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Fire and Ice - Part One

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:51am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Admiral Jake Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0930Hrs - June 14th, 2393

Fleet Admiral Heather Duval smiled as she placed the PADD she had been reading onto the done pile. "Jake?" she inquired.

"Yeah, Heather. What's up?" Vice Admiral Jake Yamaguchi regarded her with a gentle smile as he often found himself going over details with Heather Duval, the fact that he was not the best Executive officer ever as he was simply not experienced in the arts of being an Executive officer as he was used to being in command. He found that he needed to stop making the choices that Heather was the one who needed to make.

"Jake. I want you to explain this to me. If you wouldn't mind terribly?." Duval commented with a soft smile. "You wish for demotion to Captain and to assume command of a ship in the field." she regarded him with a raised an eyebrow, she was clearly unsure of how to process the request before her so she decided to ask him.

"Well. Yes... I had to realize that I was not the Exec you wanted or needed... and I was happier than serving out in the field, I joined Starfleet to explore and not sit behind a desk."

"Oh," Duval answered as she paused, she knew she had to handle this carefully otherwise he could take offense. "I do understand Jake and you are the Exec I wanted." she smiled. "Don't ever think you are not because I know what drives you, unlike most... You care about your people and you aren't about to start being an ass like many Admirals I know... like Upton or Haftel. That's why I need you, Jake." Not want or asked for, needed. That said a lot about her.
"I need a reminder that an Admiral has to be a people person and not fall back behind the rules when they find someone who confronts them."

Yamaguchi listened to her but he wasn't sure if he believed her. "I'm not sure if I believe that," he admitted.

"Why not?" Duval answered. "Jake, you sit here because I wanted you. I knew you were capable and I knew you deserved a chance, considering the insanity and drama you had endured the last few years." the older female explained. "Oh yes, Jeff told me all about what happened. What happened between you and Torilla, that damnable hologram and the insanity you endured at the hands of Nalla Furban. Oh yes, Jake... I know everything." Duval commented softly. "I know why you want in the field, the other reason you don't wish to tell me." she paused. "What Nalla Furban did to you, was disgusting and it angers me that she did so." Duval added in her soft dulcet tones.

Yamaguchi knew what she was saying and so he decided to tell all. "Heather, in my mind, I can still hear her voice, I can still feel her," he admitted, it was almost a whisper. "Sex with a Deltan is... like a drug."

"I know. Jeff told me about the real cause of the first and second pineapple events on that damned ship," she explained. "Before you demand reassignment back to Captain and demotion for no good cause. Let me explain myself. See Jake... I asked for anyone from Roanoke, in whatever posting they were serving on that ship, to come and serve with me. So long as they were not already committed to other assignments. A few of them were but I was able to arrange for their ships to be assigned to your old Exec, Paul Emerson."

"Emerson will do a fine job commanding the Ninty second fleet. Even though all of his personnel are under-ranked for the jobs they have." Yamaguchi paused. "I feel I owe him."

"He would disagree. As would I." Duval answered. "I know what the original crew from the old USS Roanoke needed, they need time to reflect, adjust, learn and grow from their experiences on that ship..." the older female explained. "I know you want in the field Jake but besides. You're already settling into this assignment."

"Actually, yes. I am." he paused. "I know what my issue is... I want to run away from my issue." Yamaguchi sighed as he admitted the truth, it shamed him to do so.

"I know," Duval admitted as she rose to her feet before she came around her desk so she could take a seat next to Jake, she liked him immensely as he had a sense of humor plus he had an excellent work ethic. Duval knew she could take liberties with Jake that she couldn't take with many others as she sat down next to Jake. "Jake. I know why you want to leave my command and knowing what you've been through. I can't blame you." she responded before she sighed. "I'm sorry Jake... but... I have to refuse you, I need you by my side, Jake, we have new threats growing and I need the best people present that I can get my hands on."

"Fair enough." Yamaguchi paused as he let out a breath of air. He didn't like it but he knew she wans't asking lightly.

"Jake, I know why you asked and I know what it will cost you and what it might cost you," Duval answered. "So before you pony up the price... Let me say this. I want you in my command because you have what some admirals lack. You might not have the greatest amount of experience as an Executive Officer but you know how to lead, you also have a grasp of the fundamentals and you have a sense of humor. That last item is the main reason, though not the only reason as to why I want so badly to keep you, hell if I could. I'd adopt you as my own kin."

Yamaguchi had no idea that Duval felt like this. "I don't understand why."

"It's simple. Jeff speaks so highly of you that I had a hard time wondering if he was having me on, he has little space for anyone in his heart except kin and you managed to impress him. Several times. You know what he told me?" Duval inquired, a gentle smile playing at her lips. "He also said that you had an emotional maturity that spoke a great many things, you also did not melt down in public and you never ever raised your voice. This is Jeff Duval we're talking about, I can assure you that he has done his homework on you and I have learned to listen to my brother." Duval smiled at Jake.

"I'm flattered... I had no idea he thought so highly of me..." Yamaguchi answered quietly. "What else did he tell you?"

"Jeff said that you cared and you were willing to break the rules for your people. Now I've learned to listen to my brother as when he speaks, I've learned to shut my mouth and listen to him."

"Jeff doesn't talk much but when he does... I've learned to listen to him, he was a great help to me, through those dark months after getting mind-fried by Ms. Furban." Yamaguchi answered. "I learned a great many things from her, including memories from the other Jake Yamaguchi from the same universe that forced Plataea over here."

"Ahh. Jacob Yamaguchi, I recall reading about him... Enyo was giving me a briefing on the alternate senior members of Starfleet from her home reality and it was grim to hear... But I was almost relieved when she was finished. She said that I had died as a child and the Jeffery from there grew up alone, no siblings but he had poor parents, corrupt and decadent as they were. Which is hard to imagine."

"Beleive it. The other me was a barbarian who sexually abused his own children, he beat his wife often and he raped her on an almost nightly basis." Yamaguchi paused. "It still makes me ill to even consider that I could have turned out like him." he paused. "Oh, it gets worse... He raped one of his own children, to teach her terror."

Duval was horrified at the revelation as that one, she didn't know. "My god.." she paused as she pushed on with what she was saying. "Who knows Jake, in different universes, different laws apply, you and I both know that anything can happen, in that reality or in this one." she regarded him. "That's why I want to keep you because I can teach you what being a good Exec means and I can help you with your other issues... So when you go to your next posting, you will be ready to do whatever it takes"

"Alright. I'll withdraw my request." Yamaguchi responded with a soft sigh.

Duval simply handed him the PADD. "Someday Jake, you will thank me for this. But I know it won't be today... Besides, we stand at the crossroads of a difficult new future, one where will discard our old heroes and raise new ones in their places. I see that you have the potential to become Commander in Chief of Starfleet someday. You have the work ethic and you have a sense of humor, that last is the key. Don't ever lose your sense of humor Jake, no matter what happens. Besides, your next assignment might be to replace me as Commander of Starfleet Forces in the Taurus Reach. If you do, then I know you will do great things, Jake. All you need now is to believe in yourself as others already do."

"I sometimes wonder.," Yamaguchi answered quietly.

"We all have our moments of weakness Jake," Duval answered. "God knows I've had a few myself. Besides, you have your family around you. Kids and grandkids alike. Why don't you go spend some time with them all and let them remind you what you're working for.?" Duval answered with a smile.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll arrange something." Yamaguchi answered.

"Outstanding Jake," Duval answered, a twinkle in her eye. "So long as you can smile... Then you deserve to be in my command," she added.
"Now, what do you say we get back to work?" she inquired of him.

"Yeah, sounds like a great idea, we got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it." Yamaguchi agreed. "So what's next?"

"The assignment of the USS Asgard to start the construction of the new Starbase in the Achilles System."

"We have the resources for it, but the base is close to the Tholian Border... We can assign a battlegroup to the system on a rotating basis, they'd be there for several months at a time and they could also colonize the system and set up several bases there." Jake produced a PADD as he began to enjoy his work. "Plus the base would protect the colonies in that area like Joseph colony."


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