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Medical Wings of Mercy - Part Two

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 2:24am by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Captain Bolvar "Highlord" Fordragon & Captain L'Ruan "Shield" Dragon & Captain Tienn Ezas & Commander Fleur "Archer" Mayweather & Commander Vilotanzia "Violet" Bounlutay-Antilles & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Commodore Neban Hular

Mission: Mission 39: By Fire be Purged
Location: Various Locations - Roanoke Battlegroup
Timeline: 1210Hrs - August 1st, 2391

On the Alexander the Great. Fleur Mayweather knew that the peace and quiet was simply too good to last as the com system beeped at her. "Medical Emergency. We have incoming wounded."

Fleur slapped her combadge. "Mayweather to all medical personnel. please report for duty... we have incoming wounded. no word on how bad the situation is.." as she pulled on her medical jacket that she so often wore as she went out into the main area of Sickbay where the first four people were deposited.

"Who are these guys.?"

"Pilots and support crew... from the look of them, Lets do this!" Fleur responded as he opened her med kit to began the first of many battles.
"Computer. active the EMH Program, the maximum number of iterations, contiguous. Activate Now!" and with that, eight holograms appeared.

Meanwhile over on the USS Toronto. Commander Vilotanzia Bounlutay sighed softly as she handed a PADD back to her son who towered over her as the com system beeped at her. "Doctor. we have incoming wounded... somethings gone wrong, there's been an explosion on the flagship.." there was a pregnant pause. "L'Ruan, status?"

"We just lost our carrier..." L'Ruan reported.

"Confirmed Highlord. Roanoke's in a bad way... something about an ordinance mishap."

Violet's skin quickly goose-bumped. "Oh no.," she whispered as she slapped her combadge. "All Medical personnel. report for duty... This is an Emergency!" as she knew fully well that what was going to follow would test her people in ways they could never have imagined. "God have mercy on us all." she added quietly. "Nathan. you'd best go... its going to get ugly in here.."

"Okay Mom... I can help though.. serving as an orderly."

Violet was highly tempted to give into her sons request. "No... We're going to be seeing things that no living person should ever face... it'll be painfull just to look at let alone treat. I'll call on you later... Go on..."

"Doctor. Incoming."

"And so it begins.." and with that Violet went into the fray, snatching up her medkit as she went. "Computer. active the EMH Program, maximum number of iterations, contiguous. Activate Now!" and six holograms appeared before going to work.

On the Sickbay on the USS Avalon. Tienn Ezas was finishing her paperwork when the alarm went off, her husband's voice came over the com system. "Bridge to sickbay. Ezas... Dinner just got canceled. Roanoke just went down. Something about an ordinance mishap.." as he explained that something had happened on the carrier. Tienn's heart skipped a couple of beats as she had family over there.

"Alright guys... Time to earn our combat pay!" Tienn called as she tapped her combadge. "All medical personnel... emergency, this is not a drill... I repeat.. This is not a drill." she sighed softly. "Prophets... be merciful." she sighed then added. "Computer. active the EMH Program, maximum number of iterations, contiguous. Activate Now!" as twelve holograms appeared.

The situation over on the USS Dreamcrusher went from bad to worse in less then ten minutes as the wounded kept coming in from the USS Roanoke. Celeste was not coping well as she had already lost one on the table before her.

Celeste quickly called it in, then she demanded all personnel who could push a tricorder and assist with nursing duties report for work on the double as the emergency was rapidly escalating out of control. "Computer. active the EMH Program, maximum number of iterations, contiguous. Activate Now!" Celeste called out.

At once sixteen human females wearing the uniform of a Starfleet medical officer appeared all around the sickbay, they shared the same pleasant face framed with sable hair and blue eyes as they all spoke at once. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"Please state-Oh"
"What is going on Here!?"
"Whats the situation?"

"Multiple explosions, mostly due to an ordinance mishap. Burns, shrapnel. lung damage... help us out over here!" Celeste called as the eight holograms went into action, alongside the medics that were coming onto work, many of them were half dressed to boot, looking like they had been woken from sleep but upon seeing the scale of the disaster, they woke quickly before going to scrub down and go to work.

Kureek Swai, his feathers badly singed from the fire, but otherwise not seriously injured, came in, carrying the unconscious Cyrin Yubo in his arms.

Celeste looked at him. "Okay.. I need this one in the OR right now." as she started doing the triage." as she gave the smaller being the once over, then she checked the Aurelian. "You're not badly hurt." she explained. "you're gonna wait... sorry."

Kureek nodded, "I'm not too worried about it." As Aerin and Karryn both walked in, Aerin said to Celeste, "Hey, we are here to help out, my medical training is pretty minimal, but karryn has pretty decent medical training, though not federation training though."

Karryn looked at Cyrin, adding, "Well if you need help with his species, I do know them quite well."

"It doesn't matter... I'll be happy to have you." she looked at Karry first. "Karryn. Stay here and help me with this one... once we get this guy sorted then you'll go over there and help the doctor at table four, make sure she is alright and the like, stay with her." before she turned to the second being before her. "And you... my adorable little guy... see that guy over there.. Lieutenant Tomas Nelson, you help him.."

Karryn nodded and followed Celeste, while Aerin went to Thomas Nelson. Kureek, not of much use at this point, just left sickbay to get out of everyone's way.

Celeste sighed as she began working on Cyrin's lungs. "Tissue damage is extensive.." she paused. "This is going to take awhile."

Karryn also did a scan, saying," Well, he also has several fractured ribs, mos5t of the rest of his injuries are comparatively minor though. Odd, none of these injuries are what rendered him unconscious."

Cyrin's ears twitched as he stirred. Opening his eyes he looked up at karryn, and went to say something but broke down into a coughing fit.

"Easy little guy.." Celeste explained. "Your lungs are full of sludge... I need to remove it so you can breathe again.." as she sighed. "I need to knock you out so I can work..."

Cyrin tried his best to calm down, but his lungs wouldn't let him stop coughing.

Celeste gently administered the sedative. "I need this guy in the OR right frigging NOW!" she called loudly. "Move him to the front of the line.." as two orderlies came in and removed Cyrin and hauled him off to the destination indicated.

Karryn followed Cyrin and the other medics into the operating room.

Celeste sighed softly. "Next!" she called loudly as she started healing another pilot that was placed before her.

A short while later a dazed Abbado walked into sickbay with Zenka Kramp in his harms.

"Alright. take this one, clean him up and stick him in a set of guest quarters..." she sighed as she looked at a guy she didn't know. "Okay, bring your wounded over here.. I'll take her." Celeste said to Abbado.

Celeste sighed softly as she did her scan. "Oh no.... this one's dead... send her to the morgue." she shook her head. "Fuck... I'll see to you now." she said to Abbado.

Abbado gently set the lifeless Zenka on the nearest biobed, giving no immediate reaction, and allowed Celeste to treat him.

Celeste asked the first two available orderlies to take the fallen member of the Roanoke's crew to the morgue as she began treating the most serious of Abbados wounds. "I'm going to handle your sharpnil wounds first..." she paused. "did you know her?"

Abbado nodded, preferring to remain quiet on the matter.

"Alright... let me give you the once over." and with that Celeste Yamaguchi went to work with his wounds.

Minutes later Whitepaw and Erib th'Zarath came in, carrying Mirage, saying, "hey, we got another real bad case here."

Celeste nodded as she finished the last of Abbado's wounds. "This guy is good... bring her.... over here.." Celeste sighed as she knew this was going to be a brutal fight. "Oh boy.."

Whitepaw and Erib both lifted Mirage on the table. Then Whitepaw had to sit down. He himself was bleeding rather badly from several shrapnel injuries and had a rather nasty cough, while Erib was in a bit better shape, but still had a nasty looking gash on his arm and several burns.

Celeste took one look at Miranda as she knew this was a hopeless fight. "Alright... let me try." and with that, she went to work. "Don't you die on me lady." she sighed softly. "Shit... I need this one int he OR ten minutes ago." she turned as she signaled two orderlies. "Take this one to the OR, next available slot... she needs treatment RFN." as she did the triage. "Lungs fried, third-degree burns covering twenty percent of her body, shrapnel wounds.." she sighed. "Yeah. take her to the OR."


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