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All Under Heaven

Posted on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 5:02pm by Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1900Hrs - May 16th, 2391

Rachael Yamaguchi smiled as she walked down the beachfront with Ennis, he had brought Sarah and she had brought Saki. Rachael had invited Elizabeth and Kameron so she could get her sibling and Beth's husband some time for themselves.

Rachael regarded Ennis as the two of them found themselves. "Hey.." she smiled at him.

"Hi," Ennis smiled brightly in his blue floral boarder shorts. "Glad you and your family could come."

Rachael regarded him, as she wore a single dark red one piece that really flattered her looks. "I wanted Elizabeth and Kameron to get some time off... they can watch the kids... while we talk... if that's alright?"

"I'm more than fine with that," Ennis smiled. Content with the moment. "You need some time to relax as well. Being a single parent is rough sometimes."

Rachael nodded. "Mom sometimes helps... Gyce also did, as does Siaxx and Jill." she explained. "When they watch Saki, I catch up on sleep or paperwork.." she explained. "You seem to get along with Elizabeth and Kameron..."

"Not many I don't get along with," Ennis smiled and took her hand into his. "You don't mind if I hold it, right?"

"Of course not." Rachael responded. "I never had a guy who asked first... I'm used to dealing with one kind of guy who wants only one thing from me."

"Sex is good, but it's not everything," Ennis laughed. "Then again, most guys don't see a good lass worth keeping until they've gotten older."

"Well. Thats the price I pay for being a single mom, with a child who has unusual needs." Rachael explained. "I'm worried about Saki... She's already been through so much on this ship.."

"You wouldn't be a good parent if you didn't worry... But you can't be atop them all the time either. Sometimes they need to fall and pick themselves up again."

Rachael turned her head as she regarded her older sibling who was presently hanging out with her own husband who was presently building a large sandcastle with Saki and Sarah. "Elizabeth doesn't give herself enough credit... She's great with kids..." Rachael sighed softly

"Most people think there is such a thing as being a Perfect Parent... She'll learn on her own there's no such thing. All life is trial and error," Ennis told his girlfriend.

"Saki loves her aunt... She has gone from living in a cave to this, with a dozen people who all fawn and obsess over her. Its almost disturbing at times.." she turned her head as she regarded him. "But.... What about our relationship, which... I think its budding quite nicely."

"I think we're in a good spot," Ennis answered honestly. "Been over a year since I lost my wife and I have been reluctant to date anyone because I didn't want Sarah thinking I was replacing her mom... Seems she likes you as much as she does your daughter."

Rachael smiled. "Thats because I told her straight out I'm not going to replace her mother, I'm just getting to know her dad." she smiled at him. "We still on for dinner tonight?" she inquired. "We can leave the girls with Mom or Elizabeth and... We can spend some quality time together."

"I would love that," Ennis agreed, then kissed Rachael on the top of her hand. "I'll probably ask Olmos to watch Danny and Sarah. She loves looking after young ones from time to time."

Rachael raised an eyebrow. "Saki could benefit from hanging out with Olmos as well..... Do you think she would be alright with it?"

"I don't see a problem with it. Olmos might like the lass," Ennis smirked. "If she could raise Doctor Furban, I've no doubt she'll welcome Saki."

Rachael raised an eyebrow as she regarded him. "Saki is a handful alright." she responded. "she has Siaxx's sense of humor and Elizabeth's temper... Which, can be an explosive mix.."

"Saki will have Sarah with her. So I don't foresee the lass' temper getting in the way," Ennis pointed out.

Rachael looked up at him, concern etched on her face before she slowly smiled. "I worry about Saki..." she admitted.

"You aren't a good parent, if you don't worry about your children," Ennis consoled. "But I am too... Sarah and she tend to stick with the feline pack at school, or to themselves."

Rachael regarded Ennis. "Saki has mentioned she's having issues in school. I thought it was just because of the fact that she spent most of her life in a cave and slicing up meat or collecting wood or water all day long." she sighed softly.

"Kids always fear what they don't understand, regrettably," Ennis remarked sadly.

"I could say the same about a lot of adults too." Rachael responded. "You however are several cuts above... which makes you something special."

"My folks believed that one could not be thankful for their wealth until they saw the world for how it works," Ennis spoke thankfully and reverently. "There is always a reason for why people are they way they are, and though I don't like some of people, it is not for me to judge without first knowing the facts."

Rachael nodded her head as she held her silence. "Like mom said... don't knock it until you try it." she then smiled up at him. "That's... kinda how I ended up with Saki in the first place..." she admitted. "trying sex for the first time.... I took what I thought was every precaution... I missed one.."

"Despite the heartache you endured, Saki is a lovely child," Ennis pointed out with a huge grin. "Brave and noble."

Rachael smiled up at him. "Some would call her insane and out of control." she responded. "But Saki keeps telling me that she likes you."
she paused. "Do you want to make our relationship official then?" she inquired.

Ennis smiled brightly, kissed the back of Rachael's hand, and nodded. "I would, if you're willing. But I would rather have the approval of your folks first."

Rachael looked at him. "Really?" she inquired. "Mom and Dad trust me to be able to my own choices..." she grinned at him. "and yes... I am willing, you treat Saki like she's your own daughter. Daniel and Sarah both like having me around." she explained. "Plus... you make me feel... great." was the word Rachael settled on. "What does that tell you about my standards for men?" she joked.

"That you act on what your heart wants," Ennis answered both honestly and diplomatically. "Sometimes that's a bad choice, but most of the time, it's a good one."


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