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Nothing Ventured and Nothing Gained - Part Six

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 5:09am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Colonel Bronwyn Yamaguchi & Commander Pamela MacDougan & Commander Lakaris Dvald & Commander Shando Yeager & Commander T'Lee & Lieutenant Samantha "Sammy" Yeager & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Post Captain Duran-Yeager Syal & Fleet Captain Kell Donos & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sine Donos & Post Captain Nomek & Post Captain Lenaris Dvald & Post Captain James Yamaguchi & Post Captain Kenco, son of Makar & Commander Gabriel Wounded-Knee & Lieutenant Colonel Alec Ross & Division General Xyler "Whirlwind" Danix

Mission: Mission 79: Sound Trumpets! Let Our bloody Colors Wave
Location: The Kilrogg System - Various Locations
Timeline: 0300Hrs - April 16th, 2392

Meanwhile, on the cavernous hangar deck of the USS Shinano, hundreds of starfighters were busy being swarmed by technicians and mechanic of all kids as Danix looked around, he could not have been more proud of his people, they had performed above and beyond what he had come to expect from them and while they had suffered losses, they had also helped to kill a dozen capital ships. "If this action doesn't silence the critics then I don't know what will... We fought well today."

One of his aides who was attending him nodded her head in agreement. "Indeed sir... we did."

"Alert, Klingon force is going to rush us!" came the call over the comm system. "Shit.," Danix muttered. "Scramble, scramble, scramble!" he roared at the top of his lungs. Her knew fully well that he had thrown a very large monkey wrench into a very well oiled machine but it couldn't be helped either. He climbed back into his starfighter and like dozens if not hundreds of others, he took off and flew out of the Shinano's massive hangers. From the outside, her fighters were less of a formation and more like a massive swarm. "All fighters prepare for massed bombing runs of Klingon capital ships.." as he said that, a lance of phaser energy lashed out from one of the battleships and disintegrated a Klingon small escort with one blast.

"Ignore the smaller ships, let our escorts handle them," Danix commented before he felt a sudden surge of emotion which he pushed aside. "Let's get this done," he added. "Engaging the first battleship."

Danix pulled the trigger of his stick and watched four warheads leave his launchers, to be followed by several hundred more. Danix wasn't trying to outright kill the battleship that was oncoming but more he was intending to soften it up for the Federation Fleet to handle.

On his bridge, Kuzyk growled. "Tenacious bastards.." he commented as dozens of warheads slammed into his ship's shields.

The Shield of Sparta meanwhile turned her weapons onto the various Klingon ships before she began opening fire with her primary weapons on the enemy capital ships, before letting loose with her secondaries. As hundreds and then thousands of warheads flew through space, Danix was treated to a sight he thought he'd never ever see, a missile barrage from a Federation starship impacting several Klingon ships reducing them to scrap metal.

Danix rolled his fighter inverted. "Stay with me!" he called over the com system. The several hundred starfighters under his command did exactly that as they followed him. "Target the flanking battleship... Let's help the Victorious out!"

The USS Victorious was getting into a gun action with a Klingon warship that was battering away at her shields with ruthless force, Danix winced as he watched several chunks get taken out of the new Federation battleships armor plating by Klingon missiles. He pulled the trigger and his threat alarm went off as the system spotted hundreds of other launches from other Federation fighters behind him. "Break!" and with that he turned his fighters to port, slipping in around and behind the Victorious so as to remain outside her firing solution, before the hundreds of warheads crashed into the Klingon battleship's shields, they helped finish off the shielding before they began to land on her armor plating which was already weak, to begin with, since the Federation force had attacked from above and off to starboard.

The USS Victorious, thankful from the reprieve from the beating, quickly went back on the offensive, launching her primary batteries warheads into the Klingon battleship from starboard when suddenly she swung her bow around and cut the Klingons off, also she now presented her intact portside to the enemy and fresh shields whereas the Klingons had been battered and broken.

A moment later it was over as the Klingon ship exploded from the inside out, her crew scuttling the ship to prevent her capture. Victorious turned her attention elsewhere and began firing on several cruisers trying to escape.

The Klingons efforts now were focused on escaping but many didn't make it as fireballs in space attested to the efforts of most and the failures of some.

Three Klingon heavy cruisers managed to break out of the blockade and turned back, their goal now became to save as many as they could when the Shield of Sparta more or less disintegrated one of them from medium range with a volley of missiles from her forward heavy torpedo launcher, however all of this was going on.

The Klingon fleet quickly fell apart and was more or less obliterated by the Federation battlegroup orbiting Kilrogg Four. Kuzyk smiled as he remained at his post to the very end, dying at the hands of the damaged USS Theseus as she decapitated his forward superstructure, splitting the ship into two pieces, this caused his ammo stocks to detonate, thus he was immolated and death came quickly.

The rest of the Klingon fleet fared little better as only two small frigates, up-armored and gunned birds of prey escaped to inform Klag of their failings and of their defeat.

The two ships got far enough to hail Klag and after a short conversation, both ships returned and attacked the Federation fleet, one of them suddenly exploded thanks to a missile strike from the Victorious and the second was killed due to the weapons mountain on the USS Shinano. When her shipwrights had built her, they paid keen attention to detail in regards to her shields, armor, and weapons and this paid off today for Fleet Captain Kell Donos, his crew, and the attachments to his command.

Meanwhile, tired and exhausted from all of the fighting. Wing Master Danix tapped the com. "All fighters, return to your command ships. I want people in their racks and fighters refueled and rearmed. You all fought and flew well today. Now nobody gets killed on landing."

The responses were long as Danix turned about and made for his carrier, along with the hundreds of other starfighters present.

Meanwhile on the main bridge of the USS Shinano. "Stand down from alert.." Kell Donos sighed softly. "and send to all ships. 'Fine work everyone.'

Syal Duran smiled as she carried out his order 'Yes the Fleet Captain knew how to lead his troops' thought the small Bajoran female.

Lakaris Dvald smiled. "Well that was diverting." the Bolian female at tactical commented. "We've expended almost forty percent of our ordinance but no serious issues. Shinano did well.." as she gently patted the console. "Yes, young lady... You did well... Mommy is so proud of you," she commented to the Shinano herself.

Fleet Captain Kell Donos chuckled softly. Lakaris was an unending source of light-hearted banter for himself and his crew as he tended to rely on her for the moments that people could laugh and smile. He tapped his combadge. "Bridge to Engineering, Status?"

"We held up well sir." came the answer of Captain James Yamaguchi. "I'm gathering personnel and resources to send over to the other ships. The USS Victorious and the Theseus both need assistance, especially Victorious as she took quite a battering from the Klingon flagship."

"Whatever it takes James... " Donos answered, an easy smile on his face.

"Sir... anything from the troops planetside?". Yamaguchi was concerned for his wife, it showed too.

"They were victorious and are presently returning to their staging area... I believe Colonel Yamaguchi is talking to the Gorn's leadership now..."

"That's... that's good to know. Thanks.." Yamaguchi responded quietly.

"Fair enough James... How many did you lose?"

"None sir. I do have eight wounded and they went to the flight deck sickbay... and I'd best get back to work skipper. Thanks. Out." and with that, the com went dead. "Do you believe he just did that!?" he inquired of Command Master Chief Petty Officer Sine Chan-Donos who was also his wife.

"Well people are busy and he does need to set an example," Sine responded, a cheery grin playing at her lips before Shando Yeager turned to address the skipper. "Captain... All ships have begun deploying for protection duty of this system."

Donos turned. "Captain Kenco. Contact the Fleet and inform them that Kilrogg is secure, But we need reinforcements and relief and we needed it yesterday."

The Klingon nodded. "Aye skipper.". Kenco was the son of General Makar, one of the major players in the empire who was been slain in honorable combat not that long ago. Many in House Makar was unsure of what to do and didn't know what the future held as there had been a number of requests for him to come home and lead the house. To this point, Kenco had refused. T'Lee had counseled patience and loyalty more than anything else. What was more was that Kenco had discussed all of this at length with Kell Donos and Syal Duran as the events had unfolded, both of them had said they would support whatever he decided and for now, he assured them that his place was here.

Kenco finished his message, he then sent it. "Skipper.. message sent.. relief will get here in about nine hours time."

Donos smiled. "Excellent.." he paused as he tapped the display one more time. "Bridge to sickbay... report?"

"Sixty-four dead and close to two hundred wounded. The vast majority were marines. I'll keep you posted sir." came the response from Lenaris Dvald.

Donos nodded his head. "I understand Doctor... But.." he hesitated a moment. "I need every able-bodied crewman at their post as soon as you can get them there."

"Yessir. I won't keep anyone here a second longer then I must but... some of these people will need rest."

"I know Lenaris. We have help coming but they are nine hours out." Donos sighed softly. "I don't have a choice. I am sorry."

"It's fine sir. It'll be done. Dvald out.". The com system went silent as Donos sighed. "I hope. this was worth it.."

Duran nodded her head. "The Klingons started this fight... not us sir." she paused. "Talon would be saying the same thing... and, I'm glad I get to serve with her again."

"You and Talon have worked together before.?"

"I was her Chief Medical Officer before I was assigned to Starbase 23 as their Chief Counselor before I was assigned here." the small Bajoran explained.

"Ahh," Donos responded with a smile.


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