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Under Cover of Night

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 2:31pm by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Commander Patricia Kingston & Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Major Sir Bruce "Scorch" Fraser, 15th Baron Fraser of North Cape & Lieutenant Commander Lia Circe & Lieutenant T'Lee Duval & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Maiev Shadowsong & Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Nettles

Mission: Mission 64: Mortal's Chiefest Enemy
Location: Near AQ-2834-474-Ab also known as Dylans World
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 13th, 2392

The Dreamcrusher was moving along at high warp as the massive Federation ship approached her destination. Commander McKnight knew the time was rapidly approaching when he would need to present his case to the fools he would need to deal with but he didn't know what he was heading into. "Lia?"

Lieutenant Lia Circe who was seated at the communications station on the left side of the bridge, sat in her chair with a look of rapt concentration on her face as she listened to the com chatter in the system. "I'm getting a lot of com chatter skipper... most of it is confused and contradictory."

Celeste Yamaguchi had taken a little while to settle into the role of Executive officer but she found that she enjoyed it, it was a totally different challenge from medical but it was one she was enjoying, she was smiling a lot more and was much calmer then she was even a week earlier. "What parts do not conflict?" she inquired.

"The system is under attack by a Klingon force.."

"What!" McKnight turned back to Orianna. "Helm, can we go any faster?"

Meanwhile, in the system itself, the Federation mercenary force was taking a beating as they had a dozen older Federation ships of various types in the system, and one old starbase they had towed here, they were here to keep an eye on these prisoners since they were illegal and didn't have a right to exist but the Federation also didn't have the right to put them to the sword either so they were consigned to live their days here on this barren wasteland of a planet.

Commander James Munroe growled as one of his last few ships simply disintegrated as a result of Klingon disruptor fire, she disgorged escape pods like a flower dispersing its seed pods in harvest season before the ship simply ignited and began her final disintegration with nothing other than the cold vacuum of space to deal with the fires that burned from within her spaceframe.

"Recover those pods.. we will need those guys elsewhere.." Munroe ordered as one of his officers turned. "Sir... I'm reading another ship approaching at maximum warp... Its a Federation ship... Guardian class." as several flashes of disruptor fire flashed past the viewports.

The station, however, was either more fortunate or their systems just worked better as the three Klingon birds of prey scattered with one being turned into a ball of molten fire and expanding metal as the ship simply disintegrated under the starbases weapons fire.

"A Guardian.." Munroe paused. "What the hell is a Guardian doing here... Hail them.."

Meanwhile back on Dreamcrushers bridge. Lia Circe turned to McKnight. "Sir... The Commander of the... I'm not sure what they are... anyway he would like a word."

"I am sure he does.." McKnight rose to his feet and as the screen flicked over to real a man he didn't know. McKnight started his speech. "I am Captain Daniel McKnight of the USS Dreamcrusher... Who am I speaking to?"

"I am Commander James Munroe, I command the Federation Special Defense group in this system Captain... but I'm afraid you'll have to turn your ship around and depart at once."

"You still have Klingons in the system... We'll handle the mutual problem first.. then we'll settle our dispute. McKnight out."

Munroe had expected this. "Status?"

"Their computer system is highly sophisticated... But I am ready."

Munroe lifted a finger from his left hand. "Not yet... They may yet be useful to us with securing the system... For now, we will work with them.."


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