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Barbarians at the Gates

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 5:00pm by Captain Tolian Brevik & Lieutenant Commander Lindsay Watseka & Major Bart DeCrescents & Major Shessaa Brevik & Lieutenant Martin 'Pharma Bro' Shkreli & Captain Tom Winters & Lieutenant Stozg & Lieutenant Colonel Athaw "Warlock", son of Tohrnn & Colonel Anthony "Ironhide" Raynor & Chief Sergeant Nadine Jes-Tereth
Edited on on Wed Jan 6th, 2021 @ 6:10am

Mission: Mission 103: The Rumblings of Discontent
Location: Various Locations - USS Solemn Penance
Timeline: 1330Hrs - August 27th, 2393

Martin Shkreli sighed as he saw his dreams coming apart right before his eyes as he rose to his feet, he turned to look at the Captain's chair, knowing he was never going to get to sit in it ever again. "Arm yourselves... Prepare to defend the bridge." as he tapped the display. "I can't lock out the main computer." he paused. "Shit..." he muttered as he moved towards the ready room doors as he and everyone else heard a sudden popping sound on multiple doors. "Incoming!" he screamed as he charged towards the ready room doors, only to watch as all of the doors to the bridge open up and in came marines as they began shooting at everyone within.

Shkreli made it through the doors into the ready room. "Computer, lock the doors quickly!" he screamed as he quickly shot back to his feet, he knew that his loyal bridge crew would sell him out the first chance they got, that was assuming they survived.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, the phaser fire was quick and fast as the marines gunned down everyone present, without mercy, they tried to fight back but they did not last long. Vincent Shultz was gunned down at his post, Miranda Thompson was lying slumped over the Exec's chair while David Myers took six phaser shots, all almost at the same time, he ended up lying facedown on the deck. It was much the same for Alice Ortega who was standing at tactical, she took two rounds and ended up dropping at her post, in a heap.

Wanda Adkins shot one of the marines and she was rewarded with another marine bulldogging her, the sheer force of the impact left her winded before he drove his fist into her face twice, she spat out a mouthful of blood at him, he growled as another Marine pulled him off of her. "Easy MacKenzie, we need prisoners. Not bodies." Winters said to his marine. "Alright, lets police this place up, evacuate these guys to the Rawalpindi and lets square this place away." He shouted to his marines. "Where is Skherli..."

"He's..." Adkins whimpered, as she drooled a rather copious amount of blood. "He's probably done a site to site... somewhere." as she winced. "Oww.," she added quietly.

"Alright, easy, don't try to talk... We'll nab him..." Winters then tagged the downed crewman with his last transponder tag. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry this happened to you," Winters said in a quiet tone of voice. "

"Me too, I'm Sorry-" Adkins answered softly before the transporter effect took her away, cutting her off in mid-sentence.

Meanwhile, near the Captains Yacht. The transporter effect deposited Lieutenant Skherli. "I must get away," he muttered softly to himself.
He moved forward and onto the Captain's Yacht but he was halted from going any further by the sound of another man's voice. "Stop..." the voice sounded almost shy as if he didn't want to be here. "Turn around Skherli..."

Shkreli turned as requested to find himself face to face with John Watseka, he had a phaser in his right hand. "Watseka... You don't need to be here, turn and walk away... You gonna shoot me?" Shkreli inquired in a cold tone of voice. "You won't do it, you're a pacifist, a coward without the guts to pull the trigger... Get outta here you cow-" was as far as he got before Watseka shot him on light stun.

Watseka growled as he switched his sidearm from his right to his left hand, he then stomped over to where Shkreli lay upon the ground as he hauled off and soccer-kicked the man in the chest. "That's for what you did to my wife..." he roared as he hauled off and kicked the man a second time.

Shkreli screamed loudly. "Uhhh..." as he suddenly went for Watseka who was able to shoot him down before he was able to grab for the phaser in his hands, He set his phaser for maximum stun then he lifted it and blasted Skherli twice with it.

Watseka paused as he tapped his combadge. "Watseka to... Brevik?"

"Go ahead John?" came a male voice. "Go ahead." a female voice answered a moment later.

"I found Shkreli... He's outside the... Captain's Yacht... Send someone to help me with him please?" he asked, his voice sounding like someone he loved had died or something very precious had been taken from him.

"Hold on John, we're coming," Brevik answered concerned. "Help's on the way,"

As he said that, the nearby turbolift doors opened and out came four people, three of them were marines, Lindsey Watseka followed as Bart DeCrscents was leading the team. "Guys, please take that piece of shit away."

"With the utmost of pleasure Colonel." as the two marines quickly moved in and secured Shkreli for transport to the Rawalpindi, a moment later they were gone as Lindsey went to her husband. "Its gonna be okay John." as she gently hugged him. "Did he hurt you?"

"No... I tried to kill him." Watseka answered his wife's statement with his own.

"For what he did to me?" Watseka regarded her husband. "I know what your oath means to you John but... I don't think anyone would have held it against you..." she commented quietly. "But I know you well enough to know that you would have held it against yourself."

Watseka sighed. "I hate him for what he made me do..."

DeCrescents nodded, he knew this all too well. "Hey John, sometimes it's just gonna end shitty. Its gonna be either you or him... As for me, I'm, happy you're alright. I'm glad about the fact that you didn't kill him which is even better... Now he can tell us what he knows..." as he smiled. "Come on. Let's get outta here and go check in with the skipper, see what he wants us to do now..."

Watseka nodded her head. "I need a shower... and I good fuck. But sure, let's go see the skipper." she answered "Come on John. Let's finish this matter off and then we can go home and I can let you have your way with me." and with that, the three people turned and headed back for the nearby turbolift.


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