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Captain's Mast

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 9:25pm by Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter & Captain T'Rae Yamaguchi & Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - July 3rd, 2391

Ensign Tienn Iteela walked down the hallway, Chief Skyshatter behind her and Lieutenant Sheridan before her, she had the option not to wear the cuffs but she decided to wear them. Her confidence had been shattered as a result of her actions, her faith had deserted her, as had her fire and strength.

Now she was a broken woman, she looked it and felt like it, in that she didn't look foreward, she kept her eyes to the deck.

Thankfully the hallways were almost empty before they reached their destination where Flight Officer Kameron Yamaguchi stood waiting at the door.

Tienn looked at Yamaguchi who simply regarded her, black rage burning in his eyes as Skyshatter ushered her through the door.

"Why did you do that for?" Sheridan inquired.

"I needed to send her a message, she beat my wife black and blue..." Yamaguchi responded quietly. "she got my message... "

"Flight Officer, nothing will be gained by harassing my prisoner."

"I am not harassing El Tee." Yamaguchi responded in clipped tones. "I am simply standing here... I did not touch her or speak to her."

"Flight Officer... Go back to sickbay and be with your wife. I will not do anything... this time but... this is the last time... dismissed."

"Sir." Yamaguchi growled angrily before he turned and departed.

Inside, the Captain's Mast would soon be convened. Commander Torilla Yamaguchi smiled as she regarded her cousin-in-law as T'Rae, who came over to her. "How is your daughter?"

"Elizabeth is doing okay, she's coping."

"That is good to know." T'Rae responded. "Will you be alright?"

"I will be... not today and not tomorrow... but I will be."

T'Rae gently touched Torilla on her shoulder. "We're here for you... should you require it of us."

Torilla smiled. "Thanks T'Rae."

T'Rae nodded. "I am going to get me a drink." as Torilla went over to sit towards Zara, the door opened and in came Teval as Torilla greeted him cheerfully. "Hey... I heard you gave two of your cats to Elizabeth..."

"Is there anyone who is representing Miss Tienn?" Zara asked to those gathered in the room.

Lieutenant Sheridan spoke up. "I am Captain," he responded.

Torilla Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow but she elected to say nothing.

"Alrighty then..." Zara looked at the list of recommended charges and sighed. Ready for the long haul. "And who is representing Starfleet in this matter?"

T'Rae opened her mouth before Torilla spoke up. "I will," she responded quietly. "You?" T'Rae inquired.

"Yes." Torilla responded. "but I can't be a part of this event... the victim is family to me and JAG would have a field day on the subject.." she paused. "Teval will have to prosecute the matter... I will stay however and watch."

Duval came over. "Commander. Captain" he greeted Torilla and then T'Rae in turn. "How's Elizabeth doing?"

"She's alright... Last I heard.."

"Well, we'll see how this goes.." Duval nodded. "Things are about to start.."

Tienn meanwhile was seated next to the defense attorney, in this case, it was Lieutenant Sheridan.

Yamaguchi went over to Teval. "Well, this should be interesting."

Teval nodded but didn't immediately say anything, instead he waited for Zara to begin.

"Present your evidence, Mister Teval," Zara prodded.

Teval pulled up his padd and read off the list," Well, we have a full recording of Ensign. Tienn attacking Elizabeth Yamaguchi, medical reports confirming injuries, and the evidence collected from the scene. It is also worth noting that medical has found drugs in Ensign. Tienn's system at the time of the attack."

"Does the defense contest to any of the evidence presented?" Zara asked to Sheridan.

"Lieutenant Tienn was intoxicated. I'd like to contest that one... up to this point, the defendant has been a model officer..." Sheridan explained.

"Character testimony is not evidence," Zara painfully overruled to Sheridan. "Unless you can refute the manner in which the drug tests were done, or have a counter analysis to refute the drug test, it stays in evidence for the prosecution."

Sheridan sighed softly. "Then no. I can't contest any of this. Except that she was slipped something against her will.." it was his last card and he chose now to play it.

"How does your client plead, Mister Sheridan?" Zara asked to him.

"Guilty," Sheridan responded. "On all counts save one. The charge of being intoxicated," he responded quietly.

"We'll reconvene with the trial tomorrow and 0830 hours," Zara agreed as she smacked her table with her coffee mug. "Put Ensign Tienn back in her cell and in protective custody until the trial ends."

Sheridan nodded. "It'll be done," he responded as he leaned in to confer with his client. "I won't play games with this El Tee," Tienn whispered. "I did what I did..."

"Ensign, I'm trying to save your career... you can always earn back what you lost... if we can prove someone slipped you something then we can get that charge quashed... if nothing else."

"No, just that."

"Alright." Sheridan turned to Skyshatter. "Thank you for your patience Chief."

"Of course sir. this way Ensign."

Tienn rose to her feet in silence as she was shackled, her arms behind her back, as she knew the procedure, she did not protest and she did not offer comment or question.

The massive security guard led her out into the hallway as Sheridan remained behind, McDougal followed in silence as the three of them moved out and down the hallways towards a turbolift. Tienn had a half-second to react as a fist came hurtling out of the blue, it impacted on her chin, rattling her teach and sending a shockwave to her brain.

Nearby was Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi, he watched the entire series go down. "Murphy, what the fuck..." he turned. "I'm going to the brig for this!" as he charged over and crashed into the other first squadron pilot who thought he was doing Kameron a favor.

Kameron collided with the other guy and mashed him into the bulkhead wall before Skyshatter turned. "Help her." as he smashed his massive fist into the attacker, separating him and Yamaguchi before calling for backup.

Sheridan dove in a moment later as he went for Yamaguchi, not knowing the particulars of the case and nor did he care, he punched Yamaguchi once as Kameron turned to glare darkly at Sheridan. "I warned you about you being here flight officer."

Kameron smiled. "You should have watched the footage from this event buddy." the younger man responded. "I didn't hit her."

"Now I'm arresting you for conduct unbe-" was as far as he got before Flight Officer Murphy Jameson decked Sheridan from behind.

Sheridan went down as Skyshatter produced a pair of cuffs as Kameron hooked the other guy's leg with his own and as he swept his foot out from under him, he let fly with a series of punches.

Skyshatter used force to separate the two men as a half dozen more security officers charged out of the turbolift, the situation was defused quickly as Murphy snarled something at Sheridan in a language the universal translator deigned not worthy of translating into real english.

Yamaguchi was quieter as Skyshatter helped Sheridan up while McDougal tended to Tienn's face. "Easy Ensign."

"Let him finish the job..." she indicated Yamaguchi. "It was your wife I beat."

"Yes.." Yamaguchi regarded her. "but vengeance would be pointless, it gains nobody anything Ensign... and I'd prefer to see justice done the proper way, the Starfleet way, not the vigilante way..."

"What's going on here?" Commander Torilla Yamaguchi came over as she regarded Kameron Yamaguchi with an evil glare. "You better not have gotten-"

"He didn't Commander, he stopped the other guy who did," Skyshatter commented.

"I see.." Torilla's eyes never left her son in law. "But you are still being arrested."

"Because I got involved in a situation that did not concern me..."

"Kameron.." Torilla inhaled then exhaled softly. "You... Disappoint me..." she sighed.


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