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Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 5:46am by Commander Theris Dvald-Veldama & Department Master Chief Petty Officer Stephen "Orthos" McKnight & Post Captain Jennifer "Karax" McKnight & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight & Commander K'taro & Lt Commander Kralasha
Edited on on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 5:54am

Mission: Mission 69: Tienn's Fall from Grace
Location: Various Locations - Watchman Station
Timeline: 1100Hrs - April 20th, 2392

Jen McKnight was seated in the starbase Plaza, enjoying a nice large lunch as she had skipped breakfast and she was hungry, to make matters worse Prynn had kept her up being sick in the Starbase Hospital most of the previous evening when her child discovered she had an allergy to shellfish thanks to dinner gone bad.

She regarded the half Klingon female across from her, who was now her sister in law. "So Daisy. How are you settling in with our future liege-lord?" she grinned at Daisy, normally she didn't get along with Klingons but she found Daisy to be a true joy in life.

"I'm settling in just fine, thank you," Daisy replied. She then rubbed her growing belly. "Soon he'll have to share our attention though."

McKnight grinned at Daisy. "Let me guess... The pineapple incident?" she inquired with a knowing smile. "I should visit that ship when they have an outbreak. Maybe it'll help cure my problems via other means."

"It happened a little after that incident," Daisy replied. "No, it was just part of our normal activity."

McKnight chuckled softly. "Fair enough.." she responded as the comm system beeped. "Orthos to Rohr-McKnight. Darling... I hate to pester you but your presence is required in the stockade... One of your marines got arrested for brawling... or so I am told."

"This is Daisy, I'm only a reserve officer Honey. Maybe you should contact Tienn. She is on the station for a short while." Daisy replied.

There was a soft sigh. "That's.. the problem... You see. Tienn is the one in the brig, wife of mine..." Orthos responded in a rather dry tone.

Daisy let out a big sigh. "I'll change and report to the stockade ASAP. Out." She then turned to McKnight, "I'm sorry but I have to go to work."

McKnight nodded. "Fair enough." she smiled at the other woman. "I'm going to go and check on Prynn anyway." and with that, the two women parted company.

Meanwhile, in the brig spaces, Commander Theris Dvald walked out of the brig before she activated the forcefield before finding herself face to face with a Klingon female she did not know. "Hello. Can I help you?" she smiled up at the taller female before her.

"Yes Commander, I am here to check on Major Tienn," Daisy told her. "How is she doing."

Dvald smiled. "She'll be alright, asides from the slash wound on her left side, the ligature markings around her neck and the other bumps and bruises she incurred from the Klingon she was fighting, he nearly strangled her to within an inch of her life... I will allow you to speak with her but.. please don't tax her..." The small Bolian female responded. "I need to go and see her bunkmate or.... her chew-toy since she did more damage to him than he did to her..."

Daisy gave Dvald a side-ways look trying to understand her last remark. The tall female dismissed the thought just as quickly before she went to Tienn. "Hey, what happened?" She asked the Bajoran.

"I was doing paperwork, seeing to it the various ships got their supplies when this angry Klingon comes over, demanding I supply his ship right now," Tienn explained with a shrug. "The wordplay started nasty and went to full on stupid before things got stupid... He was trying to provoke me the entire time... Thinking it was cute that I was wearing my usual marine gear in a supply posting." Tienn didn't look at Rohr-McKnight as she spoke. "One thing led to another and here we are... in a fistfight that escalated quickly... stupidly... dangerously..."

"Okay, are you physically alright?" Daisy asked. "This really isn't like you."

"I've been better Daisy," Tienn responded as she languished in the brig. "This really is my last hurrah before I get turfed out of the service... My family doesn't want me. My career is in ruins and... Yeah... Mister adventure will probably want my head after this.." she indicated the other cells nearby, referring to the large male.

Meanwhile several cells over. Commander Theris Dvald regarded K'taro as she spoke to him in flawless Klingon. "You should be careful but I suspect you won't listen to me on things... But you are more or less fully healed now," she added. "I'm told your commanding officer will want words with you... and I will not deny her." she turned and departed the brig cell as she regarded the Klingon female in the room who wore battle armor and was not Daisy Rohr-McKnight. "Greetings, can I help you?" Theris inquired, again in flawless Klingon.

"Thank you for caring of my first officer. I must admit to being this fool's commanding officer." Kralasha told her. "I wish to talk to him before talking to your officers about his punishment."

Dvald smiled as she looked up at the taller female. "Of course HoD" she addressed her in Klingon. "I will inform my officers that the matter is discipline will be handled by yourself... If you prefer."

"Thank you, Doctor, I wish to talk to the other officer and his commanding officer." She replied in Klingon.

"Of course," Dvald responded cheerfully. "Major Tienn is six cells over, presently being visited by Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight regarding this incident," she added.

"Again, thank you," Kralasha told Dvald. She then turned to K'taro. "You have the brains of a gob fly. I'm tempted to slit your throat right now. You will stay silent while I clean up the mess you created."

Dvald smiled as she quietly withdrew in silence.

Kralasha then went into the other cell to address Tienn. She walked past Daisy without acknowledging Daisy. "I am looking for an officer named Nerra?" She asked Tienn.

Tienn regarded the Klingon female. "I am Nerra... Tienn Nerra." the Bajoran explained. "To what... do I owe the privilege of your presence Captain?" she inquired in a cool tone.

"The way you injured my officer I were to think you a male. I apologize. I also apologize for his behavior." Kralasha told her.

Tienn raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Oh...?" the small Bajoran paused. "Okay then." as she let out a sigh. "I suspect that he will want words with me too. I mean, I did more damage to him than he did to me." Tienn paused. "However. I accept your apology. He fought honorably.."

Kralasha wasn't sure of what to make of the smaller Bajoran. At this point, she just wanted to end this whole, sad encounter. "I will have him apologize to you." She told her. "Who is your commanding officer? I would like a word to resolve this matter."

Tienn sighed softly. "My commanding Officer is... myself really. But for this matter. You'll need to speak with Major Rohr-McKnight, she's right over there." she indicated Daisy.

Kralasha gave Tienn a short nod before turning to Daisy. She was immediately taken aback by her looks and stared at her. "What charges do you wish to bring against my officer?"

"My command is not interested in bringing up charges at this time," Daisy replied, a little uneasy at Kralasha's stare. "Would your officer wish to file formal charges?"

"He will do no such thing," Kralasha told Daisy, still transfixed on her.

"That's good," Daisy replied with a bit of unease. She was going to say something but finally, could not handle Kralasha's gaze. "May I ask why you are staring at me?"

Kralasha felt a little embarrassed. "I am sorry." Then she switched to Klingon. "What house does your lineage hail?"

Daisy looked at Kralasha, a puzzled look on her face. "Um, I don't speak Klingon."

"Oh." Kralasha was also puzzled by Daisy's response. "May I ask what House on your Klingon side comes from?"

"I also don't know that," Daisy admitted sheepishly.

Kralasha was stunned. "Who in your family is Klingon? Your mother or father?"

"My mother." She replied.

"And what is her name?" She asked her. "Is it Zydu?" there was something in her tone.

Daisy's mouth hit the floor. "Yes, it is! How did you know?"

"She is my sister," Kralasha told her. "You have some of her looks and our crest. You are of House Tanj."

"She told us our house was dead," Daisy replied softly.

"She also never taught you Klingon," Kralsha told her. "How is us?"

"My brothers and sister." Daisy realized that she was telling a stranger about her family. "I'm sorry, I don't know if I believe you."

"To me, there is no doubt. You and your siblings are of House Tanj." She told her. Daisy didn't know how to reply.

Tienn watched the exchange in silence, she knew this was a major moment for Daisy and she didn't want to intervene or interrupt. So she observed in silence.

"If what you're telling me is true may I get back in touch with you?" Daisy asked.

"Of course, I am the commanding officer aboard the IKS Hurgh maS. You are free to contact me at any time." She told her.

Daisy nodded. Kralasha ordered K'taro on his feet and he marched off with a limp. After the Klingons left Daisy turned to Tienn. "What do you make of that?"

Tienn stood before the forcefield in silence, she had moved in the middle of the conversation. "I think... you have some thinking to do... and some questions to ask your mother." Tienn admitted softly. "and you have family on your side that you never knew about.." she regarded Daisy with a gentle smile. "Were you lied to by design or was it something else... May I offer my thoughts on what you might do?" the smaller Bajoran inquired.

"Yes, say something," Daisy told her. She then turned off the force field.

Tienn stepped out. "Thank you. I'd recommend you talk it over with Orthos first... take his temperature on the matter..." she paused. "I'm gathering something stupid happened between the Captain and your mother... One ended up in the Federation and told her children that their house was dead and the other... remained in the empire and is anything but dead. The story doesn't add up and I don't know about you but something smells..."

"Good point, thank you Tienn. I'll talk to Orthos first. You're free to leave." Daisy told her.

"Thanks. I'd best get back to work.." Tienn sighed. "Let me know. if.. you need any... advice or anything." and with that the shorter Bajoran female took her leave.


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