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The Gamorrean Two-Step - Part Six

Posted on Mon Mar 1st, 2021 @ 7:57am by Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Commander Hsirr Duval & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard / USS Heart of the Tiger
Timeline: 0945Hrs - October 19th, 2393

Lieutenant Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen moved down the hallway, while the com system requested her presence at airlock nineteen. The young woman made her way there and upon arrival, she was intercepted by another woman, this one was much larger and taller then Siaxx, she was about the same size as Admiral Lasky. Captain Rachael Yamaguchi regarded her granddaughter. "So Rachie, this is goodbye."

"Hello, Nanna." Yamaguchi-Cullen was on friendly terms with all of her family and her grandmother was no different. "I just wanted to say goodbye before you departed. I know you are probably sick and tired of all of the goodbyes by now but I just wanted to wish you bon voyage." Yamaguchi addressed her granddaughter.

Yamaguchi-Cullen gently gave her grandmother a hug. "Thanks, Nanna... Take care okay," she answered in a soft tone of voice.

"I'm surprised your dad ain't here." Yamaguchi slowly smiled. "He didn't wish to make issues for you?"

"Dad and I said goodbye earlier. When he reported for duty before I had breakfast in the lounge when Admiral Lasky said goodbye to me," Yamaguchi-Cullen explained in a quiet and gentle tone of voice.

"Don't be too hard on him Rachie, he has a special place in his heart for you," Yamaguchi answered with a gentle smile. "Lasky, I mean." the older woman added a moment later.

"I know, plus he's married to my aunt, which tells me he has excellent taste in women..." Yamaguchi-Cullen answered. "Considering he bedded my sister and my mother, both less than a week apart, one was thanks to mom's stupidity and the other was an event outside of his control." Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed softly. "He's not bedded me yet. Though I can promise you that he's considered the matter carefully."

Yamaguchi nodded her head. "Jake told me all about it, he also said that knowing my luck, he might end up bedding me too, which honestly, would not bother me in the slightest." as she smiled. "The last time I got laid was when your grandfather bedded me the night before I shipped out on the Goodson, before Wolf Three Five Nine..." Yamaguchi paused. "To say I need a good shag would be a truly epic understatement of truly universal levels."

Yamaguchi-Cullen found she had no words to convey what she wished to say to that so all that came out was a half cry and half-strangled noise of surprise.
"Umm... Wow... I'd go insane if I could have no sex for years..."

"Yes, most would..." Yamaguchi smiled at her granddaughter. "Anyway, you'd best heard aboard and go see to your new assignments various needs and the like." The two women shared a hug as Yamaguchi departed and Yamaguchi-Cullen went over to the desk. "Permission to go aboard gents." as she presented her paperwork from her messenger bag which she handed to the first security officer before her.

"Let us check you over first ma'am. Security regs, sorry for the trouble." the security officer commented evenly.

Yamaguchi-Cullen nodded her head as she stood and waited, while the two guards before her did their routine. Checking her bag and her orders before they handed her the PADD back. "Thanks, ma'am, for your time." as he suddenly frowned. "Apparently we are to inform the bridge as soon as you arrive, someone wants to see you." as he regarded the smaller female before him, she looked to be a real beauty.

Yamaguchi-Cullen raised an eyebrow. "I've only been here two minutes, if that and already I'm pissing people off, that's gotta be a record," she commented as one of the two men smiled, the other snickered softly. "Who knows ma'am." he tapped his combadge. "Airlock to Bridge?" the security officer commented.

"This is the bridge. Mmmm." came the response from a Caitian female. "What can I do for you?" came the purring sound of the female as she pressed on.

"Lieutenant Yamaguchi-Cullen has arrived ma'am." the security officer responded.

"Very well. I will inform the Captain and he will doubtless someone down to collect the Lieutenant. Bridge out." and with that, the comline to the bridge was severed. Yamaguchi-Cullen raised an eyebrow but she opted to say nothing as she received her PADD back. "Thank you, ma'am."

"No worries guys," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered, a moment later the door to the airlock opened and out walked a tall and well built human male, he regarded the smaller female before him. "Lieutenant Yamaguchi-Cullen?" he regarded her.

"Yessir," she answered evenly, he smiled as he offered her his hand, she took his hand in hers as she shook it. "Commander Kurt Bishop. I'm the ship's Executive Officer, Captain Hunt would have met you himself but he's stuck dealing with an issue that command tossed at us at the last second," he explained. "Also, we managed to keep your husband out of this matter so he does not know you are being assigned here," he added.

"Oh?" Yamaguchi-Cullen's surprise was utterly complete. "Wow... I can only imagine how he will feel when he sees me..." she paused a moment. "What about my accommodations sir?" the smaller woman asked of the massive man beside her.

"Doctor Cullen has the largest set of family quarters on the ship. He is looking after five children after all." Bishop regarded the smaller woman as they passed through the airlock and onto the Heart of the Tiger. "Permission to come aboard?" she asked, it was more of a formality than anything else but formality should still have been observed. "Granted Lieutenant. Welcome aboard." Bishop answered

"Thank you, sir. Since my accommodations are not an issue. I'll go to sickbay and surprise my husband." Yamaguchi-Cullen commented with a gentle smile.

"Sounds good. You start tomorrow at oh eight hundred El-Tee." Bishop turned and he departed, leaving Yamaguchi-Cullen alone as she went over to a nearby turbolift, she was gone a moment later, on her way to sickbay.


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