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The Gamorrean Two-Step - Part Five

Posted on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 7:56am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen
Edited on on Tue Mar 2nd, 2021 @ 3:01am

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0930Hrs - October 19th, 2393

Lieutenant Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen regarded the display as she was now waiting in one of the Starbase mess halls for the arrival of the USS Heart of the Tiger, she had been told that the ship would arrive shortly and now she was quite prepared to sit back and wait for her new assignment to get here. She was fully prepared to board the ship at that time. She had spent the night at the Dvald-Vaxx's home on Utgarde IV, she had never been so pampered, even with her children as Ma'haat had wanted to talk to her about his feelings with Saki.

The chat was enjoyable and both boys who had been present had also had his own choice words on the matter as well. Herrar was much larger than his mother and he was almost the same size and mass as Yamaguchi-Cullen herself and then there was Ma'haat who was slightly larger than his mother and more massive then she was to boot. Both boys had wanted to discuss how they felt about Saki and while both were respectful of the fact that Saki was not a Bolian, they also understood that she was rather unique in terms of who and what she was.

Yamaguchi-Cullen had welcomed the conversation and it gave her a chance, to be frank with the two young men, Siaxx had raised both men well, as Yamaguchi-Cullen had reflected. But she suspected that Herar was only competing with his brother in a battle the two men had already fought over and that a winner had already been decided. Yamaguchi-Cullen noted that Ma'haat had won this battle and Herar was only keeping his brothers interest lest her steal away the prize in this ancient game. Saki herself.

Zhan and Xiral were both too young for this chat and neither cared to know about the issue at hand. It also helped that Chen was there to moderate the chat and play referee between his two eldest, as they were both his biological sons.

The chat had been educational for all concerned and Yamaguchi-Cullen knew that her daughter would be interested to know that Ma'haat wanted her in a physical manner, but that Saki was still too young for such things.

Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed softly when suddenly someone sat down across from her, the man was a Division Admiral and he was known to her, in fact, he was known physically to some of the women in her immediate family. Yamaguchi-Cullen found herself looking into the baby blue eyes of the man who would have been her mentor, just as he was the mentor to Elizabeth's husband, Kameron before he went into science because of the demands of family.

"Admiral... What can I do for you?" Yamaguchi-Cullen inquired.

"Nothing Rachael. I came.. to say goodbye and to thank you." Lasky said ina quiet tone of voice.

"Thank me... For what?" Yamaguchi-Cullen inquired.

"You got the ball rolling on sorting out that mess with Siaxx..." Lasky answered. "I got some news that I felt you needed to hear from me... JAG approved your medal... Except they changed it."

"So it's not going to be a Silver Star then?" Yamaguchi-Cullen kept her voice level, she was disappointed but not surprised with this turn of events.

"No... But your parents will be so proud of you." Lasky answered with a soft smile. "JAG decided such heroism deserved recognition. You've been nominated for the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor... Starfleet Command agreed... The notice came this morning and I asked to be the one to tell you... Captain Hunt is getting a real hero for his crew..." Lasky regarded her. "First your father and then your mother... Then your sister... Now, it's your turn..."

"I... I didn't expect this..." Yamaguchi-Cullen managed to get out. "I... I was desperate to shot down those missiles... I wasn't in it for the glory..." Yamaguchi-Cullen whispered. "I never expected to get a medal for doing the right thing..."

"I know... That's why you are worthy of the Federation's highest honor... As for the glory... It's there, for all to see..." Lasky answered. "Also the Heart of the Tiger has arrived... They'll be docking in an hour or so. Captain Hunt will make arrangements for your medal and the like for you."

"I'm Sorry Tom..." Yamaguchi-Cullen answered quietly. "I'm going to miss Plataea delivering your child," Yamaguchi-Cullen explained softly.

"It's fine, the demands of duty are what they are... Also its twins... One will be a girl... and I know what I wish to name her..." Lasky paused, as he had already overwhelmed the women before him with details already. "I seek your blessing to name her for you..."

Yamaguchi-Cullens eyes grew wide. "You want to name her... for me?... I am not worthy of this honor..." Yamaguchi-Cullen fought to keep her emotions in check, she failed as she tried hard to not weep but weep she did.

"You are indeed worthy Rachael. While I tried my best with you, through all the trials and tribulations we've been through. All the perils. Pitfalls. Problems and promises." he let out a soft sigh. "I tried to always do my best with you. Now you will be departing from my tutilage... Such as if has been. I wish you well on your life's journey my friend. Take care of yourself Rachael and take care of those in your care..." Lasky rose to his feet, Yamaguchi-Cullen came around the table and she hugged him. "Serving with you Tom... Has been an honor..."

"Likewise Rachael... Goodbye hon." and with that, the two parted company as Yamaguchi-Cullen departed the lounge in silence.


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