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Separating Facts from Fiction

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:43am by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Commander Patricia Kingston & Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Major Sir Bruce "Scorch" Fraser, 15th Baron Fraser of North Cape & Lieutenant Commander Lia Circe & Lieutenant T'Lee Duval & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Command Master Chief Petty Officer Maiev Shadowsong & Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Nettles

Mission: Mission 64: Mortal's Chiefest Enemy
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 0900Hrs - February 4th, 2392

Commander Daniel McKnight regarded the personnel clustered around the large table which dominated the room. "Alright. Thank you all for coming... Now as you all know, the Captain is conspicuous by his absence. He felt he had to go help his own liberate slaves and I will not begrudge him his choice... as the Akurians are his people and that is his choice to make... Lieutenant Selgae has offered to join him on his leave, frankly I felt she needs it but.. thats me speaking."

There were a few soft chuckles around the room at that statement. McKnight pressed on. "Alright.. Since I have been advanced to acting Captain. I have spent the last hour looking over who will take over as acting Executive officer... My first choice for this was Commander Celeste Yamaguchi. She has accepted so starting tomorrow she'll be wearing command red rather then medical teal... Lt Commander Tanya Stevenson will take over as acting Chief Medical Officer."

The asian-looking woman smiled. "Nobody in here is due for checkups and the like so you are safe.. for now." as she smiled.

McKnight indicated the young Vulcan woman who was also new. "This is Lieutenant T'Lee Duval, she is taking over as acting Chief of security."

T'Lee smiled. "My troops and I will protect you from nameless shadows, your personal fears and rampant holograms."

"Right then.. Everything else will continue as normal but we do have a mission to take care of which we will be getting underway at zero nine hundred tomorrow morning.. I would like all of our personnel recalled within the next eight hours so we can finish preparations to get underway."

Jen Nettles inquired. "Sir where are we heading?"

"We're heading to a colony with no name... ironically enough, just a serial number which leads me to suspect a couple of things right away." McKnight tapped the display as the hologram at the center of the table activated, it displayed a planet marked as being called "AQ-2834-474-Ab also known as Dylans World." McKnight explained. "We have reliable information that says members of the colony that was established here to keep various people contained within."

"Wait.. This is a penal colony?"

"Yes." McKnight explained as he brought up the information relivant to the meeting. "Most of this is classified above TOP SECRET... As you can all see.. this is why."

"Augments." T'Lee commented. "Wait... They have the designation... Project: Spartan."

McKnight nodded. "I was briefed on all of this yesterday by Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi.." he regarded his personnel. "The situation is quite volatile.. and these Spartans were designed to fight and defeat the Dominion and the Borg... Several personnel in Starfleet knew of this and two retired Admirals were in command of the project." he gave the particulars. "Admiral Susanna Hood followed her children onto this colony and John Masters disappeared. We still don't know where he is."

Nettles nodded. "What is our mission sir?"

"We are to go here and secure this colony. We have proof that the Klingons have already been here and have kidnapped several Spartans for their own eugenics program that starfleet believes they have revived."

Bruce Fraiser sighed softly. "The dreams of madmen, I see we will never be free of them.." he shook his head. "What happens after we get to this colony?"

"We liberate the colony and evacuate all the people encountered there." McKnight responded. "The people there will be resettled elsewhere deeper inside Federation space as Federation citizens.."

"But if they are augments. Then they should be imprisoned." Tanya Stevenson responded.

"They are not augments in the technical sense.. They were created and grown in a lab. If I'm reading this right.." Commander Patricia Kingston supplied. "You wish to lock people up for being too smart?"

"They are illegal in the eyes of the law." T'Lee Duval spoke up.

"So you advocate genocide?" Kingston responded. "Thats a tad over the top... Don't you think?"

Lieutenant Lia Circe, smiled as she regarded the conversation with amusement. "What about the halfbreeds among us?" she inquired of Stevenson and Duval. "Aren't they technically augments too.. we have the best and worst of both species.."

McKnight smiled. "We were not augmented." he responded. "one parent was a member of one species and the other parent from another species." he commented. "These guys were not augmented either.. they were created. not born... There is an important difference... Don't lose sight of that fact... Now are there any other questions?"

There was silence. "Alright.. Dismissed everyone." and just like that the meeting was concluded.


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