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Argent Moon

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 9:23pm by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Captain Javier Morales & Commander Sokanon It'kla & Commander Nalla Furban & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky
Edited on on Mon Apr 6th, 2020 @ 1:45am

Mission: Mission 48: The Third Pineapple Incident
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1500Hrs - November 5th, 2391

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi sighed softly as she went over to Nalla Furban who seemed to be having issues. "Nalla...Jake!" she called. "Jake.." she turned to Nalla. "Nalla... Jake brought in the twins... where did he put them?" she paused. "Jake....wait... Jake would have thought ahead.." she
said quietly.

Torilla Unal slowly woke up. "Torilla... Jake left them... in the Doctors office with the EMH as a babysitter.."

Torilla Yamaguchi nodded before she turned and went over to the Doctors office which was closed and locked. "Computer. open this door." Yamaguchi demanded.

Th door slid open as the EMH was sitting in a chair looking after two sleeping children. "Can I assume the disaster has now passed and that you are here to reclaim these?"

"I am here for them and yes...the issue has passed." Torilla responded. "Thank you Doctor for caring for my children. you can be assured it will be remembered."

"Hmm.." he peered past Torilla. "I've got work to do. I had best tend to it."

"Please Doc..." Torilla smiled as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Gabriel Yamaguchi. Son... can I send the twins over to you for awhile.... I need to help with cleanup and the girls are not available."

"Sure mom, I'll come get them myself."

"Be warned its a right mess down here.... we've had... I want to call it a pollywater outbreak."

"Lovely... I heard about the last couple on that ship..." came the disembodied voice. "Alright I'm on my way. see ya shortly mom." and with that the comline went dead as Torilla gently picked up her two children, she regarded Paul who looked more like her than her dad before shifting her attention over to the other one. Tressa had more in common with her dad as she had his eyes nose and lips but both children has their mothers skin tone. "Come on guys... lets get you out of this... rattrap."

Torilla Yamaguchi shifted her weight to accommodate two three year old children as she stepped out of sickbay while the various people around her were sorting themselves out.

A few minutes later her son came around the corner. "Hey mom, you weren't kidding... its like a wild sex party all over the place.."

"Yeah... and its not just this ship either." Torilla gently handed off her two children to her eldest son. "I'll be along to pick them up from you later okay?"

"Its fine mom, Savannah and I were going planet-side with our three, we were going to take them to the beach... we'll take your two with us... "

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Torilla smiled warmly at her son. "Its good to see you."

"You as well mom.... I'd best be off... Savannah is waiting."

"Alright, be safe." before she turned and went back into sickbay. She sighed as she picked up a small medkit that was lying around. "Alright... who's first." she went over to Sokanon who was curled up in a ball. "Easy Doctor... Let me tend to your wounds."

"But-" Sokanon whimpered.

"Relax. Its nothing I've not seen before.." Torilla responded as she began tending to the Caitian's sexual wounds, about five minutes later she was finished before she moved onto the next issue on her rather lengthy to do list.

She went over to the wall monitor as she tapped the display, it displayed an error message as Torilla had forgotten what a run down scrapheap this ship could be so she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Courageous?"

"Morales here, whats the word sir?"

"Its a right mess down here number one... I need as many medical supplies as you can spare, with painkillers preferably and as many dermal regenerators as you can send me."

"Understood skipper, we're on it." there was a silent pause. "Any ideas on what caused it?"

"Yeah... something akin to a polywater outbreak.." Torilla sighed. "Its ugly..."

"Want me to send additional people?"

"Negative.. Just send the supplies to this ships sickbay.." she paused. "Send some people to the Dreamcrusher and the Tranquility. Make sure that the crews of both ships are alright... they weren't as badly affected as Roanoke was.. "

"No worries skipper. We're on it... Anything else?"

"Nope... go to it Number one... Yamaguchi out." as Torilla slapped her combadge, she mentally cancelled all of hr plans for this evening.


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