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Chains and Ladders - Part Four

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 5:22am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Brigette Hanson & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Gaarni / Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1110Hrs - November 10th, 2393

Lasky read the messages carefully, his eyes missing nothing. "My God," he whispered softly, he tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Operations."

"Operations here. Go ahead Admiral." came the answer from Plataea Lasky.

"Could you please inform Fleet Admiral Duval that I need to speak with her now... As in right this second. Tell her it's an emergency." he explained. "Also, inform her that when she gets here, come right in, don't bother with knocking."

That's when Duval answered. "I'm on my way, I'll be at your doorstep in five, out."

Lasky regarded Duval with a gentle smile. "I can see why you didn't want to inform anyone over the usual coms Ethan. Good move." Lasky commented. "Commander." he turned his attention to Hanson. "You'll be taking over the command of the USS Calenz immediately." he sighed. "I wish I had more time to get you acquainted with your new command. For that, I apologize." Lasky paused a moment. "But you have a well-trained crew. So with a little effort and a little luck. You should not have too many issues." With that, he plucked the little black box off the deck. Before Lasky rose to his feet. Duval and Hanson did likewise. "Lieutenant Commander Bridgette Hanson. I hereby promote you to the rank of Commander and the command of the USS Calenz." He paused a moment, while he gently placed the small box with her new rank into her left hand while shaking her right hand. "We'll do the change over this afternoon."

Hanson attended to her rank pips concern, she handed back the single black pip and the small box to Lasky. "Thank you, sir. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Lasky answered as he watched Hanson turn to face Duval. "Serving with you sir. It's been an honour."

"The honour was mine, Captain," Duval answered, a gentle smile on his face. "Good luck with your new command. Bridgette. I know you'll do well."

"On your way, Commander. Go enjoy a few hours. I'll expect you back here, dressed and ready to impress at about fifteen hundred hours." Lasky commented.

Hanson smiled before he departed in silence. Lasky turned to Duval. "Alright. Who did you want as your new Executive Officer?"

Duval didn't even hesitate. "I want Captain Ouros Yamaguchi. She's presently planetside on Utgarde IV."

"You're serious?" Lasky asked the other man. "She's a marine these days."

"She is still my student. She's also trapped in a cage... That uniform does nothing to help her. I can release her from those shackles... By giving her what you gave me." Duval answered quietly. "I am free to be my own boss, within reason. With Intel or the Marines. I am little more than a slave."

Lasky paused before he nodded. "I'll make some calls and hopefully I'll get back to you soonest. Will you go talk to Ouros yourself?"

"I will if I am permitted to do so," Duval commented.

"You are." Lasky slowly smiled. "I wish you luck in convincing her to join you. Her rank might be a concern, however."

Duval sighed. "Ouros had her rank reduced for no reason. She had done nothing wrong. Especally not enough to warrant a demotion."

"I assume you have paperwork to back up that claim?" Lasky commented.

"As it happens. I do." Duval answered. "Could I borrow an empty PADD?" he asked. Lasky handed him a PADD as Duval quickly found the file and then handed it back to Lasky. "This is her service record, from our nation-state of origin. As you can see, she didn't do anything stupid."

Lasky nodded. "Okay. I'll take this to JAG and let them handle matters. In the meantime," he commented and that was as far as he got before the doors opened and in walked Fleet Admiral Heather Duval. She had a gentle smile on her face. "You screamed for me. Tom. What's on your mind?"

"Admiral" Lasky rose to his feet as did Ethan Duval. Lasky handed her the PADD that had started this entire drama in the first place. "You'd best sit down before you read that. Only four people know of its existence. Now five, counting you ma'am."

Duval nodded. She slide her lithe form into a chair as she began to read the PADD. She glanced at the wording before she read it a second time, taking more care with the reading. "Wow. Someone's pissed," she commented softly. "How recent is this?"

"Less than two hours old ma'am," Ethan answered quietly.

"Lovely." Duval turned to Lasky. "How many ships do you have available?" she asked Lasky directly.

"At present. None." Lasky answered. "They are all on assignment. The Calenz is in for resupplying as is the Gaarni. But both won't be available for two days. At least." Lasky sighed softly. It wasn't his fault this was happening and the timing of it all really sucked. But there was what he knew and there was how he felt about it.


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