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Chains and Ladders - Part Three

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2022 @ 5:18am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Commander Brigette Hanson

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - USS Gaarni / Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1100Hrs - November 10th, 2393

The stars flashed and the starlines snapped back to points as the USS Gaarni emerged from warp near the Starbase. On the viewscreen the planet appeared, going from nothing to filling half the screen almost instantly, as the Starbase appeared before the ship. Duval smiled. "Take us in Xaxx, nice and slow..." he turned to the Vulcan woman at Operations. "T'Hutin, get us clearance to dock," he commented. "Inform the yard command we will only require reprovisioning," Duval explained himself. Even when he did not need to do so.

"Helm, drop our speed to two hundred kilometres a second," Hanson commented.

Sd'narr nodded his head. "Two Hundred KPH, aye Commander," he answered in clipped tones.

Lieutenant T'Hutin tapped the display before her. "Approach control, this is Gaarni, ready for docking manoeuvre."

"The answer was quick and simple. "Gaarni is cleared to dock."

Duval nodded his head. "Lock on."

Sd'narr worked his pannel as he smiled. "Systems locked."

The lights around the bridge seemed to dim while turning from their usual colour to a deep blue tone.

Hanson grinned softly to herself. "Vanguard, you have control."

The answer from the Starbase was clear and quick. "Affirmative Gaarni, enjoy the ride and welcome home."

Duval answered this time as he shifted his position in his chair. "Gaarni confirms."

The Gaarni slowly moved through the massive hulking slabs of metal that passed for the spacedock doors, Gaarni smiled as he watched the displays on his pannel. "Vanguard is moving us into position."

"Stand by to Dock," Hanson commented from where she was seated.

"Ready to dock sir," T'Hutin answered in her usual crisp tones.

Hanson watched the display on her own panel as he nodded. "Engage mooring beams and lock off..."

Sd'narr nodded. "Aye Commander." he slowly smiled as several new sounds could be heard throughout the massive ship as she came into position.

"And... Docking complete." Sd'narr reported as a loud series of booming sounds could be heard as the Gaarni physically connected with the Starbase.

"Thank you, number one." Duval smiled as he rose to his feet. "Well done everyone." he turned to his Executive officer. "Commander. Come with me, we're going to see Admiral Lasky. Everyone else, see to the safety of all hands." Duval commented. "I want everyone to stay close to the ship. I have a feeling that leave might be cancelled. Especally after I meet with Admiral Lasky." he commented.

Many of the bridge crew all traded looks, this was the first they were hearing of this. "If we are assigned to deal with this. I will brief you. If not then it'll be a week's leave, as planned." Duval explained to his crew. "Chief. I leave things in your capable hands." With that. Duval and Hanson stride from the bridge.

Chief Petty Officer Taijo Cara regarded the scene that had just played out in front of her, this was something different. However, she still had an assignment to carry out and she would see it done. "Alright. All department heads. I need to know what you need for reprovisioning. So I can get it to the logistics guys on the Starbase." the small-framed Bajoran woman explained to those present.

Meanwhile. Duval and Hanson walked into one of the transporter rooms. "Transport us to the Starbase Operations pad please?" Duval ordered.

The transporter operator nodded her head. "Willdo." as she went to work. Moments later. Duval and Hanson were transported over to the Starbase operations transporter pad. The security officer regarded the two officers. "Commander. Captain," he commented. "I need to check you over."

"Go for it," Duval answered. He knew the rules and he would abide by them. The security officer gave both officers the once over. He nodded. "You're both clear. Thank you for your cooperation."

"Thanks, Ensign," Duval answered with a smile. Hanson nodded to the man without saying anything. The two made their way to Admiral Lasky's office. Where they both ran into Admiral Lasky's yeoman. "The Admiral is free. He's expecting you. Go on in."

"Thank you," Duval answered with a nod before he went into Laky's domain. Hanson followed in silence. "Admiral." Duval addressed Lasky without any preamble.

"Commander." Lasky addressed Duval first and then Hanson in turn. "You got back here fast. Is something wrong?"

"I didn't want to explain over the communications systems, sir. I didn't want to take the chance that the Halanan government would intercept us the way we intercepted them," he explained as he handed Duval a PADD. "It's all here. A half dozen messages we intercepted and then decoded through SIGINT." Duval explained. "The only people who know about this are the two of us, you sir and my chief intelligence officer."

Lasky nodded as he accepted the PADD. "Take a seat, the two of you," he commented while he settled in to read what was on the PADD.


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