons," commented Chief Petty officer Norsvin Korr, whom sat at the primary sensor control panel on his delta flyer.

"How strong," asked Flight captain Kukai 'Eyes' Moski.

Norsvin shook his head, "cant get a clear reading."

Kukai looked at her pilots, saying, "bring us closer to those emissions." She gave the matter some thought, but then she remembered, the Dominion used anti proton bursts to reveal cloaked ships, and it worked very well against romulan cloaks. Turning to Norsvin, she ordered," switch the main array to start emitting a concentrated anti proton burst in their direction, lets see what we can find."

Korr nodded, and hit a few commands on his console," done, array charging, emitting anti proton burst."

Korr's face went white as the sensor array picked up two d'deridex class warbirds and six Mogai's, all heading to the planet. worse, they knew that they where detected, and one of the Mogai's turned towards their fighter.

"Oh fuck, they're pissed." Korr muttered.

Kukai looked at the monitor then screamed, "Turn us around, get us the hell out of here."

The pilots wasted no time turning the flyer around and used its enhanced speed to stay out of the angry warbirds range. Korr then announced," The big boys are launching small craft, " Looks like scorpion class attack flyers."

Kukai then hurriedly hailed the Roanoke and Dreamcrusher.

"This is flyer 3, we have eight warbirds incoming, armed and ready, two D'Deridex class warships and six Mogai's. I am also detecting multiple small craft launching, "Scorpion class attack flyers."

Meanwhile on the USS Roanoke's bridge. Commander Torilla Yamaguchi sighed. "I had a feeling the Romulans would make an appearance." she sighed. "stramble all of our fighters... full weapons load... shit just became real." a sigh escaped her lips. "All hands to battlestations."

"Right. This is Phoenix. Me and I wingman need to come in. We're almost to bingo. So prepare for refuel and relaunch once Boomer gets the rest of the birds out," the CAG stated.

Zuko wasted no time, activating the intercom, "Red alert, all hands man your battlestations, I repeat, this is general quarters, all hands to battlestations."

He then opened a channel to roanoke, Roanoke, this is dreamcrusher," Our VLS tubes are still empty, we don't have any long range anti fighter missiles available, it will be up to the fighters to stop them. All of our heavy quantum launchers are available and fully loaded, though, and we can open fire on the warbirds."

The response came back. "Roanoke's finest are on it."

Meanwhile in Dreamcrusher's sickbay, Commander Celeste Yamaguchi sighed as she tapped her combadge. "All medical personnel, report for duty...the war just came to us.."

Telios Wintersnow smiled. "Sir, the Scorpion class attack fighters are no threat whatsoever to us so Roanoke's fighters will slaughter them.." she explained.

On Roanoke's flight deck, the siblings Yamaguchi embraced as Elizabeth gently gave her smaller sibling a hug. "Fly well out there... and good hunting."

"Thanks Beth.. that means a lot to me, coming from you."

"You earned this.. Kill them." the taller woman smiled. "Go..."

Rachael turned and made her way to her fighter where pone of the ordinance techs was checking her warheads. "Hey Gerry, hows she lookin?"

"As good as we can make her sir."

"Thanks.. I'll give the Romulans the regards of you and the rest of your guys.." Rachael knew it was a big deal that he had addressed her as 'sir' when she was the lowest ranking pilot aboard, it was because she treated the deck gang with respect, at all times.

"All I ask Firebird." as he helped her into her fighter and he then handed her her helmet which she quickly slipped on, she then sealed the canopy, before doing her preflight checks, once those were done she noticed the rest of the warbirds around her were ready.

Zuko studied the situation carefully, the romulan attack flyers carried no real anti ship ordinance, so they where little threat to Dreamcrusher's heavily armored hull. The danger was those warships. Roanoke could take on a mogai by herself, maybe a single d'deridex, but the moment that multiple romulan ships ganged up on her, she wouldn't stand a chance. and the fighters would be preoccupied taking on the romulan flyers. either way, he was looking at taking on at least 7 ships by himself, at least momentarily. Dreamcrusher is truly about to be put through her paces.

Zuko carefully gave his orders," Helm, plant us firmly between roanoke and those warships, none of them get through. Tactical, concentrate fire on the mogai's first, we will take them out one by one."

Oriana worked the Helm. "Aye Captain!" as she moved the Dreamcrusher.

Meanwhile Rojas operated the weapons. "Shots out Captain!"

The first Mogai seemed to hesitate as dreamcrusher opened fire from a range beyond the normal range of quantum and photon torpedo. Zuko gave a small smile, as the romulans clearly didn't expect the longer range of the heavy quantum, Or a volley-dump of 72 heavy quantums as Dreamcrusher emptied her forward facing tubes.

Zuko observed as some of the romulan fliers moved to attempt to intercept the heavy quantum's but they only succeeded in shooting a few of them down. The Mogai's moved into a close formation and as the heavy quantums got close enough, the Mogai's employed what seemed to be a point defense and a decoy system. However it only succeed on destroying or drawing off some of the heavy quantums as well over 40 of them hit home. one mogai disappeared entirely, while four others took varying degrees of shield damage.

Roanoke's fighters have a ringside seat of the weapons play between the Dreamcrusher and the Romulan warbirds. Rachael was in the number two Squadron of the First Wing, she smiled as she watched the interactions between the various Starships as there was a massive fireball which erupted then it dissipated as it consumed the available oxygen.

"All Units open fire." came the expected order as Rachael checked her target for the last time before lighting off one missile, it flew straight and true as it demolished one Scorpion class flyer. The system chalked up one kill for Rachael as she quickly acquired a second target before demolishing that one too.

Rachael glanced at her kill counter, it showed her '2'. indicating that she had two solid kills.

"Let's try and help Dreamcrusher some," Zara spoke as she turned to her XO. "Let's spam some quantums across her bow and try to hit the D'deridex."

Torilla nodded as she went over to the Tactical station behind the large horseshoe railing that dominated the bridge before she selected what she wanted. "Firing torpedoes.." Torilla commented as she caught the scene on the screen. Several Federation fighters were caught up in a dogfight with several Romulan Scorpion class attack flyers.

Meanwhile the torpedoes sped across the battlespace, before impacting into the side of the large Romulan Warbird, the effect didn't show much in the way over lasting damage however.

Meanwhile Elizabeth Yamaguchi stood and waited for the fight to end, she had no idea how her sibling was doing, or anyone else for that matter.

Typhoon had taken Eight Ball as her wingman. Lynx had Hogshead as her wingman. Typhoon was in a dog fight with a Romulan fighter. Lynx zeroed in on another and went after it.

Lynx fired her phasers but the Romulan gracefully dodged them. "You know, I'm still thinking I should be doing the shooting and you be the wingman." Hogshead cooly stated.

"Now is not the time!" Lynx shouted back as she tried and failed to hit the Romulan. Hogshead reply was a "Pfft" from Hogshead. It was then that two more scorpion fighters came after Lynx.

"Do you see those?" Lynx shouted.

"You worry about shooting the one in front you, Lynx." Hogshead told her. The scorpions opened fire on Lynx but Hogshead interfered with their shots. Lynx finally hit home with her weapons and destroyed the scorpion. Things shifted back quickly as the two scorpions concentrated on Hogshead. His shields gave out and he only barely ejected before his fighter blew up.

Lynx somehow turned her fighter around and fired off her micro torps into a scorpion. Eight Ball broke protocol and fired an attack of opportunity and the last scorpion and destroyed it with a burst of fire.

Elizabeth went over to the aid station as the first pilots began to be beamed aboard, she produced her medkit as she went to work in treating the first pilot, a male who'm she had heard was named Hogshead or Kendal, or something or other.

"Easy big guy." Elizabeth smiled. "You're back on the Roanoke..."

"I blacked out for a while." Hogshead told her. "Where am I?"

"You're on the Roanoke.." Elizabeth responded as she began tending to his issues. "Take deep steady breaths and you'll be alright."

Oriana brought the Dreamcrusher around to reveal his broadside, while the Romulans unleashed a full volley of nearly 200 torpedoes. none of the allied fighters moved to shoot them down, so it was up to Dreamcrusher to attempt to shoot them down. Oriana brought 16 of the point defense turrets to bear, but not having longer range VLS missiles available heavily overtaxed the point defense. Isabella did her best to coordinate the point defenses, but less than 40 of the torpedoes were shot down before impacting the shields, reducing their strength to 30 percent.

Zuko, was for once, thankful that they were no longer using a normal EPS system on Dreamcrusher. No consoles exploded and no sparks flew. Oriana then brought Dreamcrusher to expose her side-mounted launchers, but before she could finish the maneuver, the mogai's used a micro warp jump into close range with the Dreamcrusher. Zuko didn't have to order Isabella to switch to phasers to fight off the mogai's, and Dreamcrusher did have another surprise waiting. Unlike other pathfinders, which carried two spinal phaser lances, Dreamcrusher carried four turreted heavy phasers, each carrying two phaser beam cannons. While individually the guns were not as powerful as the spinal lance, all 4 turrets concentrating fire had as much power as the spinal lance blast. Isabella concentrated fire on one mogai at a time, trying to eliminate them one at a time.

However the D'Deridexe's continued to sling torpedoes at the Dreamcrusher, and Zuko knew he was in a bad spot, so he contacted the Roanoke, "Roanoke, can you send your bombers to try and distract those D'Deridexe's, we are a bit overwhelmed here.

"You heard the man Phoenix. Tell your pilots to turn and burn," Zara ordered. "Go weapons free."

"Roger that. All able birds, fire on those big green shits," Phoenix barked out to her pilots.

Rachael noticed the two larger warbirds closing on the Dreamcrusher. "Command, the Dreamcrusher is being boxed in... requesting support.." she passed the request off to the controllers on the Roanoke.

The closest mogai to Dreamcrusher lost its shields to Dreamcrusher's phase arrays, and promptly, all 4 main turrets opened fire two shots struck the head, blowing two large holes in the bridge section, another 4 shots severed the wing, and the last shot struck a torpedo magazine, causing it to explode and blow the warbird in half. Another barrage of disruptor fire dropped Dreamcrusher's shields, and Zuko heard the dinging sounds of the enemy shots hitting Dreamcrusher's armor. Meanwhile, concentrated fire from Dreamcrusher crippled another mogai, leaving it drifting and helpless.

The large warbirds then proceeded to launch over 40 heavy plasma torpedoes. Dreamcrusher's point defense shot down nearly 30, but 11 shots hit. several dished the armor on the main turrets but failed to penetrate. Three hit the forward saucer where there was less armor, and the warheads succeed in penetrating but failed to damage anything important. Five others hit the thickest parts of the armor and failed to penetrate.

Meanwhile, Leadfoot was the first of his squadron out of the hangar. Each of his 12 scorpions was loaded with 4 heavy quantums, giving his squadron a total of 48 of the powerful missiles. however, with the Romulans having some point defense ability, Leadfoot knew that Jetfire's squadron was still needed as well to finish the job.

Kameron 'Foehammer' Yamaguchi, in the number nine bird of First Squadron, missed the scorpion that he was targeting and struck dreamcrusher, which caused one of the point defense turrets to lock on to his fighter and open fire. Foehammer yelled. "SHIT!" AS he suddenly found himself taking impacts from the ordinance launched off of the Dreamcrusher. Fortunately for the pilot, his site to site transporter beamed him back to the Roanoke. Unfortunately for him, his fighter was now a blazing ruin.

Meanwhile on the Roanoke, Elizabeth Yamaguchi found herself tending to her husband. "What happened!?"

"I missed my target and hit the Dreamcrusher... that ship is... lethality personified... I'm fucking lucky to be alive.." he admitted quietly as he looked into his wife's concerned eyes as she tended to him. "Easy Kam... come on... let me help you up."

She grasped his hand before she hauled him to his feet.

On the bridge of the USS Roanoke, Torilla Yamaguchi was busy at the tactical station., the sound of tapping could be head. "What does that button do..' she muttered as she tapped it, launching a half dozen torpedoes, two of which crashed into the Dreamcrusher and the rest crashed into a Mogai class, doing moderate damage.

"Fire on the D'deridex," Zara prodded her XO. "Fire on the D'deridex!" She sighed "Fire on the fucking D'deridex!!" Zara order with exasperation. "Full volley."

Torilla Yamaguchi sighed as she gave the smaller woman an evil look. "You're worse then my husband. Stop poking me..." she sighed. "now where was I... ahh yes.." and she went back to tapping at the display before she launched off several Quantum torpedoes, one of which crashed into the Dreamcrusher's hull while the others all flew true and crashed into the lead warbird, doing damage to her shields but no serious damage.

Zuko hailed the roanoke, with a hint of anger, "Hey jackasses fix your aim, and keep in mind, my portside launchers are loaded and pointing in your direction.

"Yeah Yeah... quit moving around.. " she sighed. "you squirm worse then my husband when I'm bedding him.."

Jake who was snickering up to this point, finally broke down laughing as Torilla adjusted her aim then she launched off another dozen warheads as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Team Two... how you coming with that warhead..?"

"Yamaguchi, team two..we're ready.. say the word sir and we'll light this roman candle."

Yamaguchi smiled as she proceeded to dismantle the first Warbird's shields. "Do it now!" she called as she shifted her attention to the second Warbird, firing another dozen warheads, right about the same time as the front section of the first warbird vanished in a truly massive explosion. "Ahh... much better.." Torilla smiled. "What?"

Dreamcrusher opened fire at the vulnerable mogai with her 4 main phaser turrets, turning the ship into a gutted wreck. The last mogai then began to retreat, with the two D'Deridex class warbirds also began to fall back as well, moving out of roanoke's torpedo range. Meanwhile, many of the scorpions and a whole bunch of transport shuttles had slipped passed the fighter screen and were heading down to the planet.

Leadfoot had just gotten his squadron within range, and gave the order, "Launch all quantums."

48 heavy quantums detached from the scorpions and screamed towards the enemy warbirds. Some of them got shot down, but many found their mark, flattening the shields on one of the larger warbirds.

Zuko got the dreamcrusher turned around as his forward tubes were reloaded and he began to chase the romulan ships.

"I'm out of microtorps." Typhoon told what was left of her flight.

"Alright, Eight Ball and myself will go after them." Lynx replied. "Eight Ball, go after the transports. Give them everything you have."

"Lynx, what about their fighters?" Eight Ball asked.

"Ignore them! They can't land Reman Commandos on the planet." Lynx replied.

Both fighters raced towards the transports. They unloaded their payloads and four transports exploded or were hurdling at the planet in flames. The scorpions fired on the vulnerable fighters. Eight Ball was hit and she had to eject. Lynx took evasive action but was still grazed as she headed back towards Typhoon.

At the aid station, the downed pilots were being beamed in one at a time, Elizabeth was checking them over. "Alright.. your good." she said to another one before Eight Ball appeared on the padd. Elizabeth regarded the downed pilot. "Let me check you over..."

"My cockpit was flaming when I bailed." Eight Ball told Elizabeth. "It felt like my legs were on fire."

Elizabeth smiled. "Its alright.." as she waved her tricorder. "they very nearly were... you timed that good.."

Eight Ball sighed in relief. "Alright, thank you."

"All elements, let them land." Zara spoke over the comm, knowing the Governor had just gotten through to her as well.

"WHAT?!? We need help, Captain Tane. They'll take our produce again," Tresher protested very nasally.

"Only if you tell me the magic words," Zara countered without remorse to his situation.


"Wrong answer," Zara answered and then hailed the Romulans in an open channel. "Be advised that my fleet is allowing you safe passage down the planet. But I would strongly reccomend you think about surrender, before that situation changes. Captain Tane out."

Zuko looked straight at Telios, saying, " O.K. now I'm convinced she has finally snapped, what the hell."

Telios Wintersnow too was surprised. "That makes two of us.." she paused as she tapped the com. "Confirm Roanoke... say again?"

"Shoot anything that is not headed to the planet. All else, you let them land," Tane repeated.

Leadfoot had his own what the fuck moment as Jetfire's squadron expended their ordinance, killing one of the D'Deridex class ships. With all their ordinance spent, it would be up to Dreamcrusher to chase the last two romulan ships down and kill them.

Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she watched the last two Romulan ships both turn to flee, leaving their downed people on the planet behind.

"Alright folks, listen," Zara began to explain to the fleet. "I did not leave the colony defenseless. But we will not help them until their government admits they need to defend themselves. So we leave them leftovers until Governor Tresher calls back to agree to those terms."

Zuko gave Telios a look. He knew that there wasn't fuck all he could do about the shuttles anyway, but he still found it unsettling.

Rachael had one of the larger shuttles in her crosshairs as she fought the temptation to burn it out of space, she stood down her weapons. "Confirmed.." she growled.

Lynx had found Typhoon in all the Chaos. "Lynx, you are now my wingman. Stay close to me and refrain form firing. We have been ordered to hold our fire." Typhoon informed Lynx.

"Yeah, I heard." Lynx said with some disappointment.

Rachael disengaged from her target as one Scorpion class attack flyer took a few potshots at her, she chopped her throttle as she up and then rolled inverted, relative to the planet as she spotted her quarry.

She then decided he was fair game as he had the faster fighter but she was far stronger, far better armed and armored. It wasn't long before she reduced him to a small fading fireball.

Rachael then reformed with her assigned Squadron. "Status Check, Second Squadron." Camshaft ordered, and they went down the assigned numbers until it came to Rachael's turn in the Number ten bird. "I'm at a hundred percent, no damage."

"Alright... Lets go back to the barn..."

"You did a good job guys. Now we refuel and blockade those bastards still on tha surface," Phoenix told her pilots.

"Confirmed," Zara spoke through the channel as well. "Mark their birds that landed though. Soon as the governor realizes his planet can't depends on Starfleet to fix every problem for him, your people will bomb those shuttles before they can take off."

"Might wanna tell tha marines on tha ground that. Don' think Daisy will want to sit on her hands for long," Phoenix countered.

"I'm banking on her people creating a killbox for your folks Phoenix. Right now, refuel for blockade ops. Tane out."

Daisy was pacing back and forth in the command bunker. There was a fight brewing and she was going to miss it. Normally she would be out in the field commanding her unit but pregnancy forced her to stay back. She had to trust in her subordinates.

She had the marines in place around the food silos. The Romulans were very consistent in their target. Although their were a larger amount of Reman Commandos planetside than her marines, her people had taken up good positions.

Daisy tapped her comm badge =/\= Rohr to Nightstar, are you there? =/\=.

"Yes, I am here, what is it," Nightstar replied.

"Remember the plan, let the Remans get right up to the grain silos before springing the trap." daisy stated.

"Got it."


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