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Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 5:00pm

Lieutenant Stozg

Name Stozg

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Saurian
Age 30
Birthdate April 24th, 2363

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 185lbs
Hair Color None - Bald
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Stozg is bald like all Saurians. His scales are a ruddy complexion. The corners of his mouth are permanently upturned in a deceptively amused disposition. His is extreamly physically strong is very strong and he looks it. Whats more is that he knows it.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Kazaq - Civilian
Mother Jaeera - Civilian
Brother(s) Many
Sister(s) Many
Other Family Many

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stozg is very strong and imposing, though he tries to be as personable and friendly as possible. He is calm, cool, and collected at all times except for in the performance of his duties. His natural impatience lends him a short temper at times, he can be impatient in solving problems, which as often as not leads to damaged tools and instrumentation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Stozg can withstand extreme heat, various toxins, and poisonous gases, and several forms of radiation with minimal effect. Also Stozg is naturally resistant to telepathy from most forms of humanoid species.

Weaknesses: Stozg's temper can get the better of her when confronted with a difficult or complex problem. He is far from stupid, but his knowledge is born through experience rather than education. Instincts over protocols is his motto. He is susceptible to prolonged exposure to frigid temperatures.
Ambitions Stozg desires to become friends with everyone he meets. Also, proving that Saurians are more than warriors and vintners.
Hobbies & Interests Stozg enjoys puzzles and mysteries, though preferably with the company and assistance of others. He is eager to attend any party or other social gathering.