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The Mirror, Lost - Part Three

Posted on Tue Jul 21st, 2020 @ 6:27pm by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant JG Achasa Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Location: Command Offices - Starbase 12 / Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1400Hrs - September 24th, 2393

Fleet Admiral Heather Duval uncrossed and then recrossed her long legs as she regarded the person who was presently addressing her with an almost amused mein. "You enjoy this work... Don't you Tom?" she inquired of Division Admiral Tom Lasky who nodded eagerly. "Oh gods yes, I love it, almost as much as I love my spouse and kids." the middle-aged human male answered.

Admiral Jake Yamaguchi knew that Lasky shared a rather strange relationship with his own spouse as he missed Torilla, who was presently out in the field with her command, he didn't care who knew that he missed her but he had a pang of envy, he knew that the other had's relationship with Torilla was an unusual one and that Lasky also had a rather unusual relationship with Elizabeth, his eldest child and while Torilla had explained the matter, as had Elizabeth, he opted to let the two women in question handle the matter should it become needed. "Life with Plataea being overly demanding?" Yamaguchi inquired, a rather wide smile on his face.

"You have no idea..." Lasky answered in a flat tone of voice.

"Oh yes, I do," Yamaguchi answered. "I know Torilla almost as much as she does... I suspect Plataea has a lot of those same triggers, same emotes and same tells?" as he suddenly grinned. "If not then you'll find out... She is gentle but aggressive at the same time.?"

"Plataea is so like Torilla... But she is so unlike her at the same time." Lasky answered.

"Gentlemen?" Duval inquired with a rather wide grin on her lips. "Why don't you both trade wives for one night... and see where it ends up," she commented, for the amusement factor it would add to the conversation.

Yamaguchi chuckled softly as Lasky commented. "Plataea will never go for it. But then, one never knows..." as Yamaguchi nodded. "Sure. It'll be memorable."

Duval grinned. "Well, we shouldn't be discussing this in front of April when she calls... Which should be any time now." as soon as thew words were out of her mouth, the com system buzzed at the three people gathered. "Operations to Admiral Duval?" came the dulcet tones of Captain Plataea Lasky.

"Go ahead Plataea...?" Duval inquired in an expectant tone of voice.

"I have Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi for you, on secure channel four."

Duval leaped to her feet as she moved over to the large wall monitor, she tapped it once. "Go ahead and route it in here. we're ready for it now."

"Understood, routing. You should have it now. Lasky out." as the face of April Yamaguchi appeared on the display before Duval, she looked tired and it was easy to tell why. Her eyes were bloodshot and her eyes had dark shadows around them. Jake came over as he regarded his eldest sibling. "April, are you alright?"

"I have two very young children in the house, Jake... They are demanding of me and their dad." Yamaguchi paused, as she tried desperately to take the bite of out her tone but she knew she had failed dismally. "I'm sorry..."

"No, its fine April," Yamaguchi answered his sibling's statement with his own. "Achasa sends you her regards and her love."

April's countenance brightened instantly. "How is she doing?" she inquired in a light tone of voice.

"She's settled into life on the Starbase quite well. She loves it here..." Jake answered with a smile on his own face.

"Good." Yamaguchi shifted her attention to Duval. "Admiral, I got your request for new personel, I wanted to let you know that I will be sending two dozen new officers of Commander rank and higher to you, use them as you deem fit," she explained. "I have another dozen or so Captains who are looking for assignments. So I'm sending them to you as well," she added.

"This will greatly help my issues towards being resolved. Thank you, Admiral." Duval answered, a wide smile on her face, she had not been expecting this and it showed too.

"There is another matter. Starfleet is going to send a mission to that alternate reality that keeps fucking with us... the one that Plataea originally came from." Yamaguchi paused as she sucked in a lungful of air. "They want to find out how to collapse that gateway as it's been able to resist everything we've thrown at it thus far," Yamaguchi explained the particulars of the assignment. "Can you spare a ship to handle this?"

"I have various objections..." Duval answered before Lasky slowly shook his head. "I'm afraid not Admiral. Of my command, only three ships could handle the assignment. Of those, the Enin-Sd doesn't have a Captain or a crew yet, and of the other two, the USS Khyzon is out on an extended patrol and won't be back for at least a month... and the Charal is also out on assignment, she won't be back for at least two days... At which time she's going in for a quick overhaul and refit. That'll take another two weeks at which time, she'll be ready to head back out..." Lasky sighed. "I'm Sorry Admiral."

"No, it's fine. I'll contact Admiral Emerson and see what he has." The female Yamaguchi answered with a nod.

"April, I'll take care of it," Jake spoke up, it was very seldom he ever called his sibling by name and when both were on duty no less. "I need to catch up with Paul Emerson anyway on another matter and I can ask him at the same time."

"Thank you, Jake," April answered with a smile. "That reduces my list of items to do today down to one, at which point I'll go home and try to get some sleep..." she explained. "I imagine you are in the same boat as me Jake?"

"I am... Fortunately, I have a great deal of help so I can actually get some sleep..." Jake answered. "What else do we need to discuss?"

"Nothing." Yamaguchi paused as she yawned. "Right. Yamaguchi out." and with that, the screen went black.

Duval regarded Jake with a smile. "Nicely done. I didn't think she'd be the one to end the call early."

"I didn't want to be rude and tell a Grand Admiral to sit down and take a moment for herself, even if she is my eldest sibling," Yamaguchi answered. "Will any of these deployments cause you issues TOm?"

"Not at all Admiral. Solemn Pennance is available, should I need to utilize her for my command. Also, that crew needs to be given a chance to do something to move on past that whole mutiny business."

Duval noted something in Lasky's tone. "Do you wish the Solemn Penance assigned to you for a time?"

"I do Admiral. Thank you. I can see if Captain Brevik's exec can handle command of his own ship and then make arrangements for him if that's the case of course." Lasky explained. "The crew deserves a chance to sort things out together..."

Yamaguchi regarded his old friend and former mentor in silence, the two men shared a look. "You don't think those Human Defense League assholes have gone away... Do you?"

"No, sir... I do not." Lasky answered softly as he regarded Yamaguchi, at one point the two men were opposite in rank. "In fact, I think we're only just seeing the start of this... we could be looking at a new Maquis situation... or worse."

"Lovely," Duval answered softly.


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