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Spirit of Winter Joins the Battlegroup

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 6:34pm by Captain Marcus Duval & Commander Autumn Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Bernadette Chevalier & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Commodore Bernard Montgomery, 21st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Suguna 'Reign' Sathiyamoorti & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 43: Acts of Contrition
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1000Hrs - October 6th, 2391

Captain Montgomery was seated in his command chair as the USS Spirit of Winter arrived at Starbase 12. "Helm.. take us in. one half impulse."

"Aye sir." came the response before he turned to his Exec. "Number one, would you mind contacting the Fleet Admiral, let her know that we've arrived and the like please?"

Akaris nodded and went to the communications console and hailed starbase command. April Yamaguchi was the one whom came on screen.

Montgomery stood up. "Morning Admiral." he paused. "This is the USS Spirit of Winter. We're here to report in for our refit and then our permanent assignment as part of the Roanoke's battlegroup."

"Captain. You're early. We weren't expecting you for another couple of days."

"Well I wanted to shake my ship down. my crew has performed splendidly." Montgomery responded with a smile.

April blinked. "I see..." clearly that was not the response she had been expecting. "Right then... Dock sixteen is available for you, I'm going to get you to tie up outside for obvious reasons. Once you're secured. we'll refit you. It'll take a few days so... If you want... give your guys a few days off."

"I was going to do just that, they've earned it." Montgomery said, which only added to April's what the fuck moment. "Very well. I look forward to receiving your final report for the Spirit of Winter upon arrival. Yamaguchi out."

Seleste raised an eyebrow as she tapped the display before her, she did not think that the skipper has a nice bone in his body but he had surprised her.

Gabriel Yamaguchi stopped what he was doing as he blinked, this was a surprise. He did not see this one coming on any level whatsoever, also he could feel his wife's surprise too. "My last diagnostic checks out sir. All weapons are fully operational."

"Grand" Montgomery responded. "Fine work Lieutenant." he responded before he turned to his first officer. "Do you wanna guide us into spacedock number one?"

Akaris nodded, but not particularly enthusiastically. "Yes Sir, i can do it."

Bernadette then noticed the Akurian Battlecruiser. "Well, thats a big ship."

Montgomery nodded. "Alright... Proceed at your discretion." he paused. "Who owns that ship?" he inquired.

Akaris was the one to answer. "The Akurians sir, my own species is apart of them. The CMO is also an Akurian."

Montgomery nodded. "Ahh... Well when we dock... I'm going to give the crew a couple of week's shoreleave." he responded as he sat down in his chair.

Savannah smiled as she finished her systems checks then she saved her work while down in Engineering. Commander Marcus Duval tapped the master display. "This ship performs well..." he commented to one of his officers. "I feel like I'm superfluous to the smooth operating of this ship."

"Nah.. you're the real owner of this ship... the Captain is just the driver."

"Indeed... Well.. lets gather our people together and evaluate how the ship handles." Duval responded before he turned and went aft towards the ships matter-antimatter Faster then light drive, it wasn't a warp core in the traditional sense as it was something totally different.

"Sir... we're ready." Ensign John Farren said to Duval.

Duval turned. "Right then... Lets see.." as he pulled up the report he wanted on his PADD which he always carried with him at all times. "Marks..." as he dished out the reports, he was expecting some to fail but nobody actually failed, oh sure there were screw ups but that was not a rather big deal.

Meanwhile on the bridge. Montgomery was seated in his command chair as the USS Spirit of Winter finished docking operations with the starbase.

Commander Joyce Magruder who still wore her callsign of 'Tomboy' and flight wings smiled before announcing. "And.... Docking complete." with a loud thump reverberating throughout the entire ship.

Montgomery smiled as he stood up. "Thank you Number one." he said to her Exec. "Well done all... shore leave is granted immediately. Please... do not feel the need to stick around."

Gabriel Yamaguchi smiled but he kept his thoughts to himself as he finished his checks. "Captain. All our tactical systems are online sir, everything checks out and the last systems checks are completed... We're ready for anything."

"Fine work Lieutenant." Montgomery responded.

Rebnhai, whom was sitting in the back, then Said. "Well, then I'm off to visit the Akurian ship, my grandson is over there."

Montgomery nodded. "I will inform everyone when we ship out again.."


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