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First Steps

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 6:32pm by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant Samantha "Sammy" Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 43: Acts of Contrition
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 0800Hrs October 4th 2391

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she walked down the hallway, she was clad in a pair of demin jeans which did wonders for her figure, also she wore a light grey sweatshirt which was quite baggy but it likewise didn't conceal much.

She was on her way to meet an old friend, the doors to the transporter room opened at her approch. "Talk to me, Ensign?" Yamaguchi inquired with a gentle smile.

"Two to beam over from the Starbase."

Yamaguchi smiled. "Then please.. by all means, beam Captain Yeager and his daughter over." as she turned her attention to the rapidly coalescing forms who appeared in her transporter room, his skin was as black as coal and he was also bald. "Captain Yamaguchi. Permission to come aboard?" Davijaan Yeager inquired as he slowly smiled at her. The second being was smaller but had evidence of Klingon heritage. Also she was clearly a full adult. "Hello." Sammy Yeager said quietly.

"By all means." Yamaguchi responded. "Its good to see you Davijaan."

Yeager stepped forward as he gently gave Yamaguchi a quick hug. "Its good to see you too." before turning to Sammy Yeager. "Hello. I'm Torilla Yamaguchi, an old friend of your fathers... you guys will be living aboard this ship?"

"We will yes," Yeager responded. "My duty station is aboard the Dreamcrusher but I'm told the accommodation isn't that good." Yeager responded as Samantha added. "I'm on leave from the USS Babylon... I got back in two weeks which.. means i'm outta here in ten days."

"Who told you that?" Torilla inquired, mystified at his statement. "I lived over there for about a week or so. Didn't have any issues at all."
the taller woman responded.

Yeager admitted. "Well in my defense, I've not been over there yet."

"Y'see. Let that be a lesson to you." Yamaguchi smiled. "Come on... Lets get you situated."

Sammy looked at her father. "I was not expecting....this."

"How so?" Yeager inquired of his daughter, rather then shout her down.

"She's so... different then I was expecting."

Yamaguchi turned her head. "Well, what were you expecting?"

"I..I'm sorry.." Sammy blurted out.

"Never be sorry for your opinions and thoughts Sam." Yamaguchi responded. "If the other person doesn't like it then they honestly should not ask."

Sammy paused before she decided to press ahead. "I was expecting you to be... more formal like.. more a cardboard cutout and not....y'know... a real person."

Torilla chuckled softly. "Now that... is the highlight of my day.."

Davijaan Yeager chuckled softly as his daughter looks mortified. "I umm.."

"Its okay Sammy." Yeager said quietly to his daughter. "If she were annoyed. She'd say so."

"Oh.." Samantha Yeager responded as another woman, this one wearing civilian clothing and had a lighter skin tone then Captain Yamaguchi, also she had blue eyes and shorter hair where as Torilla had brown eyes and wore her hair long. "Torilla. There you are.."

"Yes... Here I am. Talon why are you prowling the halls at eight AM, Pray you tell me?"

"Well I was... bored really.. after dropping the kids off at school, I figured I'd wander the ship and explore... See if everything was where I remember it being."

"Fair enough." Torilla responded with a smile. "Talon Yamaguchi, meet Captain Davijaan Yeager.. Our new Strategic Operations Officer for the battlegroup. The young lady is Samantha Yeager." as she turned to Yeager. "Davijaan, this is Talon Yamaguchi, my sister in law... and presently unemployed."

Talon smiled. "Hello. I'm pleased to meet both of you." as she gently shook Yeagers hand first as he smiled. "Its good to meet you Admiral."

"No uniform, no ranks.." Talon responded with a smile. "No need to address me by rank Davijaan, since Torilla here and a few others are insisting that I take off the uniform for a time while I wait for my next posting."

"If you don't mind my asking... What did happen to the Fe'garren?"

Talon sighed softly. "She was my second command and she was badly damaged during a first contact gone wrong in the Gamma Quadrant... We were hoping to seek passage through a nebula field so we could carry on with our charting assignment... When we were fired upon by members of an insectoid race.. I lost forty two people in that encounter but they forced us to defend ourselves.. They wouldn't back down so we destroyed them. Left us little choice really."

"I'm Sorry Talon... If if had gone better.."

"Oh we did try hailing them at first... We had no idea of what they were saying. The translator couldn't keep up." she shrugged. "It doesn't matter... My crew and I were able to get home only to find that the Fe'garren isn't worth repairing so... now my crew are in limbo as they wait for their next assignments."

"Fair enough.." Yeager responded. "You still did the right thing of course.. you saved the majority of your crew."

"Thats... not what I was expecting you to say to me.." Talon admitted.

"Talon... Davijaan, Sam and I were going for a early lunch... you wanna join us?"

"Sure.." Talon responded with a soft smile. "I'd love to."

"After we see the quartermaster for our quarters." Yeager responded.

Torilla nodded as the four of them reached their destination which was quite literally a dead end except it was a turbolift door, she tapped the 'call' button and moments later the door opened, the four then entered. "Quartermasters office." Torilla spoke simply, everyone else kept their silence while the lift started moving.

Moments later the turbolift car reached its destination. Torilla stepped out as a female voice cried out. "Stand clear." and along came four Andorian's in exersize attire, two of them were male and two more were female. Torilla simply stepped back as the foursome sped past.

"The outer ring on deck ten is a popular running track." Torilla explained. "A lot of people tend to use it. If you're a runner.. then odds are you'll be coming here.."

"I'm more of a swimmer." Yeager responded. "a hundred lengths in the pool is more my thing."

Talon smiled. "Ahh... What about you Sam?"

"I'm more a marathoner." the child responded. "I can see me coming here..." she added.

"I tend to prefer the gym." Torilla responded. "Or you simply get me to babysit your kids along with the dogs."

"Kids?" Yeager inquired.

"Yes. I have three children.. Two girls and a boy. Marie is three and the twins are five." she explained. "Right now they were in the ships daycare and the school respectively."

"Ahh." Sam responded. "Well... I'm... well here."

Torilla smiled to herself as she could see Sammy staking out her territory before Talon. Which she honestly did not see coming. "This way guys." she said softly as she led the foursome down the hallway.

The quartermaster regarded Torilla and her group as they entered. "Can I help you guys?"

"I'm looking for my quarters assignment?" Yeager responded. "Captain Davijaan Yeager. Fleet Chief Strategic Operations Officer."

"Ahh.." the man responded before he went looking for it. "Lets see... yes, here you are.." as he handed Yeager a PADD. "You're new home away from home."

"Sounds good. Thank you." Yeager responded. "Deck Six, section eleven." he added, reading the PADD aloud. "Shall we?"

"Sounds good. I'm eager to move in then get some sleep." Sammy smiled. "You don't mind my skipping breakfast.... do you?"

"Not at all. Just don't sleep too long or you'll be up all night." Yeager smiled as the foursome set off in silence.

"We'll meet you two at the lounge. deck ten, section one." Torilla explained as she gently turned Talon by placing her hands onto the smaller woman's shoulders. "Come on.."

Talon turned as she followed Talon in silence. "Y'know I can hear you thinking." Torilla said quietly. "Normally I would prefer to leave others alone with the peace of their thoughts but... I'm going to say this gently.... Be gentle about it."

"Torilla. you worry too much-"

"Yes. I know." Torilla answered quietly. "I do because you won't worry enough and .... you forget... I know you think.."


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