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Unexpected Home Coming - Part Three

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 2:33am by Commander Sokanon It'kla & Lieutenant Commander Jorge Hular & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Captain Tirothyn R’Shav & Colonel Anthony "Ironhide" Raynor & Gunnery Sergeant Olga Vaal & Colonel Jack "Dirty Jack" Hassel
Edited on on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 2:43am

Mission: Mission 95: Through the Looking Glass
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1100Hrs - September 6th, 2392

Captain Tirothyn R'Shav regarded Lieutenant Jorge Hular as she examined his hands. "Yes, I'd say that you got clowned Lieutenant. Just, what were you doing?"

Lieutenant Hular sighed. "I was arresting him." he indicated the sedated form of Ensign Nick Hassel. "My guy shot him and destroyed a lot of booze and glasses in the process."

Sokanon ambled over, she was wearing her sling over her uniform. "Well. I have good news and bad news," she commented to R'Shav mostly. "Ahh, Ironhide. Dirty Jack. Please come over. You two should hear this too."

"Hey, look, Lieutenant," He addressed Sokanon, "We just meet the kid. He seems like a nice kid but we don't know him that well. As far as I know, he is still part of flight control and not the fighter Corp."

Sokanon regarded Dirty Jack with a look. "How nice..." she inquired. "Anyway. About your acquaintance. I checked the database and he doesn't have any counterparts in this reality who are serving so I did a DNA comparison. The lab is still processing it." the Caitian female explained.

"In any case his injuries are substantial," R'Shav explained in a tone that could have dried Pacifica in one smooth motion. "This young man is lucky to be alive. Lieutenant Hular, however, managed to wreak both hands with being involved with that stunt. Why did that situation get so stupidly out of hand anyway?" the older Caitian female inquired.

Just then Lieutenant JG Kadian Paris came over, PADD in hand. "El-Tee. This is for you. The results you asked me to rush?"

"Ahh, Thank you Kadian." Sokanon responded as she received the PADD the human woman handed to her. "Well now. The plot thickens." as she glanced over the PADD. "This young man's story just became a whole lot more interesting."

"Why's that?" Ironhide inquired.

"Because of the fact that he has DNA in common with you." she regarded Dirty Jack. "and the Gunny you used to be married to."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "I'm not sure I follow?"

Sokanon regarded him as she huffed a soft sigh. "This man is your son." she indicated Hall.

Ironhide regarded Dirty Jack. "Wait, you didn't have kids... did you?"

"No, I never had any kids," Jack replied. He then straightened up as he had an epiphany. "Oh wait..." He stated. "We had Nicolai. But he died. They recovered his body in the wreckage. I know this because I saw it myself."

"Well whoever this guy is. He is your son. You and Gunnery Sergent Olga Vaal." Sokanon explained. "He is also from the same alternate reality as all of our other pop-up infiltrators."

"I'm not really sure how to take this," Jack explained as he looked at the unconscious Nick. "That would explain why he was stalking Olga. He wasn't ogling her, that's his mother."

"Well don't worry, he's going to be out for a while as he was impaled on several hundred shards of glass," R'Shav explained. "He's going to be asleep until at least tomorrow morning."

Sokanon smiled. "You might want to consider what you are going to say to him when he wakes up."

"Yeah, so he is going to make it?" Jack asked. "I know that might sound kinda callous but I'm going to have to tell Olga about our son. The last thing she needs is to lose her child a second time."

"Well he is out of danger but he needs to keep his stress levels down," Sokanon explained. "We have him in here for observation and the like." the Caitian explained.

"I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that," Jack told her, the relief on his face obvious. "I still may need to bring Olga up here. Somehow I don't think she'll believe me when I tell her Nicolai is alive."

R'Shav regarded Dirty Jack. "Hopefully she will not make a scene when she sees him. She would wake him up and he must keep his stress levels down."

"I see you are unfamiliar with Olga Vaal." He replied. "I would like to promise you that but truthfully I can't."

Sokanon huffed a sigh. "Lovely." as R'Shav handed him a PADD. "Give this to Ms. Vaal," she commented.

"What's this?" Jack asked.

"His information," R'Shav responded. "About his genetics, his medical issues and the like." the tall Caitian explained evenly. She peered at Dirty Jack. "Please impress upon your wife the importance of behaving while in here or I will have her ejected through the bulkhead."

"Thanks," Jack told her. "I'll just leave this here though until I'm sure she won't go ballistic on me."

R'Shav regarded with a simple look. "She will behave herself, or else." she tapped her combadge as she proceeded to call Gunnery Sergent Vaal to the sickbay.

"Why did you do that?" Jack asked her. "You do know she has a history of mental instability?"

"No actually. I did not know that." R'Shav answered. "This Starbase has over a hundred thousand souls aboard. I can't be expected to know all the details of everyone aboard."

Sokanon simply facepalmed. "Aww shit."

"Alright, despite the fact that she hates me, I think this be best if it came from me," Jack explained.

R'Shav nodded her head. "By all means, we'll leave this one with you," she commented with a smile. "I'm heading back to work. Sokanon, do you want to make sure this doesn't get out of hand?"

"Sure. I'll stay." the younger Caitian female responded as the older one turned and departed when suddenly the door opened and in walked a human female wearing the rank of Gunnery sergeant. Sokanon regarded the new arrival as this must be Vaal.

"You called me?" Olga asked Sokanon. She then saw Jack. "Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, it's me," Jack replied. "Look I have something important to tell you."

Olga crossed her arms. "Okay, I'm waiting."

Jack sighed. "See that officer laying on the bed?" He pointed to Nick.

"Oh yes, your little peeping Tom. What happened to him? Spying on some woman and her boyfriend beat him within an inch of his life?" She joked.

Jack looked at Sokanon. "I told you this would be hard." He then turned his attention to Olga. "No, he isn't some sort of little pervert. The young officer is our Nicolai."

Olga didn't respond for a long moment. "That's not funny. I don't like you fucking with my emotions like that."

Jack looked back at Sokanon. "Do you have that PaDD?"

Sokanon handed Jack the PADD. "Of course," she answered as she produced the PADD which she then handed to the Gunny in question. "Gunny, please keep your voice down... He needs to sleep and not be woken up..."

Olga regarded the PADD before she shifted her attention over to the sleeping officer before her, then she went and reread the PADD again and then again. "No... This is impossible..."

"How so?" Sokanon answered. "The genetics don't lie..."

"You're asking her to wrap her mind around something that traumatized her," Jack told him, oddly coming to Olga's defense. "To be honest, I'm not sure if I believe it."

Olga just looked at the PaDD. She mumbled something to herself silently.

Sokanon indicated the wounded officer. "This is your son Gunnery Sergent. You can either accept this as fact or you can't," she sighed.

It was at that point when Ironhide intervened. "Guys, please..." he sighed. "Gunny. What exactly did he say to you when you confronted him.?" Ironhide inquired of Vaal.

Olga looked at Ironhide and gave him a vacant stare. "He said I was pretty."

"I'm sure he did. It's the first time he's seen his mother in nineteen years." Jack told her.

Olga let the PaDD fall from her hands. "Nicky" She stated as she stared at the supine officer. She walked over to him and looked him over. "Nicky, what happened to you?"

"Ironhide, I may be taking the next couple of days off," Jack told him. "I have things to wrap up here."

"That's fine," Ironhide responded quietly while he nodded his head. "If you didn't want time off for this. I'd be worried. Take whatever you need."

R'Shav sighed. "He got into a dispute with security in the lounge, he brandished a weapon and he threatened to kill Lieutenant Hular. Then he apparently tried to blow himself up."

The massive Capellan officer came over. "I do not understand why my presence evoked such hostility in him. As soon as he saw me, he went crazy, threatening to kill me but up to that point, he was fine... Until he laid eyes on me."

R'Shav nodded. "Come on over here El-Tee and let me have a look at your wounds... Let's let these guys have a moment alone."

Jack looked at Hular. "I'm guessing this has something to do with the infiltrators?"

"It does," Hular responded. "I'm not sure, however. I'm going to ask Warrick Brown to take a good look at this guy's file. After all of this is done. I will need to process him and have my guys give him the once over. I was asked to arrest and detain him." Hular explained evenly.

"Good luck looking at his file. I tried to look at it and I couldn't find it." Jack told him.

"Well, this guy is almost certainly an infiltrator from the other reality," Hular commented. "I wish he had not lost it when things went down, he could have made an application for asylum like some of the others from the other side and that would have been the end of it." Hular sighed. "But now, he faces some difficult questions."

R'Shavv came back over. "Lieutenant?" she commented gently. "He's not going anywhere and you can take him after I have finished with him and not before. Now come on over here and let me look at your hands." the Female Caitian then withdrew as Hular followed her.

Lieutenant Kadian Paris came over, medkit in hand. "You guys don't mind if I give him the once over.. Do you?" she asked of Dirty Jack and Olga Vaal.

"No" Olga stated. She still stayed by his side.

"If he was an infiltrator he acted rather odd," Jack told Hular. "Like I said, he isn't on the names of infiltrators that other spy gave us. Wish I knew what set him off."

Hular turned his head. "I set him off. I wish I knew why."

Kadian Paris raised an eyebrow as she proceeded with her checks. "If it wasn't you El-Tee. Maybe it was what you were." she paused. "Or who you look like." she paused. "Don't you have an older brother?"

Hular nodded. "Captain Neban Hular."

"In this reality, yes," Paris responded quietly. "What if it was him and this guy, simply confused you both."

"Why don't you ask the spy that you turned?" Jack asked. "I'm sure she would know."

Paris raised an eyebrow as she returned her attention to her tricorder as Hular spoke up. "I didn't turn anyone. But I'll see what I can find out for you."

"Not you in particular but our intelligence services," Jack stated.

"I'll see what I can find for you," Hular answered.

"Well, not for me, for you. I'm sure they have a better grip on what is going on." Jack told him. "You know, now that I think about it, Nuban Hular was one of the infiltrators."

Jorge Hular raised an eyebrow. "Lovely," he responded in a deadpan tone of voice. "I'll go find my brother and ask him to stick around, just in case."


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