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The Death of Father Frost - Part Three

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 4:52pm by Captain Tolian Brevik & Commander Malcolm Walters & Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Watseka & Major Bart DeCrescents & Major Shessaa Brevik & Lieutenant Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli & Captain Tom Winters & Lieutenant Stozg & Master Chief Petty Officer Gwen Adams & Lieutenant Colonel Athaw "Warlock", son of Tohrnn & Colonel Anthony "Ironhide" Raynor & Chief Sergeant Nadine Jes-Tereth

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance
Timeline: 1300Hrs - August 27th, 2393

"Aye sir." and with that, Peters left the bridge. She felt the turbolift close in around her as she mentally considered just what the hell she was doing. "Deck eight, hanger one," she commented in a soft tone of voice, maybe by releasing the crew of the ship, she could gain something for herself, she had no wish to go down serving the whims of a madman.

The doors opened as she found herself facing one of her own. Nathan Jacobs. "What's up.?" he had a phaser in his hand as he pointed it at her, she slapped it aside as he fires a blast of energy at her, which missed and impacted the back wall as the two got into a fight. In the end, however, it was almost no contest as Nathan Jacobs overpowered her, as he smiled, he drew a rather evil-looking knife from his belt as she backed away from him, he snatched a fistful of her uniform, before he pulled her to him, spinning her so she was now facing with her back to him, before he proceeded to slash the knife across her throat from ear to ear, she moaned loudly as he felt her warm blood as it sleeted out of her body and splattered against the far bulkhead walls, before he let her go and she fell to the deck, bleeding all over the place.

Just then, Jacobs felt something impact him as Major DeCrescents smashed his rifle into the arm with the blade in it, the bones of his arm broke with a loud snapping sound, the man let out a loud shriek of agony as DeCresents proceeded to shoot him twice with his rifle on stun before he had him beamed to the brig forming in the sickbay of the Solemn Pennance.

He regarded the slain form of Sharon Peters, with her blood applied like paint on the hallway walls, on the floor and even on the ceilings. "I'm sorry, I was too slow." Lt Commander Lindsey Watseka commented.

"You knew her?" DeCrescents commented.

"I did. She was a decent security officer, new to her post but she loved her work... Jacobs, he was always a little wrong in the head... Now I know why..."
Watseka sighed softly. "Come on... Let's go," she commented softly. "We can tend to her later."

"Yeah." DeCrescents answered evenly.

Meanwhile, several dozen marines beamed into the areas surrounding deck eights hanger spaces as they quickly took stook of themselves and where they were. Major Shessaa Brevik smiled as she regarded the massive double door before her. "Breach that door guys."

"Roger that, commencing door breach." one of her marines answered, he placed a small charge on the door and quickly moved back as the door slid open, and the marines found themselves face to face with forty members of the Solemn Pennances crew. "Who are you?" one of them roared at her. "Now, or I shoot!" the same voice screamed at the marines before them.

"I'm Major Shessaa Brevik, USS Fall of Berlin, we answered your distress call!" the tall Orion female shouted back a moment later.

The marines all heaved a sigh of relief as the man shouted. "Stand down... Stand down..." as Lieutenant Stozg approached her. "You said your name was Major Brevik... Any relation to Captain Brevik?" the Saurian asked her in a soft tone of voice.

"My father." the Major answered. "Where is he?"

"Last we could tell, under house arrest."

"No. I'm not." Captain Brevik came around the corner, his arms wide and his sidearm was holstered as he had no wish to anger the marines or provoke them. "Captain Tolian Brevik, Commander of the Solemn Pennance." he identified himself to the assembled marines as they moved to detain him. "Wait, leave him be."

Brevik smiled. "Shessaa. I should have known Starfleet would send you to rescue me."

"Well, it was a chance, Dad... But its good to see you." and with that, the two shared a hug. The Saurian came over after the two had separated. "Captain, its good to see you alive and well. Commander Walters and Master Chief Adams are in the brig, we should rescue them as soon as possible."

Major Brevik turned. "Captain. Take squads two through six and do that, once you have them, evacuate them to the Fall of Berlin, they are expecting casualties..."

Captain Tom Winters nodded, his assent to her authority. "You got it, skipper. My guys, with me." and with that, he turned and moved off to carry out the assignment or he would die trying.

Meanwhile, the two Brevik's turned. "Next move?" Brevik asked of his daughter.

"We take back the bridge, cut off the snakes head..."

"Good plan... We'd like to come with you." Ironhide explained.

"No," Brevik answered quietly. "I understand your zeal and your obligations but you've done enough Colonel. It's up to me and my guys now. We were sent to retake this ship and while you and your guys have done amazing work Colonel, let us take over from here... It's no dishonor, you guys, really it isn't and if you were in better shape then we wouldn't be having this chat..." Major Brevik said quietly. "Besides... How long have you been at this?" Major Brevik asked of Ironhide, she could see he was exhausted and it was adrenaline that was keeping him and his crew going.

"Three days straight..." Ironhide answered honestly. "We can still fight, at least let us help you retake the ship... Once that's finished, then we'd be happy to see the medics and get our heads and bodies looked at... God knows I need a shower... and a good night's sleep."

Brevik shared a look with her father and he nodded once. "Alright, I do this against my better judgment. But alright, you can come along then. Besides, you deserve the chance to see this through to the end." the Orion female paused. "Let's go." and with that, she turned. "My guys, with me!" she called aloud before the large party began moving towards the bridge.


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