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Your in Command Now

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 4:33am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander John 'Nuke Em' Sheridan & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 40: Thirty Pieces of Silver
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0840Hrs - 11th August, 2391

Teval, still somewhat groggy, walked onto the bridge with Ryuukei and Hakaya, with Teval asking, "Well, today is when we start moving our shit to the new saucer isn't it."

Ryuukei nodded, "Yeah, that's the schedule, though its still pretty lenient though, we switch saucers tomorrow, but the old saucer will be remaining here for the next 3 months, so its not like you guys wont have ample opportunity to move all your stuff."

Teval nodded, saying, "Well, time to inform Zara and get this ball rolling then." He walked to the ready room and hit the door chime.

"Enter" replied a female voice from within.

Teval in his groggy state didn't even register the voice was not Zara. Walking into the office he commented, "Hey Zara, so the saucer chang-" Teval finally registered that the person sitting in the chair wasn't Zara, it was Admiral Nechayev. He blurted out, "Um, Admiral, where is Zara Tane."

"Zara Tane has resigned her command and her commission... she's off on the starbase now... she'll be heading back to Trill in a couple of hours.." she smiled sweetly. "I hereby promote you to the rank of Captain... you're in command now... Computer transfer all command codes to Teval Vakar, Authorization Nechayev Nine Four Alpha Tango."

"Command codes transferred. USS Roanoke is now under the command of Teval Vakar."

Teval just blinked in confusion, but decided it was better to play along, "O.k. um, thanks admiral."

Nechayev produced a small black box which she then handed to him. "You'll also want to wear command red going forward." she responded. "As for your new Exec.. I'll leave you to handle that one yourself."

Teval took the box and opened it, seeing the extra pip in it, then closed it again, saying, "Um, thank you admiral, is there anything else you need from me."

"No.. I know you got work to do... so I'm going to let you get on with it.." and with that Nechayev rose to her feet and departed without another word.

Teval just stood there wordlessly, with Hakaya and Ryuukei still standing here, just as surprised as Teval. It was Hakaya whom said it first, "What the fuck just happened?"

Ryuukei just sat down on the couch, "I wonder what happened to Zara Tane."

Teval taped his combadge, saying, "Lt. Commander Benice, Lieutenant John Sheridan, Master Chief Von Estling, can you three report to the captains ready room please."

"On my way," Gyce called out immediately.

Gunther responded over the comm, "On my way."

Teval sighed and just resigned himself to what was going on. He put the fourth pip on his rank badge, but he was keeping it silver. He then sat down on the couch next to Ryuukei, staying away from the captain's chair, and waited.

"You called Comm-" Gyce paused and corrected herself when she saw the pips. "Captain." Equally, she was also confused with what was going on.

Gunther came in next, and was equally surprised by Teval's new rank.

Sheridan smiled. "Morning...wait Captain?" he asked.

Teval laid it all out for them, "Yes we had a visitor today. Admiral Nechayev stopped by, declared that Zara Tane has resigned her commission, and has put me in command of Roanoke. I don't know about you guys, but I smell something awfully suspicious about the whole thing."

"I could look into her official letters to brass and see if the syntax of her resignation letter matches them," Gyce offered.

Sheridan raised an eyebrow as he narrowed his eyes darkly. "Something... stinks and its not me." he turned to Gyce. "Did you have someone take out the trash?"

Teval looked at Gyce, "Well, first things first, I would like to take a look at the security recordings. I have a sneaking suspicion Zara was drugged at the time Nechayev had her carted off, and yes, check to see if the resignation letters are authentic. Next, we need to find out exactly what happened in that pod."

"I think Tane gave me that assignment already," Gyce spoke as she pulled out the data rod from her messenger bag. "Command key to something shiny she didn't tell anyone about... anyone but Olmos."

Teval nodded, "Well I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, you are free to conduct your investigation as to how you see fit."

Sheridan nodded. "Well... I don't know that we'll need to contact the skipper of the USS Shogun for assistance."

"I'll need a sci-tech for information retrieval," Gyce told Teval. "And we'll need a good engineer... I don't know what shiny thing I'm supposed to acquire, so I may need volunteers from security, a few pilots, and a week's worth of rations ready to go."

"Pick whomever you want," Teval replied, "That's pretty much up to you. We aren't doing a whole lot over the next little while, so Roanoke's departments can spare pretty much anyone. you will need to grab a few from the deck Crew, they will know what to look for."

"I would suggest you let the crew know discretely... I have to meet with Olmos and I don't know how long that meeting will be. Nor how I'm to acquire the toy." Gyce sighed in frustration. "I'll try to figure out soon, I guess."

Willdo," Teval replied, and as she left the room, Teval turned to Sheridan and Gunther. Picking up a PADD, he tossed it to Sheridan, saying, "This is a list of some of our more useless crew members. Zara had begun to work on this, but its not everyone. So I need you two to investigate these people, as well as weed out all our other people. Dot your I's and cross your T's, but see to it that we have the proper evidence to boot these fools out of starfleet. The days of Roanoke being the ship of the damned are over."

Sheridan almost drooled at the prospect. "Consider this matter handled Teval." he turned to Gunther. "We're gonna need a lot of coffee for this one." as he indicated the door. "Shall we?"

Gunther nodded and the two of them left the ready room. Then Teval decided to call the next four in, tapping his combadge, "Tom Lasky, Luhanna Wintersnow, Ra'Vak, Rykar Jukani, can the four of you come to the captains ready room please."

Lt Commander Luhanna Wintersnow blinked as she raised an eyebrow, before she gently ran her finger tips over the large dagger which she had stabbed into the table. "Ahh I so love my work.." and with that she departed out the door, her hooves making a soft clopping noise.

Duval regarded the large dagger as he sighed. "Fucking hell woman..." he sighed, meanwhile elsewhere Lt Commander Thomas Lasky moved down the hallway as he turned and went over to a turbolift. "Bridge." he said quietly.

A few minutes later, he exited the turbolift as he found himself regarding the only female Draenei on the ship from behind. "Luhanna?"

"Yes?. Oh." as she stepped to the left while she waited for everyone else.

Teval then remembered Duval and tapped his badge again," Sergeant Major Duval, you might as well come too."

Rykar and Ra'Vak both arrived on the bridge, and they both saw Teval sitting in the ready room, with the captains rank, prompting Ra'Vak to say," Oh, well, this is different."

Lasky nodded his head. "No doubt." as Luhanna smiled. "But he looks so adorable."

Teval waited for all five of them to get to the ready room, he then explained," Well in case you all where wondering, Zara Tane has been taken into custody by Nechayev, and Nechayev gave command of Roanoke to me. I don't know where Torilla has gone, but I looked at the command codes, and she is no longer assigned to the Ship. I already have Gyce picking out a crew to look into the matter. But this is what is going on."

Lasky sighed. "So... Nechayev shows up.. bags Torilla off to wherever she's gone... probably gonna be an actually command since Zara said she'd never let her get out of hell.." he responded.

Teval nodded, then added, "Unfortunately even if we get Zara back, its doubtful Torilla will come back to Roanoke, so for now I have to plan for the worst. We need a replacement XO."

Teval Looked at Ra'Vak first, whom put his hands up and shook his head, "Sorry, not me, I have no command training and in all honesty, engineering is my call, I don't want to be an XO."

Teval nodded, "Well, that answers that question." He then looked at Tom and Rykar, "Both of you have been commanders before, so you two are my next pick. Tom, I know your planning on moving out of fighters so your going to need a new job here pretty soon."

Lasky nodded before he turned to Rykar. "I'll take it if you don't want it."

Luhanna raised an eyebrow. "I'm liking my new job so I'm in no rush to leave it... Sorry guys..." she responded. "Besides.. I'd be under ranked for it anyway.."

Rykar looked at Tom saying," I was only a commander for a few months, and right now, Operations still has fewer officers than they should, I prefer not to leave them hanging dry."

Lasky nodded. "I can serve as your Executive Officer... Until you find a permanent solution for your issue."

Duval raised an eyebrow. "You... are really determined to punish yourself Mister Lasky... Well I tell you what.." as he produced a bottle. "Drink all of this... and if... you don't throw up... We will all consider your punishment paid in full." as he handed the bottle to Lasky.

Lasky accepted it. "What is it?"

"Klingon Moonshine."

Lasky blinked. "You are serious.."

"We need you." Duval responded bluntly. "We need you focused on the task at hand... drink that... after the present disaster has past."

Teval just decided to lay it out," Tom Lasky, given recent events, yes, your actions against Torilla and Elizabeth cannot be excused. But at the same time, your actions in the fire cannot be ignored. That being said, This time around, I am changing your punishment. In one months time, You will go on leave, and you will pay your Sensei Lei Shen a visit, and you will tell him exactly what you did. I will call ahead and let him know you are coming. He will be the one to handle your disciplinary action. After he see's fit to let you come back to Roanoke, you will get your promotion to commander, but at the same time, I will be watching you closely, and if you make another screwup like this, I will throw the book at you so hard it will knock your head clean off, am I understood."

Lasky knew he had to atone for his misdeeds and doing it at home would work for him. "Yes Teval. You are very clear."

Duval smiled. "Excellent." he muttered softly. "At last... someone with stones.." he sighed as Luhanna smiled at him. "You know I can hear you thinking."

"Good." Duval responded bluntly. Teval nodded," Now that that is settled, Tom, you will be taking over as XO. Train up your replacement in the fighter wing, and screen any incoming crewmembers and keep the losers out. Rykar, you will be taking over as second officer, you will also be screening all incoming personnel. Luhanna, your third officer. Keep doing your colony Liason job and start the paperwork for our next colony support mission. Jeffery Duval, Assist Rykar and Tom with screening incoming personnel. Roanoke's time as being the ship of the damned is over. We will not be accepting losers anymore. Now personality cases that are good at their jobs, and people with less than stellar records but are otherwise decent, those I don't mind. In fact, people with a few marks on their records are really better than those with spotless records, because those with a mark or two, that have recovered are usually the better ones anyway."

Lasky nodded. "Alright.. I'll select three guys in the air wing at random and start there... I'd also like to recommend Ironhide as the new skipper for first wing.. Also... I'll leave the air wing stuff to Wukari.. She's in the best shape for it. "

Duval nodded. "I'll handle things... since I've not done much for the last while, I'm going to go back to work... my vacation is over."

Luhanna smiled. "I'll have the paperwork on your deck by this time tomorrow."

"Wukari just got promoted to flight Commander yesterday," Teval added, "The personel report has confirmed she is taking over as permanent CAG. Phoenix just got promoted to Captain Commander and will be taking over as CAG of the battlegroup, commanding all Fighter Corps personnel on both Roanoke and our complementing carrier. Ironhide and Leadfoot both just got flight Major promotions, but the group will be expanded to three wings, so we will need a third wing commander. Either way Tom, train Ironhide and Leadfoot well. Also see if you can track down a good candidate for our third wing commander."

"I'll have a look... turn over some rocks and see what I can turn up." Lasky responded. "Ironhide won't be hard... I don't know Leadfoot though.." he paused. "Cyclops and Wicked Witch are both good but Camshaft needs more time."

"Leadfoot was promoted because he has the most experience," Teval added," Plus he will be leading a wing of Scorpions, which only Jetfire is the other squadron commander with experience with those birds. None of the other squadron commanders have much experience with scorpions, that's why Leadfoot got picked."

Lasky nodded his head in agreement. "Makes sense.. But we're still down three squadron commanders and a Wing Commander. I'll look into the matter." he paused. "What about Zara?"

"Gyce is already looking into it," was all Teval responded.

Lasky nodded as Duval inquired. "Anything else you need us for Teval?" the massive man inquired.

Teval shook his head, "No nothing at the moment for now."

Both Ra'Vak and Rykar left the room without saying a word.

Duval nodded. "Okay.." and with that he turned and walked out, followed by Luhanna Wintersnow. Lasky remained a moment longer before he too departed.

As Lasky departed. Jake Yamaguchi walked through he door as he regarded Teval. "What happened?" he inquired. "First my wife seems to disappear.. considering she and I were set to go on vacation after I promoted Zara to Commodore... who is.. also nowhere to be found.."

Teval shook his head," No idea where Torilla went, as for Zara, I believe she is in Nechayev's custody. Nechayev was here this morning, and she promoted me to captain and put me in charge of Roanoke, while claiming that Zara has resigned her commission and command."

Both Ryuukei and Hakaya, whom where still in the room, remained silent.

Jake slowly sat down before Teval. "That would explain a few things." he responded. "I can't find either one of them anywhere... its like Torilla just vanished and Zara fell into a black hole." he sighed. "I think Nechayev has grabbed my wife too.." he regarded Teval. "What do you got in mind for your next move?"

Teval shook his head and shrugged, "Not really sure at this point. Gyce is looking into the matter right now, but unfortunately I have little else on it."

"Lovely... trust Admiral Nechayev to truly know how to ruin everyone's day." Jake sighed. "Computer.. Interface with the Starbase mainframe. Where the fuck... Is Admiral Nechayev.?" Jake growled softly.

"Admiral Nechayev is in the officers lounge. level three oh-"

"I know where it is." Yamaguchi responded bluntly. "Teval... I leave this... in your capable... claws.. I have an Admiral to skin..." he turned and marched out.

Ryuukei, Teval, and Hakaya just sat there staring at the door before Ryuukei finally broke the silence, "Well, that went well."


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