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Keeping her Afloat

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 2:27am by Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Master Chief Petty Officer Uldyssian Davis

Mission: Mission 39: By Fire be Purged
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1215Hrs - August 1st, 2391

Ra'Vak briefly watched the monitor, showing the hangar pod get obliterated from the successive warp core failures of the fighters within, glad that Dreamcrusher was able to slice it free before annihilating the Roanoke. He briefly glanced over at where the Warp core used to be, having ejected it not 10 minutes ago, along with the antimatter pods.

With the danger past he then turned to his senior officers that were present, "Alright, I need a full comprehensive damage report on the ship, I need to know how many fires are still on the ship, we need to get those contained first, and I want to know if there are any other EPS conduits still at risk of failure so we can shut them down."

"Tane to Engineering," came Zara's voice. "We will be putting the saucer back together, but not until you guys have the fires out. Let me know how many engineers you need me to pull off the other ships, once you have your repair list."

Uldyssian Davis had a burn mark on his uniform and some smudged soot on his face. "We are so screwed." he commented. "We can't stop the spread but we can slow it down." he explained. "We need to purge the entire system and vent it.."

Ra'Vak nodded, "Do it, vent all plasma out of the system."

"We are eventually going to be towed, so you may as well cut power to the deflector dish and all other nonessential systems," Zara told over the comm.

Ra'Vak looked over at Alyssa and she began to cut power to just about everything except life support and a few other bare essential systems.

Uldyssian Davis sighed. "Aww hell... " he growled before he tapped his combadge. "Damage control team four and seven, move to deck eleven..." he turned to Ra'Vak. "Skipper, there goes our tactical control systems... I've lost all power to phasers."

Ensign James Patterson turned to Davis. "Chief... its getting worse... awww bollocks!" he turned. "Chief... I'm losing the plasma conduits on deck twenty four."

Davis sighed. "Get everyone off of that deck Now!... and the ones above and below... right now.." he turned to Ra'Vak. "We need to evacuate decks twenty three through twenty five...."

"In the next four minutes sir." Patterson added. "I can't stop the overload..."

Ra'Vak contacted Alurain del, whom was in the saucer section, "Ra'Vak to Alurian, the transporters in the saucer are still working right."


"Commence an emergency beam-out of everyone on Deck's 23, 24 and 25."

Alurian Del worked the transporter console and had everyone out within a minute, while Rykar tried to safely vent as much plasma from the system as possible.

Davis sighed softly before he turned to the empty space where the warp core used to be only a short time ago. "At least we don't need to contend with that thing exploding..."

Lieutenant Sheridan came over as he led his damage control party over to where Uldyssian Davis was standing. "Hey Chief we finished the assignment you requested of us. The system doesn't like updating itself though."

"Lovely." Davis responded. "Alright, take your guys and go look after the sensor relays on deck ten section 45."

"Okay." and with that, Sheridan turned and walked out.

Ra'Vak issued his own orders to the damage control teams, "Focus on eliminating fires near EPS conduits and other critical area's, once those are out, we will work on the ones in less important area's."

Sheridan caught the orders, he turned his head. "Got it, willdo sir." and with that he turned and went back out the door. "My guys, with me... lets go!" as his other five guys fell into line behind him as he lead them off into the bowels of the ship.

Alyssa went and nabbed a team of her own, and headed off to a different area, while Kashi took over her job of monitoring what internal sensors they have left. Over the Comm he directed, "Lt Sheridan, there is a fire near your location, close to the last remaining functional life support system in the stardrive section, that one needs to be put out ASAP."

The response came back. "Confirmed... I got it.. puttying out the fire now." as Sheridan picked up a CO2 canister before he proceeded to empty it into the fire which doused it really good but didn't put it out. "Marks... your turn."

Ensign Fredrick Marks nodded his head as he took aim then squirted a jet of ice cold CO2 liquid into the fire which doused it and out it out.
"Nice." Sheridan answered. "Sheridan to Engineering... Fires out." as he checked it. the metal was now too cold to ignite again.


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