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Talons, Fangs, Claws and Teeth - Part Two

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 3:01am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Captain Astrid "Alex" Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 77: Made Glorious Summer
Location: Low Orbit over B Kayor - Various Locations
Timeline: 1000Hrs - April 9th, 2392

The newly named Alex Yamaguchi found that the last hour of her life was far more then she had expected, it had also been far different in that it had been exhilarating, debilitating, exciting and exhausting in more ways then she could have imagined.

Talon Yamaguchi walked beside her. "See... I told you it would be alright."

"I almost feel like I'm hallucinating... I feel so strange.." Alex responded softly. "Almost like I'm... I'm in heaven... I never imagined.."

"That your family would turn out to be decent people after all you've been through... That you find this reality." Plataea responded. "I've had this chat with Ouros and Selendis. Lassara is something of a lost cause... But then all families have their black sheep." the Halanan explained with a casual shrug of her shoulders.

"So.. Lassara hasn't accepted Jakes's offer?" Yeager inquired gently.

"She's still considering it... Even though I know in my heart that she isn't... She'll never accept Jake as her father because of what the Jake in my home reality did to his own child..." Plataea responded with a light shrug of her shoulders.

"What did he do?" Yeager inquired softly.

"He used to beat her. Sometimes with his fists and other times with various inanimate objects... I always intervened... Then he turned his attention to me... He ignored Ouros and Selendis... Even though Selendis wasn't his child. She was mine that was a product of rape with Captain Stephen Caldwell of the Endeavour." she shook her head.

Talon Yeager chuckled softly. "Well, the Stephen Caldwell of this reality is a good man... He's also a very good friend of mine. But... I will leave you guys to share that detail with him... If you wish."

"No. I consider that issue sorted out. Caldwell doesn't need to know about it." Plataea responded. "Besides Jake has claimed Selendis as his own, saying that she has his name if not his blood and as far as he's concerned, the matter is closed."

Alex Yamaguchi smiled. "Now that's just deep." Yeager's twin responded. "How much further.?" she inquired, as she had no idea where she was heading.

"We're here," Yeager responded as the three entered Jake's outer office where a young man was working at his posting. "Hello Commodore, Captain, Captain." He addressed all three in turn.

"Might we get in to see Jake Yamaguchi?" Plataea inquired, with a soft smile on her lips. "I mean whenever he is available?"

"The Admiral is presently busy with a meeting, right this moment ladies... But I can slot you in afterward, he has an hour before his next engagement... But I can let you see him." he indicated Yeager. "Because his sibling...wait.. there are two of you."

"Yep... James, meet Alex. My long lost twin." Yeager threw her arms around Alex's shoulders. "We were separated at birth... I'm so happy we found each other... Now I need to introduce her to Jake."

Lieutenant James Furlong nodded. "I understand... You three are now slotted in to see Jake."

"Thanks," Plataea responded, a gentle smile on her lips.

Just then the door opened and out walked Three flag officers, all of them wearing only one star apiece, however Plataea, and the twins of Talon backed up out of the way and came to attention.

The young Lieutenant turned. "The Admiral will see you now."

Plataea smiled. "Thank you so much." and she led her two charges into Jake's office which was moderately well lit but clearly Jake didn't like a lot of bright lights. He was standing before the large viewport as he looked out into the firmament of space. Suddenly he turned to face Plataea and the two Talons. "Ladies... To what do I owe the pleasure?" he looked between the three. "Wait... Let me guess.. the transporter broke and we now have two Talon's roaming about the cosmos... Is the universe truly ready for such epic levels of insanity?"

"Hey, I protest. I resemble that remark. Thank you, Jacob Lee Yamaguchi..." Yeager responded in an angry tone, despite the smile on her face.

"Oh crap. I'm in the shit now." Jake responded with a good-natured smile. "Well if you guys came to pester me and bug me then it can't be all bad... can it?" Jake responded before he turned to face his new arrivals.

"Jake... meet Alex Yamaguchi... She's a refugee from the same alternate universe that I come from." Plataea did the introductions.

Jake regarded Astrid. "Ahh.. " he rose to his feet before he almost bowed to her. "Welcome among us Alex. I assume you've met that insanity given form that is April?"

"She was... Not what I expected." Alex responded. "I was... terrified of meeting her... I didn't know she would be anything different than the April I left behind."

"I should hope not... Considering the horrors Plataea here has shared with us... and... What Lassara shared with Rachael who then shared it with April."

"Wait... Rachael did what?" Yeager inquired.

"That's by itself.. is a long story... But the short version is that Lassara more or less sexually assaulted Rachael's husband-" he was interrupted with Plataea getting angry. "I am still not happy about that," she growled.

"-and Rachael didn't like that. Not that I blame her for being upset... I would be too but I've decided to not get involved. The rest of our sizeable family is doing likewise... Rachael got into a fistfight with Lassara over what happened with was inconclusive at the time, but Lassara merged minds with Rachael and showed her everything." Jake explained, a gentle smile on his face. "and I do mean everything."

Alex gently slid her lithe form into a chair at Jake's desk. "You are not like the Jake that I knew... He was a brute... You ... are different."

"Thats because I care Alex. I look after my family and I try to protect them... I also never ever turn my back or close the door to them... Even Lassara who hates me... She does have cause however and I know she'll work through it in time..." Jake sighed. "At least I hope she does."

"But you've done nothing wrong to deserve it.." Plataea protested softly.

"No. No, I haven't... But that's irrelevant Plataea. What I wish is not important... What she has chosen is at hand... Ouros and Selendis both accepted my offer and now I have more children... Honestly a development I'm happy with.. as I did want more children to be honest.."

"You did..?" Yeager responded quietly.

"Yes... Torilla and I are looking at adopting a few of these Ferasian children who have no home... No family... I can give that to a few of them... I just wish I could give it to more.."

Astrid looked shocked. "I wish... I wish that... the Jake I knew was a tenth of the man you are... I never imagined." she commented gently.

"I got much the same response from Plataea here... Except hers was worse.." Jake responded softly. "But that was because of the Pineapple Incident."

"Yes. I remember that incident quite well... As I too was affected by that while bathing in one of the ship's pools." Yeager responded with a soft smile. "Let's just say I have great fun with Davijaan.." she turned to Plataea. "You too had a great time from what I heard..."

"Yes.. a Threesome with Jake here and Nalla.," Plataea responded.

"Ouch... Sounds... painful" Alex responded. "Isn't Lieutenant Furban some kind of psionic weapon?"

"Nalla Furban is a rather special case... She ended up downloaded a lot of memories from myself and my memories of the evil Jake... for lack of a better word and herself into Jake here." Plataea explained with a gentle smile. "I got to... have my way with Jake here.."

Jake chuckled softly. "Let's just say it was.... educational." he responded with a smile. "If nothing else. I will remember it for the sex."

Plataea suddenly grinned. "You were simply magnificent and you were gentle, nothing like the Jake that I knew."

"I simply turned out differently due to my experiences here in this reality. I could have very easily turned out just like him or even worse.."

Plataea regarded him as she gently touched his shoulder before moving her hand to the side of his face, when he automatically turned his head to look at her. The Halanan woman blinked. "I'm Sorry Jake.."

"It's okay.. I know what you wanted.."

"You ... you did?" Plataea sounded suprised.

The Twins. Alex and Talon both shared a look. "Wait.. what just happened?" Yeager inquired.

"I think Plataea wanted proof that the damage she did to Jake wasn't permanent and that he doesn't hold malice towards her for it."

Yeager paused. "I didn't know.."

"Yes... Jake has good cause to hate Plataea even though what happened was indeed not her fault, if the reports I read are any indication." Astrid commented, a gentle smile playing at her lips. "Nobody was punished and the entire event was just somewhat brushed off... Had the Jake or the April I know been involved, they would have had everyone responsible hunted down and then put to the sword."

Jake agreed with this statement. "Yes.. My counterpart would have taken both Orion women, raped them both and then murdered them both."

Plataea sighed as she nodded. "Yes, that is what he would have done." she regarded Jake. "Have I mentioned how envious I am of your wife Jake?"

"Yes." Jake answered quietly, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Even though you are not my wife in this reality... You are still a Yamaguchi.. Because your children are my children."

Alex didn't believe what she was hearing. "I... I cannot believe you just said that..." she paused. "Okay, hang on... I need to pick my brains up off the floor..."

Jake regarded his sister's long lost twin. "Because I am different to the... thing you knew." Jake paused in silence as he shrugged. "Family is important to me. Torilla and I didn't have them but a version of me had them with a version of the woman who is my wife in another reality... Now that she-" he indicated Plataea as he spoke "-lives there now... I can at least show her the respect she is due and claim her children as mine."

Alex regarded Jake. "Some would question you on that choice Jake.."

"Let them. I care little for what people say about me behind my back.." Alex responded lightly. "We all know you mean well Jake... But others will question and inquire."

"She does have a point Jake," Yeager added a moment later. "But I already know what you are going to say."

"So I'll say it anyway... My kin are important to me. I look after them and protect them. Ouros is the twin of Elizabeth and from what I hear,
the two get along quite well. Selendis gets along with Gabriel and his wife. Lassara and Rachael, however, have their issues and problems."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "So... What are you going to do about it.?"

"Nothing whatsoever," Jake responded with a soft smile. "Rachael is a big girl and she can fight her own battles... I trust her to do whats right for herself and her children."

Yeager smiled. "So... Alex... Still think you made the right decision?"

"I do. Very much so." Alex responded. "the right choice in coming to meet you Jake... about putting to bed forever the claim to fame that I keep hearing about you.... and the differences between you and the beast that wore your face in my previous reality."

"Previous?" Jake inquired.

"This reality... is my home now.." she paused before she turned to Plataea. "I still have that drive system you wanted to look at."

"Good." Plataea responded before she turned back to Jake. "More will come from our original reality." she let out a sigh. "I suspect that this won't be the last we see of them."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I'll have a few of my engineers come look at your ship Alex. I suspect you will be of great help to us in developing some kind... any kind of defense against them."

Alex smiled. "Of course.. I'll do whatever I can to help."

"Good... Now I'd best prepare for my next meeting and you three.. Go have a long lunch where you can discuss how to implement this idea... Let me know what you come up with...and I'll pass it along to my guys."

"Okay. Seeya later Jake." Yeager rose to her feet before she turned and went out the door, followed by Alex. Plataea remained behind a moment as Jake gently pulled her into his arms. "You might not be my wife... but you look like her in all respects..." and before she could respond, he gently kissed her on the lips.

Plataea smiled as she kissed him back before she too, took her leave of him. The three women regrouped outside of Jake's office in the hallway. "So... That was educational." Alex commented softly. "I think my poor mind can't handle too many more shocks today..."

"Yeah.. Jake is a man I can be proud of." Yeager responded. "Come on you two... lunch awaits us... and I'm hungry.. I am eating for three afterall." and with that, the three women began walking down the hallway towards their next destination.


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