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Enemy of My Enemy - Part Three

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 4:45pm by Captain Astrid "Alex" Yamaguchi & Captain Leah Anderson & Captain L'Ruan "Shield" Dragon & Commander Derris Feraan & Commander Robert Anderson & Commander Maurice Logan & Commander Anjohl Nerys & Lieutenant Commander Vrajir Leezahl & Lieutenant Commander Hiraxea Gadiwat & Major Shessaa Brevik & Lieutenant Commander Ezazaa Sh'zhonek & Lieutenant Commander Ashiv Th'ezereth & Lieutenant M'Noren & Lieutenant Jeffran Sinclair & Lieutenant Uchei Stera & Master Chief Petty Officer Beverly Griffin & Lieutenant T'Rai
Edited on on Wed Jan 6th, 2021 @ 3:47am

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance / USS Manticore / USS Rawalpindi and USS Ulysses
Timeline: 1215Hrs - August 27th, 2393

Captain Leah Anderson emerged from her ready room as she nodded to her Executive Officer who did not announce her presence, per her orders to him and everyone else present aboard the USS Fall of Berlin. The presence of the Captain did not mean work should stop simply because h or she was present in the room and that was as Anderson preferred it. The viewscreen showcased the lights of the ship's quantum slipstream drives at work.

Logan smiled. "We should arrive at our destination in twenty-two minutes, skipper. All personel are at Battlestations, everyone is ready for war," he explained for her benefit, while he vacated the Captain's chair and she slid her lithe form into it.

"Excellent number one. I had hoped this day would never come but clearly, someone thought otherwise." Anderson answered, her soft dulcet tones soothing to her ears, considering the news she had just been told. "It's unbelievable," Anderson added, as she recalled mentally what it was that had brought her to this moment. Admiral Emerson contacting her on a secured priority one channel, informing her to break off her patrol and divert to a heading into what seemed like the middle of nowhere.

The Bajoran Chief Engineer regarded her. "We will sort this out skipper, one way... or another." the explained bluntly for the presence of mind of everyone present on the bridge.

"Is everyone here?" Logan inquired as he looked around. "Good."

"All right, as everyone here is aware, something has happened recently... That requires our rather specific attention, there has been a mutiny on a Federation Heavy Carrier, we are being sent to deal with it." Anderson explained for the benefit of her personel. "I've been asked to keep this to authorized personel only. For obvious reasons and when all is said and done, the media will be informed of whats happened. Hopefully cooler heads will have prevailed by then." Anderson explained as she huffed a sigh at the collective bridge crew. "Apparently shots have also been fired... This is why we were called." she took a moment to let that sink in, "All right, Maurice, take a moment and do a quick tour of the ship, see if any departments have any issues and provide for them." Anderson turned. "Beverly, help him out, twenty minutes isn't a lot of time. Break the workload between you and proceed from there." the handsome woman turned to her husband. "Rob, monitor the com chatter, there will be a lot of it and do that nasty thing you do. If you can."

Logan and Griffin each shared a look before they both headed for the nearby turbolift and were gone a moment later.

"Willdo Captain." Anderson smiled at his wife as he went to work at his pannel.

Anderson paused a moment "Ashiv, make us immune to hacking and the like, odds are that those folks will try something with cyber warfare against us." as she turned to the conn officer. "Stera, make sure that tactical has the time and space needed for their shots to count, if they launch their fighters, we'll have a real fight on our hands."

The younger woman nodded her head. "It'll be done, skipper."

Anderson turned to the handsome Bolian female on her crew. "Hiraxea. Make sure all your ordinance is armed and ready for flight as soon as we drop-in, I want to deal with Solemn Pennance quickly. They might attempt to wear us down. Above all else, do not fall for a Marg Sabl maneuver." as she raised an eyebrow before she recalled who developed it and why. "Remind me to send a thank you note to Lt Commander Henson on the Hermes," she added a moment later

Major Brevik nodded her head. "Willdo skipper," she answered evenly.

Anderson turned her head. "M'Noren, Shessaa. You two will stop anyone from forcibly boarding us and you'll lead the boarding Operation on the Solemn Pennance when we bring her to heel." she looked at her Chief medical officer, counselor, and Chief Engineer in quick succession. "Make this ship ready for the battle ahead and... prepare for the wounded," she added the last in a hesitant tone of voice. "All right. questions?"

There was a moment of silence before Anderson nodded. "All right, let's go to work." she paused. "Time till arrival?" she inquired.

The answer came back. "Thirteen minutes, ten seconds till arrival." the Andorian Thaan at operations answered, a smile on his lips.

Anderson sat down in her command chair, she held her silence, she closed her eyes and mentally tried to focus and calm herself before the battle ahead, a battle that she knew would test her and her crew in unexpected ways, they would not be stronger for facing it, they would be weaker for enduring it. Her reverie was interrupted with the Andorian Thann turning to her. "One minute out skipper."

"Alright," she commented, as she did so, the turbolift doors opened and out came her two missing officers, Maurice Logan moved to his own station while Griffen took over her post again. "All departments are good to go," she reported.

"Excellent work you two," Anderson commented.

"All stop in three... Two... One..." and with that, the slipstream flashed as normal space appeared with three other Federation ships were presently engaged in a standoff, suddenly off to the right side of the screen was a second slipstream aperture and out came a large Crusier of the Discovery class series. Anderson slowly grinned. "Hail the other ships... " she commented.

"You're on skipper." came the answer from the Chief of the Boat who was now handling communications.

"This is Captain Anderson, I'm taking command here. Let's do this, guys, open fire to disable."


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