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Bad Moon Rising

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 6:40am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Vice Admiral Valerie Dessaix & Division General Donovan Garibaldi & Lieutenant Maurice Crane

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1430Hrs - August 7th, 2393

Valerie Dessaix looked at the PADD in disbelief. "Well, this is unwelcome news." She stated to herself, despite the presence of Lieutenant Crane.

"Sorry to bring this unpleasantness to your attention. Maybe I should have waited until there was an official announcement?" Crane asked.

"No, it's better we know about this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention." Dessaix replied.

"So, you will bring this to the Admiral's attention?" Crane asked.

"Yes, you're off the hook. You don't have to tell her, I will." Dessaix told a now relieved looking Crane. "Your dismissed Lieutenant."

With a slight smile, Crane turned and left. Dessaix tapped her comm badge. "Admiral Dessaix to Admiral Duval and Admiral Yamaguchi: We need to have a chat in the ready room at your earliest convenience. And we should invite General Garibaldi."

Heather Duval was sitting in her office, working on her paperwork which honestly was something she was never going to be completely ever done with, between that and meetings, it was a small wonder at times if she was able to get anything done, the call came in asking for her time and attention, she rose to her feet as she lightly tapped her combadge. "Duval here, I'm on my way." as she marched out of her office.

Duval moved down the hallway before almost running into Jake Yamaguchi who was moving in the same direction as her. "Lo Jake, hows life?"

"Same as yesterday and probably the same as tomorrow Admiral," Yamaguchi answered cryptically. "Life will proceed as it has, over the last age and will continue for long after I leave this world," he added in a flat, even tone of voice.

"Wow, that's deep Jake. You a fan of Shakespeare or something?"

"That and Tolkien's work, my granddaughter loves reading the hobbit. She can almost quote entire passages out of those novels verbatim." he regarded her as he spoke. "Saki also has discovered some old historical texts from several ancient games. She quoted me a little something called the act of union for something called the Covenant, it was really weird..." Yamaguchi answered. "Keeping up with the grandkids is a major challenge." He added. "How're things with you Admiral?"

"I could complain but... It would serve me little purpose." Duval answered. "The kids and grandkids as well, my brothers are doing good and Ethan surprises me constantly."

"Tom Lasky loves his favored guinea. When Alex moves onto her next assignment, I have it on good authority that Jeff will be replacing her." Yamaguchi answered with a smile. "I wonder why we're wanted."

"Valerie will tell us when we get there and not before," Duval answered as the two reached their destination. "So be nice to her Jake..."

"I am always nice and civil. It's always good to have a nice working relationship with everyone, it keeps my stress levels down and the grey hairs away from my dome. God knows I have enough grey hairs." Yamaguchi was saying as the two entered Dessaix's office. "Valerie, you demanded our presence?" Duval regarded her second officer with a rather impish smile. "I have brought forth the condemned prisoner." she indicated Yamaguchi while she spoke.

"Prisoner?." Yamaguchi chuckled softly. "What's up Valerie." Yamaguchi inquired of the Frenchwoman before him.

General Garibaldi entered behind the two ranking admirals. "Someone invite me to the party?" Garibaldi mirthfully asked.

"You're not going to like what I have to report," Dessaix told them. "You may want to take a seat."

Yamaguchi grinned. "Yeah, a party and Valerie here is being good enough to get the bill," he commented as he slid into a seat. "So, are we at war with the Dominion?" he inquired.

Duval slid her lithe form into a chair while she held her silence, she knew that Yamaguchi meant well, he just had a big sense of humor.

"A good old fashioned war may be a little easier to deal with," Dessaix replied to Yamaguchi. "No, we are going to have a visitor. Have any of you heard of Harmony Renkampf, Federation Councillor from Alpha Centauri?"

Both Duval and Yamaguchi both shook their heads in silence.

"The hippy chick? Yeah, I heard of her. She threatened to cut Star Fleet spending. She even went as far as to eliminate the Marine and fighter corps." Garibaldi replied.

"That would be the one. She is on a Diligent class diplomatic ship, the USS Racine. She'll be here in five days." Dessaix informed them.

Duval giggled ever so softly. "The way you were talking gave it such a dramatic buildup. I was expecting that someone had done something incredibly stupid." she paused while Yamaguchi regarded Garibaldi. "I'm sensing there is a story here General. Who is this woman... or so I not wish to know?"

"Back in 69' I was a butter bar on the USS Dieppe. We had to clear out some peace protesters on one of the weapons ranges. The little turds became belligerent and we had to use our phasers to stun them. I had to drag out one of the female protesters by her hair. Of course, there was a big stink and investigation. We were all cleared but there was a lot of bad blood. One of the protesters was Renkampf." Garibaldi explained. "Now, she is a fanatical anti-military politician. She'll look for any excuse to get Starbase 47 on the scrap heap and all of us sent to civilian life."

Duval slowly smiled. "She won't succeed. Neither I or any of you answer to the civilian leadership, we answer to Starfleet command and they answer to the civvies."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Sounds like she's a small-minded fool who doesn't understand why we're out here."

"Well, this visit only gets better," Dessaix interjected. "Renkampf is coming with friends. Garibaldi, will you do the honors?" Dessaix asked as she handed Garibaldi a PADD.

Garibaldi read over the manifest. He then pursued his lips as he read out a name. "Under Secretary of the UFP Hoyer Sternwald."

Yamaguchi facepalmed. "Him... I was wondering when Sternwald's name was going to come up again, considering that bastard tried to murder my daughter."

Duval turned. "I take it you know him," she commented lightly.

"Not him, his son," Yamaguchi answered. "I assume you are still dealing with his crap General?" he inquired of Garibaldi.

"To be honest, I haven't heard the little prick's name since we shipped him off to Titan. I thought we would have some respite and then get called to the core worlds for a possible trial. I didn't think the shit would slingshot back here." Garibaldi explained.

"So, Daddy wants to come to intimidate you for locking his baby up for his various crimes." Duval snorted in disgust. "Okay, I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

Yamaguchi turned to Duval. "Admiral, if its all the same to you, I would like to not be involved with this matter, my judgment is clouded at best and I fear I will be unable to assist you with this matter as someone else."

Duval regarded Yamaguchi in silence. "You really hate this guy hmm?"

"I do. He tried to murder my little girl along with everyone with her, were it not for the skill and luck of the rescue party, they all would have died." Yamaguchi answered quietly.

Duval paused. "Well, that's unexpected."

"You'll be busy with the good Councillor," Garibaldi told Yamaguchi. "Sternwald has a case of the ass for me and the marines. Let us deal with him, you deal with her."

"Works for me, thank you, General," Yamaguchi answered quietly. "Valerie, when does this woman arrive?"

"In five days' time. There hasn't been an official press release yet. That may happen tomorrow. In the meantime, should Mueller be made aware that she has a VIP coming?" Dessaix asked.

"Hannah will love this, yes she should be told. Let Orthos and Hunt know too." Yamaguchi paused. "Better tell Plataea this woman will be demanding of her."

"Alright, we'll have a staff meeting tomorrow at 0700 hours. We'll work out the details then." Dessaix answered.

Duval nodded. "Sounds good, we can discuss the details then." she turned. "General, will you be present for this or will you be sending Major Rosa Tyrell?"

"No, I can't send in a major to do a general's job. Besides, if Sternwald senior wants to try and bully someone, let it be me." Garibaldi replied.

"Fair enough," Duval answered with a smile. "So we got five days to prepare for this insanity then?. Great... What else needs to be discussed?"

"I think any details or questions would be resolved tomorrow at the staff meeting," Dessaix answered.


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