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The Mirror Scaled Serpent - Part Two

Posted on Tue Aug 4th, 2020 @ 4:55am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Captain Marrik F'enu & Captain Ariel Gilmore & Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Drigon Haro & Captain Duran Jerrold & Commander Duncan Mitscher & Commander Connor "Reaper" Maxwell & Commander Marie Fordragon & Lieutenant Commander James O'Malley & Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Tarleton Ravin

Mission: Mission 105: The Mirror, Shattered
Location: Admiral Lasky's office - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0815Hrs - September 25th, 2393

There was a sudden silence as everyone processed that detail when suddenly, the moment was ended rather abruptly as someone spoke up.
"What of the Halanan medical issue?" Captain Rachael Yamaguchi inquired.

"What-...Oh," Lasky answered quietly. "That's something I had not considered." he paused. "Alright, so the Halanan homeworld first... and then the wormhole project and then liberating political prisoners."

F'enu looked rather unhappy as he commented lightly. "Sir, how much interference is too much?"

"In this case Commander, whatever we do is not enough, we are at war with this Imperial Federation of Planets," Lasky responded in a quiet tone of voice, but there was no mistaking the iron behind it, his spouse was a former Imperial as were two of the senior officers present in the room. "Given the choice between then and us, there is no choice... Given that we have a chance to resolve the issues for a species on our side of the Gateway, using information from their side. I would call it a bargain." he shifted his attention to regard F'enu. "Under normal circumstances, I would argue in favor with you, you are right Commander. But these events are not normal."

F'enu regarded Lasky. "All the more reason to not abandon our principles."

"We're not abandoning anything." Rachael Yamaguchi commented. "They started this song and dance with us, we're going to deal with them. Another tertiary objective should be the resolution of this conflict if you can... if not then don't worry about it." the old woman in a young woman's body explained with a smile on her lips.

Gilmore intercepted F'enu's response with her own. "I can do it," she explained. "If Infinity fails when we can pick up where they leave off, our first assignment will be her recovery and then second, we finish whatever they missed." she paused. "We can be ready to go in three days."

"Good. I will ask around for a unit of Marines to go with you and to go with the Infinity. You might need the firepower." Lasky commented. "Call it a placebo for my worries."

"That's fine Admiral. I'll offload anyone I don't need and ensure my ship is ready for war." Gilmore answered with a rather zesty smile, except this one was all malice rather than of good cheer. "What of the rest of you.?"

"Connor, you will handle the patrol duties for the Peerless while her skipper is on this assignment, the Peerless will be moved into one of the yards for the matter that was reported to me. Issues with her armor plate if I'm not mistaken." Lasky nodded. Yamaguchi nodded in response. "It's not major for now but it's worth dealing with before it becomes serious."

"Very well," Lasky answered. "Duncan, you still are owed two weeks of leave time so you and your crew will still be given that, but you might be busy when you come back from leave."

"Aye sir," Mitscher answered with a nod of his head while Lasky turned to the other Captain who was also owed leave time. "Drigon, You too, will be sent on leave for two weeks but you might also be busy when you come back," he explained to the Bolian female. "Captain." he regarded Rachael Yamaguchi. "I'm going to assign you to look after things with the Gaarni for the time that Commander Duival is not with us on this assignment. Commander Bowman. I'll ask him to look after the six Lafayette class ships that presently don't have full crews aboard, maybe he can make something work and maybe he can't but they need attention too. He will handle matters." Lasky prefaced his orders in stark and simple terms. "Captain Gilmore, you'll leave at about oh eight hundred hours, local time on the morning of the twenty-eighth." he paused. "You'll go witht he Infinity and wait for her at the portal, on our side..." Lasky paused. "Anyone got any questions?"

"What do we do, if all this fails?" Ravin inquired.

"Then we will abandon subtlety and go for bute force, Captain's Mitscher and Haro will be recalled and all remaining available ships will be assembled for a strike through the gate. The purpose will be to rescue our ship and all of our people, alive and dead... Be bold, bloody and resolute for if they wish war.. We must have bloody noses and crack’d crowns." Lasky continued with his comment. "Sound trumpets! let our bloody colors wave!. And either victory, or else a grave."

"That's three Shakespeare quotes in one sentence," Gilmore commented with a wide smile. "It matters not, for they might have their cannons filled with dark wrath, And ready mounted are they to spit forth Their iron indignation ‘gainst thy walls." she then shrugged. "If they start... We'll make their hells a very crowded place indeed."

"Alright then." Rachael Yamaguchi added. "Anyone got anything else that needs to be added?" she inquired of the gathering.

There was silence as Lasky smiled. "Alright, everything thanks for coming. On your way everyone, we got a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it all." as the meeting had come to an end and everyone had begun to depart.


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