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Enter The Madness - Part One

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 9:31pm by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Commander Cressa Stevens & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow
Edited on on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 9:33pm

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1115 Hours - July 3rd, 2391

Upon hearing the proposed assignment from Captain Olmos, Cressa Stevens was only too happy to volunteer for the reassignment. Not because it meant a senior officer role. But because it meant she could help several lost cases.

The fabled, infamous ship of bad eggs was a counselor's wet dream. And as she teleported into the ship that housed occasional goats, Cressa could do nothing but grin widely behind her glasses.

In the Transporter room, Commander Torilla Yamaguchi stood, she looked tired as she was wearing the uniform vest with a skirt and boots. her arms were bare as she turned. "Well?"

"USS Tranquility signals, one to beam over."

"Then beam the Lieutenant over and lets get this over with." she sighed softly as she waited for the human woman to arrive.

After materializing into the room, Cressa immediately took in Torilla's sour disposition. Still, there was a colony in need, which put a lot of stress on the task force. That, and the XO's daughter was attacked by the very woman Cressa was called in to assess.

"Pleased to meet you, Commander," Cressa spoke jovially as she pushed her rims up the bridge of her nose with her right index finger.

Torilla nodded tiredly. "Welcome aboard this raging storm of shit Counselor. You have your work cut out for you." she didn't smile as she couldn't work up the energy. "I'm considering sticking in for reassignment.." she admitted. "Shall we start the tour?.." she sighed softly. "Not enough sleep... too much to do."

"I'd love a tour," Cressa agreed and mentally put Torilla's comments about reassignment for a topic at a later time. "Surely a ship as historic as this one has some good points."

"Cressa, what have you heard about this ship?" the two women walked out into the hallway.

"Doctor Olmos told me that it was the ship of sullied ruffians," Cressa shrugged aside, "I like to think it's just really full of flavor and personality."

"Well we have that." Torilla answered dryly. "You were misinformed Mon cherie.. this is the ship is hard knocks... and we're off to meet the skipper." she responded as the two entered a turbolift. "Last chance to change your mind and walk away?"

"Oh no, Ma'am." Cressa could not help but grin as they approached the turbolift. "This place is just too full of Life to pass up."

Torilla slowly smiled, she found the other woman's attitude rather infectious. "Alright... the skipper is in the ready room... probably medicated." and with that she turned. "Bridge.." and with that the turbolift sped off.

A minute later the doors opened, Torilla tapped on the doorchime.

"Open," Zara called as she worked on a dark import with a laborious amount of smoke in the room from probably two cigars, and a third currently being worked on.

Cressa scrunched her nose to the putrid stench and looked to Torilla as positively as she could. It was never a good sign when the CO was high.

Be determined to have a good day, and you will, Cressa told herself with a huge grin.

Torilla sighed angrily. "Computer, close the door." she said quietly as she mentally used her abilities to shove the smoke over to where Zara was sitting until all of it was centered within a foot from Zara's head. "We need to talk... Zara." Torilla commented quietly. "Can you hear us over there... can you breathe? Or hear us?"

"Umm... Yeah," Zara grinned and tossed Torilla a PADD that was a Starfleet Tribune news article about Admiral Brooks being promoted to head Starfleet Intel in a few months. "Thought I'd relax and sign off on stuff."

Yamaguchi extended her hand as the PADD flew across into her hand. "Lets see..." she commented. "Well now... Santa Claus is getting promoted."

Teval meanwhile walked in carrying a padd of his own, commenting, "Wait who is getting promoted."

Torilla handed him the PADD. "Brookes is getting promoted to head of Intel."

"I take it this guy was not a very good leader for this task force?" Cressa asked as she continued to take in her new CO. Worried, actually, that this news would touch Zara so hard.

Teval face-palmed, saying, "Oh god, Kurso is going to kill him. I really hope brooks doesn't get it in his brain to attempt the same stunt that Admiral Daniel Rhodes attempted."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Teval then explained," Admiral Daniel Rhodes, was chief of starfleet intel when I first joined a special operation team. Rhodes got it in his head to attempt to hunt down and destroy section 31. Needless to say, all he accomplished was making starfleet intelligence look incredibly stupid for almost a year straight."

"...So why does the mention of his promotion make our CO look like that?" Cressa asked with concern as she pointed to Zara. The CO was making smoke signals with her cigar and holding a dark import in her left hand.

"Admiral Brooks... if you can call him by his rank which he never truly earned by the way.." Torilla commented to Cressa. "She was just starting to improve and this puts her right back in the shitpile where she was a month ago." she sighed as one of the empty glasses suddenly cracked as a loud crack could be heard, she turned her head as the glass imploded extremely violently down to a tenth the size of a pea. "I.... am going... to fucking.... KILLL HIM!!!!!" she almost screamed.

We need a group therapy session with the senior staff, Cressa thought hopefully. Better to air it all out in a safe environment.

That was the solution. And Cressa gently walked over to the CO, took the cigar from the Trill and stamped it out in the tray, then knelt low enough to be at eye level with Zara.

"This colony mission is a big talk with a lot in the fleet... It's very admirable and already the civilians down below have told their relatives off-world about how you taught them to defend themselves," Cressa smiled brightly.

"It's the right thing to do," Zara agreed quietly as she reached for her bottle, though Cressa gently took that out of Zara's hand as well. The Trill did not fight her, which was a good sign. A addict who needed help.

"I think it'd be good for you to walk around the surface tomorrow and see the good deeds you and your folks have done," Cressa agreed.

"Doesn't matter... Brooks hates me. Any time I start to make myself look respectable, he takes it all away," Zara spoke glumly with teary eyes.

"Brook's time will come." Torilla responded as she shoved the smoke out of the away before she asked the computer to increase the ventilation in the room. "Cressa, I recommend you read Brooke's file... it will make interesting reading."

Teval simply sat down on the couch, looking shabbier than normal, dropping the padd on the floor, and put his hand to his face. At this point his whiskers had a noticeable droop, his fur was matted and unkempt, and no longer had its usual smooth shine, and his head hair was growing wild. He had had just about as much stress as he could take.

Cressa nodded in agreement, then pulled her medical bag from her duffle bag. From there she pulled out her tricorder to assess the damage. After all, she was acutely aware of an OD case the ship from a bad batch of opiate-based drugs.

Tane neither acknowledged her or was particularly bothered with Cressa's passive scans.

"How long has it been since this crew had shore leave?" Cressa asked to the more coherent pair.

"Far too long." Torilla responded. "I'm going to stick in for leave time at the end of this mission... the Boss of IFO happens to be sharing quarters with me..." as she suddenly grinned at Cressa. "That... is my therapy."

Cressa eyes Teval as well and nodded. All of the command staff looked terrible. "Not shore leave, for you three. But medical leave. All three of you, just by looking at you, show varying degrees of severe mental and physical fatigue."

She gesture to Teval, "And you need to eat, Sir. Any thinner and you run the risk of organ failure."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Oh.... ?" she inquired. "I can't... I got too much to...wait medical leave... I've never had that before?"

Teval looked at Cressa but didn't say anything.

"You'll get it," Cressa promised, and filled a hyposyringe with 15CCs of Cahlolmine. "I'm going to remove the alcoholic effects, Captain."

She injected Zara with the anti-intoxicant before she hit her combadge, "Doctor Dvald? This is Lieutenant Cressa Stevens. The new Chief Counselor. Would you mind coming to the ready room?"

Siaxx's voice's came back. "I've love to." she sounded extremely cheerful.

Cressa then turned to the other two officers in the room while Zara slowly came out of the fog. "I'm relieving all three of you for three day medical leave. Mental fatigue. Doctor Dvald will co-sign and we will all reconvene in three days for a group session."

"I love you," Zara smiled to Cressa, then belched and keeled over into the bin at her feet to vomit.

"Better out, than in," Cressa spoke hopefully.

The doorbell beeped, Torilla answered it as she found herself face to face with Siaxx. "Ahh... its my hot Bolian."

Siaxx walked in as she blew Torilla a kiss. "You tease." she added as she came over to the new officer. "You screamed my name?" she inquired of the taller human woman who she liked suddenly.

Cressa actually laughed lightly to the humor. It was always a good thing to find something to laugh about in tense situations.

"I did, yes," Cressa acknowledged and walked over to Siaxx so she could show Siaxx her tricorder readings. "Mild liver and kidney damage. Probably needs a few days in sickbay to repair and recuperate. Then I'd like Captain Tane, Commander Teval and Yamaguchi on medical leave for three days."

"I'm fine," Zara tried to insist with an overly use of hand motions and widely glassy eyes.

Siaxx raised an eyebrow as she regarded Zara. "Done and Done... though... I'd like to give them some extra time off... we're not leaving orbit and other officers can step up to the plate." she explained. "Finally... someone answered my fucking prayers.." as she regarded Cressa with a smile. "Finally, someone who knows her shit.." as she gently gave Cressa a big hug. "My Hero!"

"I would also like to suggest that Commander Teval be admitted at least a week in Sickbay for intravenous feedings and liquids," Cressa spoke respectfully to all involved, then whispered quietly in Siaxx's ear, "I can't even begin to look to antidepressants if Tane and Teval are physically too ill to digest the drugs."

"Okay." she responded. "I will see to it that Teval has whatever he needs while he's visiting my sickbay.." she paused. "Can you get me another four to six doctors and nurses?" she inquired. "My guys are overworked and undermanned. I need more."

Torilla nodded. "I'll talk to Jake... get you what I can." she responded.

"Are you able enough to elect three people to run your ship while your entire command staff are on medical leave?" Cressa asked gently to Zara, who seemed not entirely there.

"I'm fine. Really, really fine... Really," Zara tried to ensure in a drug-induced manic head shake. Cressa facepalmed, and repeated the same thing she had before in her head, Be determined to have a good day, and you will.

Torilla nodded. "Actually yes." she answered. "Siaxx here will command, Luhanna Wintersnow will serve as Exec and Rykar will handle everything else." she smiled. "Zara.... Enough fighting... stop fighting those who help you... you need to take some time off... and if I have to come up here and make sure of that... then I will."

Siaxx nodded. "I'll see to it personaly." as she grinned. "I get to command this ship.... gonna be great!"

"I need you to focus Zara," Cressa spoke respectfully. The first name was to get Zara's attention, of course. And when the Trill looked upon Cressa, the counselor did hypnotic touching on the palm of Zara's hand.

"That's good. Now relax," Cressa encouraged in a soft, quiet tone. The drugs of course helped relax and open Tane's mind a little too easily for hypnotic suggest. "You will want for nothing but water, when you think about cigars and alcohol."

"Do I like water?" Zara asked dreamily.

"Love the stuff," Cressa confirmed. "When I snap my fingers, you will awake and crave nothing but water, when thinking about drugs and alcohol."

"Sounds nice," Zara sighed, and nearly jumped out of her skin when Cressa snapped her fingers. "Who the fuck are you?" Zara demanded in a sober startle.

Torilla had a wide grin on her face. "Zara... meet your Chief Counselor. Cressa Stevens..."

"Welcome to Hell," Zara tried to laugh and looked around. She took her glass of booze and frowned, stood up, and took the bottle into her head and began to pour alcohol down the drain. "You want some water guys?"

Torilla blinked. "Sure.." she responded slowly. "wait..what the fuck?"

Siaxx tried not to laugh but she failed dismally, she lifted her hand to cover her mouth to cover her demure chortling.

Zara came out of the head and then over to the replicator where she pulled out five glasses of iced water.

"What can I do for you, Miss Stevens?" Zara asked as if nothing has happened.

"Oh Doctor Dvald and I just came in to assess the three of you," Cressa admitted and turned to Teval with concern once more. "How long have you not been able to eat, Commander Teval?"

Siaxx turned her attention to Teval, before she realized she had missed attending to him much sooner.

Teval shrugged, "Haven't eaten much since the romulans found it amusing to pull out my insides, and Dreamcrusher's medical staff had to put me back together."

"Are you sleeping through the nights?" Cressa asked as she began to do a minor assessment of him. At least to determine if there were any other likely PTSD symptoms.

Teval shook his head, "Not really, no."

"I'm going to write a prescription for an alpha wave inducer," Cressa notated as she began to pull out a PADD. "It is for two weeks. Hopefully that is enough time to get a few sessions in, if you are willing, Commander."

"What about Hakaya?" Torilla inquired of Teval. "She needs time on the sofa too."

Teval shrugged, "Yeah she is in pretty rough shape too."

"If she wants it, yes," Cressa agreed with an overly positive attitude. "However, I should point out that counseling is only effective if the patients want my help... And what I just did is only a temporary fix"

Siaxx nodded as she regarded Cressa. "I'll handle the medical stuff... Teval. Bring Hakaya over as I need to give her a physical... nobody has seen her in quite some time."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Mind if I get an alpha wave inducer as well please?" she commented. "I've been having issues sleeping... I wake up too early and I want to sleep later."

"I see no reason why not," Cressa agreed. "But I would like to see you one on one as well. So you aren't relying on the inducer indefinably for sleep."

"Hold the transporter stream..." Zara finally noted after she took a massive swig of water. "What did you do earlier that's temporary?"

"I can't divulge doctor/client information, Captain," Cressa both answered and avoided. "I would like to suggest you and Commander Teval check into Sickbay now for your physical ailments."

"Ooooh no. Uh ah, no. Not without combat pay and better health benefits." Zara shook her head violently at the suggestion. "I got one gal that mind raped me, one that likes to numb me to stupidity, and I'm pretty sure the blue one there wants to fuck me... Plus they got a massive gorn guy in there that eats people he's sworn to protect."

Cressa looked very curiously to Siaxx, then back to Zara, who took another huge swig of her water and quickly refilled her glass.

Siaxx chuckled. "The skipper isn't wrong." she responded. "The gal who mindraped her was Elizabeth Yamaguchi but that was over a misunderstanding... she's still paying for that. The one who numbs people is Nalla Furban, don't touch her... whatever you do." Siaxx explained. "I do prefer women but... I'm married now so I have to consider my wife's feelings on the matter and the massive Gorn guy is Toshnarr... you'll love him once you get to know him." as her smile widened. "Toshnarr doesn't eat people... he just looks big, mean and scary.. there are a lot of women in sickbay and everyone is under his protection as he sees it as his duty to protect us."

"Not a denial of wanting to fuck me in that statement," Zara chided. "...I need to find a guy, now that I think of it."

"Be as it may, I must insist both of you check yourself into Sickbay before your physical ailments become life threatening," Cressa pressed respectfully.

"I need..." Zara searched hard for the word, but came back with a frown and, "water. Yes, water."

"Proof enough that you need help, Ma'am..."

Zara looked to Torilla for an answer, "What's your thoughts?"

Siaxx watched and listened to this all play out with deep amusement and satisfaction as Torilla nodded. "She's right... you do need help..."

"...Any funny stuff, and I walk out of there," Zara warned to Siaxx, and downed her water like it was a shot glass.

"If either of them need me, page me at any time, Commander Dvald," Cressa spoke eagerly.

Siaxx grinned cheerfully. "Sounds good to me. consider it done." she responded as she regarded Tane. "You worry too much.."

Teval just simply stayed silent while Zara caught all the attention.

Torilla regarded Cressa. "Shall we continue with the tour before you relieve me of my work?"

"I'd love to," Cressa smiled in agreement.

Torilla smiled. "Right this way." and with that she turned and went over to the door where the Dranaei female assigned to this ship was standing. "Mmm... Hellooo..." she greeted Cressa. "I see the report I got about you was not mistaken."

"Hello Luhanna... your play date is over there..make sure you feed her water... no booze.."

Luhanna moved into the ready room as she gently gave Teval a hug. "Awww ... you look famished my precious.." she was here for Tane but Teval got in the way.

Teval leaned back and gave her a look, not sure how to react to this one.

"Umm... what?" Zara asked uncomfortably, and stood up as if she were going to depart her office soon.

Teval tried in vain to escape from Luhanna's grip, but found himself unable to get her to release him.

Luhanna smiled as she gently petted Teval before setting him down. "You need to eat more dearest." before her eyes locked onto her real target. "Zara.... why are you hiding back there" she sounded rather disappointed.

Torilla meanwhile stood next to Cressa. "Luhanna Wintersnow... former Chief of Science and is now her Liasion officer. She also has a thing for Zara.... well or anyone really.. she is way too happy and gets out way too often.."

"The Captain needs to get to Sickbay, Commander Wintersnow."

"Oh I'm going now," Zara insisted and talked real fast as she started in a dead sprint for the door. "Gottagobye!"

"I was going to see to it she got there." Luhanna sighed. "seriously... you think all I have on my mind is sex.. " as she followed Tane out the door and into the turbolift where Zara was standing.

Teval, whom was left on the couch lying on his back, looked up noticing everyone was gone. Getting up he poked his head out of the ready room, and asking Rykar," I take it they are all gone now."

Rykar nodded, " Yeah, looks like they left." She noticed Teval's ragged condition but didn't remark on it.


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