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Pick Me!, Pick Me!, Pick Me!

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 2:50pm by Captain Edward Tuck & Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Sokanon It'kla & Commander Nalla Furban & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 20: Outbreak
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - December 27th, 2390

Ensign Tienn growled. "What the Kosst!" as she slapped the PADD down. "What the khosst kind of a bug is this!"

Nalla worked quietly behind one of the lab islands as she looked through several medical diagnostic scopes. The make-up on the virus looked familiar, but still escaped her. Thus it took her several hours to look at the blood samples themselves.

Sokanon mewled. "I honestly have no idea..."

Tienn sighed as she gently pulled a blanket over the officer, he wasn't dead as she looked at Sokanon. "How many cases?"

"We have close to eight hundred souls down with this bug now.... many are stuck in their quarters." she explained. "We have almost all of our medics tending to them and we have some guys from security and marines, helping us with the mission." the Caitian paused. "But we have no idea as to what this thing is..."

Tienn really didn't want to deal with the dysfunctional woman so she avoided her whenever she could. "We need to find out exactly what we're dealing with."

One of the interns, a Bajoran woman named Shora Neris paused. "It almost resembles a blood-borne pathogen but its rather potent."

"Symptoms are concurrent with normal viruses, yet there are no changes from the patients that came in yesterday, when antibiotics were applied," Nalla spoke in a monotone, without looking at the others.

Siaxx raised as eyebrow as she drew some blood from one of the patients, presently in sickbay. "Okay... so what exactly are we dealing with then?"

"To know that, we need to create a contagion diagram and try to triangulate where the initial point of the virus was transmitted," Nalla added.

Siaxx handed the other woman the vial. "Okay... well. I need you in the lab, finding us a cure."

Tienn snorted. "you got no authority.."

Siaxx almost skidded to a halt as she slowly turned her head. "Ensign, go back to your work and do not mouth me off again.... if you do... I will make you regret it."

"Ladies... this is not helping us..." the Caitian suddenly hissed loudly in rage. "All of you, back to work now!" and when the people hesitated. "NOW!!!" she snarled angrily.

Nalla covered her ears, as the high-pitched voices began to grate on her sonic hearing.

The medical staff began to disperse as Siaxx went over to Tienn. "I let it go the first time...the next time you open your mouth, unless its something regarding the patients aboard this ship... You and I will have a very serious falling out.."

"Enough!" Nalla's shout, which she never did, was frightening. It brokered no give. "Doctor Dvald? I need a map. We can't know how the infection started without asking the sick who they came in contact with, and when. "Doctor Tienn? Get me various samples of blood and do your tasks on separate sides of the hospital."

Windspirit looked at the two women, as they hesitated briefly, and putting on a very stern voice she said," Hey Dipshit and dummy, I suggest you two will do as Nalla say's, or I get the Gorn over here to make you two to do your fucking jobs."

Siaxx shrugged her shoulders, turned around and walked off, as far as she was concerned. She was finished at the end of this mission and few could tell her otherwise so she simply ignored everyone else's complaining and simply went onto her next patient

Tienn meanwhile growled. "Stupid Bolian.."

Siaxx turned her head, her eyes blazed with molten fire as Sokanon turned her head. "Hey... stupid... you fucking deaf." the Caitian growled to the Bajoran. "Get your head outta your ass before I come over there and see what you're using for brains...."

Siaxx went over to the replicator, to stock up on what she needed as she was clearly ignoring the Bajoran who was trying to provoke her.

"She's got no place being here.." Tienn responded before Sokanon simply hauled off and punched the smaller Bajoran woman. "You are pissing everyone off... " she turned to a nearby nurse. "Go and fucking get me Toshnarr... Now!"

"Right away.."

Toshnarr came over. "You called for me Doctor?" he addressed Sokanon.

"Yeah... Tienn is assigned to you. Keep her away from us and out of my sight..." as she gave Tienn a rather evil glare.

"Right." Toshnarr turned to Tienn. "We're presently doing rounds on deck nine, grab your gear..."

Tienn grabbed her gear as she followed the massive Gorn out the door.

Siaxx meanwhile was tending to a patient nearby. "Easy... I've got you." she said softly. "Let me clean you up." she added quietly, completely ignoring the situation that had been sorted out.

Windspirit could only shake her head in disgust as she went back to work as well.

Lieutenant Tuck walked through the door, a large stooge between his lips as he went over to the medical station, he began whistling a tune as he did. "Oh.. what did I miss?" he inquired of everyone within range of his voice.

Windspirit didn't even look at him, saying, "You might as well pick up a medkit and get to work, we have a major viral outbreak, and we need everyone with medical training to help out."

"Righty-yo" he responded as he came over to the medical storage area, he obtained a medkit and a PADD. "Okay... Deck Eight.." and with that he smiled. "Well... I guess I'll be back soon." and with that he got out the door but he lit his cigar as he walked out the door.

"Ummm..." Nalla could not believe what she was staring at. Then she repeated a sequence of number and letters quietly, as if it were a chat that gradually got louder. "P21-A73... P21-A73... P21-A73!"

Nalla hit her combadge and spoke, "Computer, initiate lockdown protocols for deadly contagions. Authorization Furban-Alpha-2-2-5-Sigma."

The computer chirped an affirmative, then Nalla added, "Send out the Code White distress beacon. Chief Medical Officer's Authorization, Gamma-9--6-4-Alpha."

When Nalla was finished, she noted the others looking at her. And thus she informed, "We have a virus in the hemorrhagic fever family, loose aboard the ship. All hazmat suits must be worn. And only medical personnel with hazmat suits may board the ship."

Siaxx merely shrugged. "Whats wrong guys.... she's speaking as the Chief Medical Officer.."

Sokanon blinked her eyes. "Well... we thought you were the Chief."

"No.." Siaxx answered. "Nalla is... Its long and complicated and.... I don't want to talk about it right now but ... we do have business to conduct... so shall we carry on folks?" Siaxx said quietly.

Sokanon nodded. "Right." as she turned and went off to go clean up.

Siaxx gently scratched the back of her neck as she felt an inch brewing as she nodded to Nalla. "Good call." and with that she turned and went into the locker space.


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