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Dangling Threads - Part Seven

Posted on Tue Jul 21st, 2020 @ 4:51pm by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant Commander Monique Deepshadow & Lieutenant Samantha "Sammy" Yeager & Lieutenant Melody McKnight-Yamaguchi & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager

Mission: Mission 109: The Travelers Path
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1925Hrs - September 23rd, 2393

Talon knew exactly what Sammy was trying to say, even the most well thought out, best-laid plans never endured past the first contact with the enemy. "I understand... But Orthos even gave me Marie..."

"So my youngest sibling has good genes," Sammy commented with a breezy smile. "Good."

Melody looked at Sammy. "You're not helping."

"I am helping, you don't like the conclusion I'm drawing. You want someone to blame for your issues and misfortunes... I get it, we all do... But you have her." Sammy indicated Talon. "While growing up, I would have sold entire worlds into slavery to have a mother like her... Monique was even worse then the two of us, combined but you don't see her taking out her hatred on her mother... and I happen to know that her issues with her mother make your issues with mom here look like a small thing, a minor disagreement to be resolved in one go."

Melody sighed softly. "All this time... I never knew where I fit in... I would be taught one thing from Dad and then go off to spend time with mom... where I'd learn something new... It was like living on Andoria and Vulcan, twice a year..."

Talon was many things, stupid wasn't one of them. "Orthos taught one way of doing things and I thought another... I didn't have his experience or his capabilities... But I wanted him involved... and he wanted me involved..." as she sighed softly. "Which meant you got confused and contradictory parenting styles, at times... Did Iason ever say anything to you, while growing up.?"

"He did," Melody answered. "He would tell me that I was a bastard... I mentioned it to Dad and Dad threw Iason out of the house, the man was at the Academy at that point, and I don't think dad spoke to him for close to five years... I... I think..." she paused. "He... he never really said,"

"Orthos didn't tell me this story..." Talon answered quietly.

"It angers him that one of his children could turn on another." Melody explained. "To the point when dad loses his temper. Saying he has issues with Iason is putting it very lightly," she added.

Talon let out a soft sigh. "Iason has hated me for years... He smashed my face in the last time we met for dinner." she paused. "I think I've been going about this all wrong. I've been ignoring the issue but it doesn't make it go away..."

Sammy leaned in a little closer to the woman she called mom. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

"I'm going to do a little digging in the dirt... Orthos's history to be more specific and see what turns loose... Stuff like Ex-girlfriends, ex-rivals, people who have cause to want to harm him... I was a curious happenstance... I didn't go out of my way to attract enemies while at the academy." she commented

"You think someone wanted to cause issues for Orthos...?" Sammy inquired.

"Yes, I mean what better for a smear campaign than a sexual relationship between a teacher and a student?" Melody interrupted. "For the student, its the rush of lust with the teacher, someone who has a lot more experience in the sexual arts than the student, its also a means to an end for the student, they might seek to gain some influence over the teacher."

Talon nodded her head. "For the teacher, its also an outlet for their frustrations, the student might like being bedded by the teacher, or wherever it is they are having their illicit relationship." she paused. "Its the thrill... of doing something both know is wrong and illegal but they both gain from it, the experience of the encounter."

Sammy smiled. "Was dad teaching that class?"

"No, Your dad was a fellow student who was there for a refresher..." Talon frowned. "I need to do some research as to who was there and then I can answer the why later."

Melody sighed. "All this time. I had believed that it was me," she admitted. "I was the reason you and dad never ended up together."

"Why would you think that Melody?" Talon inquired. "I wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone. So you can blame me for it..."

Sammy dismissed the statement with a wave of her hand. "She has been blaming you, its why you two fight so easily and so often. As I stated earlier, I can only sit here and admire your casual brutality on the subject Melody..."

Melody sighed. "I've never really been sure of where I fit in... I didn't fit in with dad or with you, mom..." she explained. "Dad had lots of other kids, some liked me and others... Well you know about Iason. Then there was you, mom, who was alone..." she paused. "It was confusing at times... and irritating at other times..."


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