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Face to Face - Part Two

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 3:35am by Division Admiral Andrew Whiteshadow & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD & Division Admiral Charlotte Rhodes MD,PsyD, PhD & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Shandis "Darkmoon" Dvald-Festlin

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1200Hrs - September 7th, 2392

Captain Charlotte Rhodes tapped the display before her as she lifted her drink to her lips and she drained the entire glass as she finished her cup of coffee. "Well. this is an interesting posting." the middle-aged human female commented with a smile, today was her second day assigned to starbase twelve and her first day on the job.

The comm system beeped as Charlotte rose to her feet as she emerged from her office. "Alert, incoming wounded."

Rhodes raised an eyebrow as she grasped her medkit before moving into the main triage area. "What do we have?" she inquired.

"We have two wounded, nothing major Doctor except these two women are identical."

"Twins then," Rhodes responded.

"No Doctor. They are more or less the same woman."

"What?" Rhodes responded as the door opened and in walked Commodore Andrew Whiteshadow. "Ahh, Doctor. Good."

Rhodes raised an eyebrow. "I assume I missed something?" she inquired.

"Yes, this woman is a doppelganger of this woman from another reality," he explained to Rhodes.

"Lovely." the Doctor responded. "Let's get them onto beds and get them treated." Moments later the main doors opened and in walked several people while Rhodes and her guys went to work on treating the two women who looked identical. "Doctor, this one has recently given birth."

"Okay, which reality is she native to?" Rhodes asked of Whiteshadow.
"Ours." was the answer she got a moment later.

"Okay good." Rhodes opened her medkit and went back to work. "Okay. who wants me?" she asked of the new arrivals.


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