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Fire and Ice - Part Two

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:56am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1030Hrs - June 14th, 2393

Fleet Admiral Heather Duval was presently sitting in the officer of the commanding officer of the Starbase. She regarded the Bolian female before her as she listened to what the other female was saying. "Well, you'll need a new commander for the Starbase as my new assignments take effect on July the first, my new assignment is the Ninty Second Fleet's Carrier Division."

Duval nodded her head. "So, whos available then?" the human female inquired as she sat down in one of the chairs. "What. I'm not as young as I used to be," she added, by way of explanation.

"Rubbish, you're in better shape then I am, most days," Vaxx-Warfield answered as she regarded the woman who was twenty-two years her senior.

Duval gave the other woman a saucy grin. "Well, that's because I manage to have a good relationship with my body rather than a one night stand," she commented. "You, on the other hand, have a new infant in the house," Duval added. "So.. Who do we have as candidates?"

The taller Bolian female lifted the PADD. "Maraad, Celeste and... Siaxx."

Duval didn't miss the hesitation and nor did she miss the hatred either. "You and Siaxx, still not getting along?"

"No and I doubt we ever will see eye to eye on anything, worse yet is that she is married and has children with my brother," Vaxx-Warfield explained. "We might try repairing our relationship, once I'm away from the starbase and out of her face." the tall Bolian female explained with a soft sigh. "All, because I was following the rules."

Duval regarded the other female before her. "Sildra. Are you unerring in your duty? is your honor perfict.?" the older female inquired of the average sized Bolian female in front of her. "Are your feelings clear?" she added a moment later.

"With Siaxx. No." Vaxx-Warfield answered quietly. "She and I have always had our issues. I always wondered what my brother saw in her.."

Duval regarded the Bolian female before her in silence for a moment. "Do not wonder any further Sildra. Your brother loves her, that's all you need to know," she commented with a nod. "Do not continue this feud any longer Sildra otherwise she will succeed in turning your brother against you," Duval explained. "Do not make my mistakes." the older woman let out a sigh.

Vaxx-Warfield paused, as this was something of a revelation. "Your mistakes?" she asked.

"I have an issue with Lawrence and his spouse was not happy with me as a result. I felt he was living up to his potential as he was a master computer programmer but he went into tactical, which doesn't utilize his skillsets. I said as much and he didn't take it well, he wanted a challenge and he got it in tactical but I disagreed." she sighed softly. "His spouse stuck me on notice that she was not having it and she was also in Starfleet too." Duval paused as she let out a sigh. "Once I realized that I was wrong... I had to let it go and it took me a while to let it go, he was in the same boat as me as he wasn't expecting me to get so vocal about it." she regarded the Bolian female. "Do not make my mistake Sildra."

Vaxx-Warfield held her silence. "I'll try, the rest is up to her."

"Alright." Duval paused. "Let's look at who's available. Let's call them in," she commented.

Vaxx-Warfield tapped her combadge and she did just that. Several minutes later the last of the group called had just arrived. Captain Maraad Skyshatter was sitting in a chair as Captain Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs was seated on the sofa, looking rather comfortable there and next to her was seated Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx, the small Bolian female looked happy and at ease.

Vaxx-Warfield regarded the three people before her. "Alright, I called you guys in simply because we need a new commander for the base. My new assignment takes effect on the first so... Maraad, what of you?"

"My assignment takes effect at the same time as you, I've been asked to resume my flag rank and take over command of the Ninty second fleets seventh division so I'm out," he explained evenly.

Dvald-Vaxx and Yamaguchi-Hobbs shared a look. "So, we need a new Commanding Officer and a new Executive Officer but we got us two," Siaxx commented evenly. "I am not ready for a command of this scale but if you should wish it, I will serve as Exec to you." the small Bolian commented.

"Okay then. I'll take over the base." Yamaguchi-Hobbs commented with a gentle smile. "Siaxx, are you sure about this?" she inquired of the small Bolian female next to her.

"I am." the small Bolian commented, with a gentle smile. "I need to deal with my own problems and sort out my own house before I can do anything for anyone else," she commented before she looked at Vaxx-Warfield but she didn't say anything, the look, however, was very clear and everyone in the room saw it too. "Besides Chen wants to spend some time with me and the kids, as a family. I've not seen them over the last few years and its showing."

Yamaguchi-Hobbs nodded. "Alright. So I'll take you as my Exec, so I will need a new colonial liaison officer and a new second officer to replace you and me respectively." she paused a moment. "I'll take some time and see what I can get... But I suspect I will need new people to replace what we lose."

Duval nodded her head. "Keep me informed and I will see what I can do for you."

Yamaguchi-Hobbs nodded her head in response. "Aye Admiral."

"Also, since you are taking command of the base, I'm going to have you promoted to Commodore for the assignment, if you leave the base for another posting, your rank will revert back to Captain." the older female explained.

Yamaguchi-Hobbs smiled gently. "Yessir, though I do not wish to leave for a good long time, I have a family to raise and I want them to have some stability."

"Works for me, Celeste," Duval answered, a wide smile playing at her lips. "Your promotion takes effect on the first. Same with both of your assignments." the Fleet Admiral explained. "Siaxx, will you have any issues or concerns?"

"Nope. I have no issues or concerns." the small Bolian female responded.

"Alright, that's it then," Duval answered as she rose to her feet. "Thanks for coming guys." and with that, she departed.


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