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Dust in the Wind - Part Five

Posted on Thu Mar 19th, 2020 @ 2:41am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Captain Tirothyn R’Shav & Fleet Captain Coral 'Icecrown' Yamaguchi-Antilles & Post Captain Tirion Fordring & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky
Edited on on Fri May 6th, 2022 @ 11:43pm

Mission: Mission 101: The Restless Shades of the Past
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1030Hrs - July 6th, 2393

All in all, it was shaping up to be a normal day on the starbase as Tirothyn R'Shav smiled, today she was looking after the operations center as Fleet Captain Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx was off the station, she was planetside tending to a personal problem that had arisen due to lack of personnel for the new ground base that had just been completed.

The door to the base commanders office as an elegant and svelte looking Human female emerged. "Hey Tirothyn, anything happening?" she inquired.

"Everything is status quo, nothing major is happening. The USS Gaarni is on patrol of the system and the Ayalam is handling training for a dozen or so cadets we got in our last batch of personnel transfers, asides from that, it's been a quiet day so far," she explained.

Just then Plataea turned, she smiled. "Skipper, the Gaarni is hailing us," she reported. "Commander Duval would like a word," she added.

"Alright, put him through and put him up on the big screen," Yamaguchi-Hobbs responded in a light tone.

Ethan Duval's face appeared on the screen before the Operations crew. "Commodore. We're on our way back as we've had to cut our patrol short, you will not believe what we found."

"Cryptic," Yamaguchi-Hobbs muttered to herself. "What did you find Captain?"

"The USS Pegasus. Lost six years ago in a battle with the Venturi Pirate band," Duval explained. "I talked with Captain Antilles and she seems to be legit."

Of all the things, he could have reported, that was not something that Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs had ever explained. The look on her face said as much. "Ops to Engineering?" she commented, as she opened a comline to address someone in engineering.

"Fordring here. What can I do for you, Commodore?"

"The USS Pegasus is inbound, she's being brought in by the USS Gaarni. Will you be needing time to make ready for her?"

There was a pregnant pause. "The USS Pegasus. As in the Sovereign class ship that disappeared without a trace almost six years ago?" he inquired.

Yamaguchi-Hobbs nodded her head. "Yes, that ship."

"Oh. Well, I have plenty of time for her, at present, I got five ships in for refitting and one Guardian in for final fitting out," he explained. "I can easily accommodate the Pegasus, when is she arriving?"

"In about ten minutes," R'Shav answered with a soft sigh. "This is going to be interesting."

"Slip fourteen is available, send her there," Fordring answered. "I'll send a large damage control party to see to her various needs and wants," he added.

"Thank you, Chief. Operations out." Yamaguchi-Hobbs gently tapped her combadge affixed to her chest with her long, delicate fingers. "Hail the Pegasus for me please, I wish to speak with her Captain."

Plataea Lasky nodded as she carried out the request from her post, the image of a battered bridge and the face of Coral Antilles appeared on the screen. "Captain Antilles, its good to see you again," Yamaguchi-Hobbs commented with a smile.

"Its good to be seen... Celeste.. Is that you?... Its been awhile." Captain Antilles commented in a light tone of voice. "We should be arriving shortly. Will there be any special accommodations for me and my crew?"

"No, the media has not yet been alerted, due to several security issues the Federation has had over the last few years, we will need to make sure you are who you say you are. No disrespect is intended." Yamaguchi-Hobbs explained evenly. "We will give you some time but the media will find out sooner rather than later so prepare yourself, for that level of insanity." the tall human female then sighed softly.

"None is taken, Commodore. My crew will cooperate fully with any investigations. What sort of issues had arisen to cause this anyway?" Captain Antilles inquired in a gentle tone.

"Several imposters have appeared from other realities, impersonating Starfleet officers native to this time and reality," Yamaguchi-Hobbs explained. "We will be able to make this quick and painless for your crew, you have been through a lot and I assume many of your crew are wounded?"

"Yeah, that's more or less what we have to deal with..." Captain Antilles sighed softly.

"We'll have our investigation taken care of while we debrief your people. On a personal note, however, its good to see you again Coral... I know several people will be delighted to see you again." Yamaguchi-Hobbs added in a light tone of voice. "I'm among them..."

"Its good to be alive, even if we are six years late in escorting that convoy here." Captain Antilles explained. "Any of the convoy personnel who were missing came with us. We couldn't save their cargos, however," she explained.

Yamaguchi-Hobbs smiled. "Well the after-effects of the balance of power in this area were greatly shifted as a result of the destruction of the convoy and your loss but it didn't prevent the base from being built, if anything, it hastened the construction as the Federation was forced to divert a lot more resources to its protection and construction." the tall human female explained.

"Well, we'll be arriving shortly." Captain Antilles smiled.

"We will be ready for you Captain, Welcome home."

Captain Antilles nodded before the screen went back to the starfield and the planet below. "Am I just being paranoid.?" Yamaguchi-Hobbs inquired.

"No. Its always good to catch the security details." R'Shav responded evenly.

"Alright." Yamaguchi-Hobbs paused as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi-Hobbs to Admirals Duval and Yamaguchi, you're presence is required in Ops as soon as possible please.?"

Duval was the first to respond. "Duval here. I'm on my way." came the female voice of the Fleet Admiral in question. Jake Yamaguchi answered a moment later. "Yamaguchi here. I'll be there in two minutes," he added.

R'Shav decided that now would be a good time to sate her curiosity regarding matters before her, while the Caitian female regarded the display as she did a close scan of the USS Pegasus. "Admiral. I highly doubt that the Pegasus will ever fly again, not with this level of damage," she reported.

Lasky nodded her head. "She's missing a nacelle and has more than sixty hull breaches all over the hull," she added as Heather Duval came into the Operations center, Jake Yamaguchi was hot in her heels. "What's going on Celeste?" Duval inquired in a jovial tone, she had been requested and it wasn't for the fun of her health.

"Admiral. The USS Pegasus, the one we thought lost six years ago." The younger human woman smiled. "She's returned. Albeit very badly damaged, she's presently being towed in by the USS Gaarni."

"What?" Yamaguchi asked softly. "Coral... She's alive?"

"Alive and well. We were just talking to her a few moments ago." Yamaguchi-Hobbs explained with a smile. "She does not know you are here."

"Fair enough. I will not make a scene over the matters of family." Yamaguchi responded with a smile on his face.

"The Gaarni is coming out of warp with the Pegasus," Lasky spoke. "Also the Gaarni has released her tractor beam. Pegasus is under her own power."

The display indicated that the USS Gaarni was slowly dropping back as if to allow the Pegasus to proceed her into the spacedocks. Slip fourteen was inside the internal docking bay. The Sovereign-class ship slowly moved forward under her own power before she entered the massive spacedocks.

Everyone present could see the immense damage the old Sovereign-class ship had taken and it was quickly clear that she was never fly again as this was indeed the last flight of the USS Pegasus. On her bridge. Coral Antilles was proud of her crew, even if they had only been together a few short weeks from her perspective.

"Stand by to dock." Commander William Sherman smiled as he gave the order. He was happy to be here as he knew everyone else around him was likewise.

"Ready to dock sir." came the response from Cefa Alka, seated at the Operations station. Lieutenant JG Lilar Sal smiled as she gently guided the badly crippled Sovereign-class ship to her new home, slip fourteen as the female Bolian was sure that this was this ship's last flight. "And.." suddenly there was a loud reverberating bang that boomed through the bridge and the rest of the ship. "Docking complete." as she smiled.

Captain Antilles rose to her feet. "Thank you number one and thank you, everyone. We're home..." she turned to her first officer. "number one, you'll come with me to greet our guests. Bernadette, you're coming too." she commented. "Cefa, you got the bridge." and with that, the three command officers strolled off of the bridge into the emergency exit on the bridge as the turbolift system was still down.


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